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The Flat Head 3001 World Tour


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Sorry guys - sick at home today. It was pouring rain so not too enthused about going outside. Checked messages on Sufu and after one too many PMs from Khoiphan decided to take matters into my own hands.

Too much doggy walking for you...LOL..get better...;)

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Thanks for the well wishes Beatle - still working on getting better. Saturdays are always extremely busy days, with violin lessons, dance classes and auditions to get the little ones to, it is difficult to work some gratuitous denim shots in.

At any rate, as our esteemed denim mod is wont to point out, the Flat Head 3001s have a zipper fly, and not, in fact, a button one. They are the only denim pants that I own that have a zipper fly - actually that is not true - I do have one pair that I never wear that have a zipper. At any rate, a zipper can essentially be in one of two places - in the top position or in the bottom one. There are of course other intermediate states between these two extremes, but for all intents and purposes, your fly can be either up or down.

I bring this up because unaccustomed as I am to wearing a zip fly, it does not often occur to me to check its position. It is only much later, say after completion of a photo session, that one may notice such a thing. All that to say, my fly was down the entire time I was out taking these pictures, and for who knows how long before.

It is of particular interest in the first image, as I stand mirroring the stance of the "Welcoming Figure", placed by the Squamish Nation band on the shores of Ambleside Beach in West Vancouver. It stands with open arms to all who pass, inviting to "share the wealth of the land, the seas, the air"...and of course, the pants.


This shot is looking East towards the Lion's Gate Bridge, Stanley Park and downtown Vancouver.


This one is looking West towards Ambleside Beach and West Vancouver.


Ambleside Beach


I bid you adieu with one more shot with open arms, open pants, and a rainbow?!? - you can almost hear the angelic choir sing.



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the flat head zippers can lock so you dont have to worry about the zipper coming undone

zip it up all the way, put your thumb behind the flat part of the zipper and push down on the toggle thing

kinda hard to explain

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Today I went to my sister's place to view the progress made on their reno project. They just had their entire wall torn out leading onto their deck to open up the panoramic view of the Vancouver harbour. They can see from the Second Narrows bridge (on the left) all the way around to the North Shore mountains (around to the right).


We paused to view some denim as well. There has been quite some interest in my involvement in this little tour, and no small sense of bemusement amongst friends and family members alike.


Token ass(ish) shot to compete with Teeg.


I crawled up a ladder to the roof just to get an action shot.



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She was thrilled to see her "hole", as she calls it, yesterday. She has been following this thread with great interest since the jeans came to me and has been extremely helpful with taking pictures (along with several other long-suffering family members and my trusty tripod).

It is another rainy day today in Vancouver but the rest of the week is supposed to see some sun. I will see what I can come up with later. Cheers all.

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BTW - if anyone has any suggestions... things that you would like to see around Vancouver... images that you would like to see... any ideas at all really, let me know - you may see your ideas come to life before your very own eyes.

i am interested in ordo vs tojo.

and by tojo, vancouver peeps should know i'm not talking about a wartime general.

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As previously mentioned, today was yet another rainy Vancouver day, which, incidentally is my favourite kind of day. Not so good for taking photographs mind you. In an effort to compensate for the rain, I felt that it might help the entertainment value of these posts to begin to refer to myself in the third person. Henceforth, I shall only refer to myself as the Ordo. You may also do so.

Today the Ordo felt hunger and thus sought sustenance. The Ordo enjoys supping on the fine burgers of the White Spot, a classic restaurant of the British Columbia region, home of the "World Famous Triple-O Burger".


If the White Spot wishes to sponsor the Ordo to a lifetime of Triple-O burgers, they may feel free to contact the Ordo's people.


Hunger having been satiated, the Ordo remembered the challenge laid down by Ms. TG to an Ass-Off. Well let me tell you, the Ordo knows how to work an Ass-Off. First the Ordo walked one way down Robson street, his ass behind him.


Then the Ordo walked back, his ass still behind him.


The Ordo knows that in order to maintain a firm bottom, one must exercise. Stairs can prove very useful in this pursuit. Note: the Ordo had to hike up the Ordo's jacket in order to more fully display the Ord-erierre in this shot. The keen observer will also note that the Flat Head 3001's have very clean unadorned back pockets, unlike the gaudy painted pockets on some denim.


In a final salvo for the day's Ass Battle, the Ordo crossed the main shopping street in Vancouver, Robson Street, stopped in the middle, hiked up the jacket once again, stuck out his left buttock and pointed the left Ordo index finger at the aforementioned buttock, much to the amusement of the people in the SUV waiting at the light (and seen reflected in the store window).


The Ordo awaits Ms. TG's response.


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Decided to drop this whole nonsense with referring to myself in the third person - I understand that it is a sign of psychosis. At any rate, I have been working all day and am, in fact, still at work. Lacking a photographer or indeed a tripod, and in an effort to not miss a day, I decided to take a few hand held shots myself. On the positive side, no ass shots.


Took a brief break and reclined on the couch.


That is all for today.

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