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AVIA kicks?


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don't know about anyone else here, but back in junior high, Avias were the shills. right around the time of the first Nike Air Flights, the Reebok pump, etc., the kings of the high top game were Avia.

i half expected them to make a 'comeback' of sorts, i.e. reissue all their old shit for a second chance at a piece of the market share.

anyone remember? anyone care?

~multiflavored RodLavers~



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yeah i'm tellin you. i was like 11, 12ish around then. Avia 860's, 850's, 9somethins. I remember some kids i ran/went bombing with in queens, we thought we were cold as ice with them shits. and in high school up in the Bx, i still saw some F.O.B. nerds rockin them, but that was more like a mistake, not trying to come with the def styles.

they were the first sneak that when you went shopping with mom you were like No, mom! Not the Roos, or Ellesse, i need the Avias. (even though MF Doom sweats Ellesse now, they were always busted).

Next thing you know, every fame-hungry prepubescent thug in Q-boro (TMR baby!) was dipped in Avias. and not on some UK Britfashion bitchiness either, with 30 pairs all crispy clean and shiny. you had one faithful pair, and the more busted up they were, the better.

"Yo, your sneaks need breaking in!" (STOMP STOMP STOMP)

(maybe this is all due more to my middle class upbringing than an esoteric fashion sense, but whatever)

~multiflavored RodLavers~



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don't know about anyone else here, but back in junior high, Avias were the shills. right around the time of the first Nike Air Flights, the Reebok pump, etc., the kings of the high top game were Avia.

i half expected them to make a 'comeback' of sorts, i.e. reissue all their old shit for a second chance at a piece of the market share.

anyone remember? anyone care?

--- Original message by ABELnyc on Jun 11, 2005 12:05 AM

Yeah man I had some Avia's when I was about 14. Wore to school dances. I thought I was the business......
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