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ethics of supermarket

Guest jmatsu

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Guest jmatsu

i hate fucking posting pics, and i replying to mails is crazy tedious especially if you're selling more then one item.

alot of members try to snipe items by pmming while other potenital customers take hella long to pay (for whatever reason, legit or nonlegit). do other users of supermarket do the whole highest bidder thing? when time is of the essence would it be okay for one to sell to another customer after a contract has already been made? what is the standard payment grace period for supermarket.

i've also seen a bunch of shit for sale that i own and wouldn't mind selling. would the mods get pissed if i undercut other sellers in their own threads? possible account deletion? i'm so fucking tempted...

usually i wouldn't give a flying fuck, but i guess it literally pays to be a decent guy when it comes to biz and supermarket.

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The rules of internet society can be complicated.

But I don't see a problem with the behaviors you mentioned Jmatsu. If people can't cough up the cash they agreed to in due time, then that's their problem.

And if you can sell something for cheaper .. more power to you.

Capitalism is what it's about.

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Guest jmatsu

i would especially love to undercut the morons who get some obviously marked down shit on sale and try pawn it off at retail to the ignorant. it's not that i don't respect the hustle, but shits so obvious that it's insulting to people who actually "know." maybe i'm just jealous that they beat me to the thread...

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Guest jmatsu
pretty sad when you have to be taught what's ethical by an internet board, no?

it's pretty sad that this gaylord is still on my dick...

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in the buyer's perspective, its always great to buy things at the lowest price, therefore competition is always good

but to the seller/s, that means even harder to sell things in supermarket considering how many new threads appears/old threads gets bumper

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i've also seen a bunch of shit for sale that i own and wouldn't mind selling. would the mods get pissed if i undercut other sellers in their own threads? possible account deletion? i'm so fucking tempted...

honestly, i normally would be all for it i mean, especially for the ppl who are making a huge profit on their items, but i'd be really uneasy about undercutting the brits and european in generals as for most stuff, they would have to take a big loss to sell at US prices so it's real hard for these guys to sell anything. we canadians bitch all the time about having to pay more for shit than american but we really don't have it all that bad compare to some...

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Money talks, plain and simple. I was selling a Spruce sweatshirt and one guy gave me a lower offer than I wanted, but I needed the $. He said he get back to me with the money via PP. In the meantime some other guy said, Ill come to your house with cash (the full amount) and take it off your hands. Guess who got the Sweatshirt.

Invisible hand smack down bitches!!

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No more supermarket for me. I recently bought a pair of 1947 Sugar Canes the seller said were size 32, but when I got them they were 33. When I brought this to his attention he told me to take a hike. It's just not worth the pain.

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got to know who youre dealing with. you shouldve asked for pics. frequent posters who sells stuff on supermarket usually you can trust. :rolleyes:

No more supermarket for me. I recently bought a pair of 1947 Sugar Canes the seller said were size 32, but when I got them they were 33. When I brought this to his attention he told me to take a hike. It's just not worth the pain.
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I've had pretty good experiences in supermarket, save one: Someone posted a pair of jeans at a certain price. I offered to purchase them at that exact price and paid immediately. About a week or week and a half later I was yet to recieve them and got a refund for my funds. I went back to the thread and found the seller had re-posted and sold them for a higher price ($5 iirc). I wasn't extremely dissapointed as the jeans weren't anything amazing or super rare; they were just going to be used as a filler jean in my closet, but I did think that was a little fucked.

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I've had pretty good experiences in supermarket, save one: Someone posted a pair of jeans at a certain price. I offered to purchase them at that exact price and paid immediately. About a week or week and a half later I was yet to recieve them and got a refund for my funds. I went back to the thread and found the seller had re-posted and sold them for a higher price ($5 iirc). I wasn't extremely dissapointed as the jeans weren't anything amazing or super rare; they were just going to be used as a filler jean in my closet, but I did think that was a little fucked.

sadly i was almost tempted to do this once...sold a pair of jeans and didnt think about paypal fees...and after shipping and paypal fees, i got shit for money so i just wanted to refund it...but i sucked it up and sold it anyway

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^^interesting. my seller asked for paypal fees and those were included in my payment.

Fortunately, I've never had anyone fuck me over by not shipping the items. Anyone had any experience with this? Are you protected at all by paypal for something like that?

Edit: also, I don't think anyone should conditionally "dib": as in dibs pending measurements. You should only dib if you are certain you are going to purchase something.

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No more supermarket for me. I recently bought a pair of 1947 Sugar Canes the seller said were size 32, but when I got them they were 33. When I brought this to his attention he told me to take a hike. It's just not worth the pain.

that's fucked. who was the seller?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest jmatsu

a friend of mine's wife works in the marketing department for huge japanese porno film company. needless to say we get an abundance of free new porn. has anyone ever sold porn on supermarket??

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Money talks, plain and simple. I was selling a Spruce sweatshirt and one guy gave me a lower offer than I wanted, but I needed the $. He said he get back to me with the money via PP. In the meantime some other guy said, Ill come to your house with cash (the full amount) and take it off your hands. Guess who got the Sweatshirt.

Invisible hand smack down bitches!!


it should come down to the buyer who can pay the quickest. as a seller, i'm tired of "dibs", but the one thing that sucks the most is that a potential buyer usually asks for a lower price in the first place. another prob is with sellers with a starting offer w/ a bin. i've made offers within the gap, only to be turned down. wtf, might as well only have a bin.

can't really complain though; supermarket has people the same size as me. now i'm just waiting on some animals and an aircraft.

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i think there should be like a rule for bumping, maybe once a day or once every other day. if other ppl bump your thread then that's a bonus. I'm also sick of people who post vague shit like "Dior jeans MIJ for sale" and then 10 people will bump the thread just to ask what the price and size is. I say, if a post doesn't have the asking price, tagged size, pics, and perhaps measurements up. They are subject to deletion by mods. That's my feelings.

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^ theres a rule about bumping threads. but if its that unnoticeable, no wonder people dont follow it :rolleyes:

all details you mentioned should be included in a sale thread, if they're not the post will be deleted. however, you can probably see how fast the threads in the market move, so its impossible to spot everything. so go ahead and report any sightings like this.

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