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  oxas said:
do we have a crust thread on sufu? late 80's crust is the way to go Electro hippies, extreme noise terror, nausea, disrupt ect.

i would be all over a crust thread...basically all i listen to these days is crust & black metal. from ashes rise, arrestum, tragedy, wolfbrigade, skitsystem, behind enemy lines...sigh. i should dig up pics of when i used to be scummy as fuck

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  oxas said:
in that vein, S.S decontrol.. thats the way.

do we have a crust thread on sufu? late 80's crust is the way to go Electro hippies, extreme noise terror, nausea, disrupt ect.

SSD is the shit.

  HermitEdge said:
Ceremony is exactly what is wrong with hardcore today.

Whoever mentioned SSD above, R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

BEFORE starting another discussion about problems in hc today, i invite you to read the whole thread hahaha.

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  heartofsawdust said:
i would be all over a crust thread...basically all i listen to these days is crust & black metal. from ashes rise, arrestum, tragedy, wolfbrigade, skitsystem, behind enemy lines...sigh. i should dig up pics of when i used to be scummy as fuck

black metal? you listen to twilight?

i feel like im the youngest kid in a thread of old timers ahah =P

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  heartofsawdust said:
i would be all over a crust thread...basically all i listen to these days is crust & black metal. from ashes rise, arrestum, tragedy, wolfbrigade, skitsystem, behind enemy lines...sigh. i should dig up pics of when i used to be scummy as fuck

black metal? you listen to twilight?

i feel like im the youngest kid in a thread of old timers ahah =P

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  LetsGetSerious said:
I mean they arent touring with bands like Trash Talk and Reign Supreme and Ceremony so people dont really mention their name. Their merch doesnt fetch ridiculous prices on eBay, so half of the people who come to shows arent interested.

Don't be putting Reign Supreme in with those two.

Until this UK tour I hadn't realised just how fucking good Trash Talk actually are. The records don't match up for sure.

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  LetsGetSerious said:
I mean they arent touring with bands like Trash Talk and Reign Supreme and Ceremony so people dont really mention their name. Their merch doesnt fetch ridiculous prices on eBay, so half of the people who come to shows arent interested.

Don't be putting Reign Supreme in with those two.

Until this UK tour I hadn't realised just how fucking good Trash Talk actually are. The records don't match up for sure.

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  Double D said:
Don't be putting Reign Supreme in with those two.

Until this UK tour I hadn't realised just how fucking good Trash Talk actually are. The records don't match up for sure.

their new record is mediocre at best for me, but when you see them live, ANYTHING they play is fucking mind blowing. they put on a great show, and you really have to see them live to get the full effect.

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  Darkeside said:
Which is what exactly?

(Friday work boredum post)

To be honest, I really don't feel the need to write a dissertation on it. I suppose it evidently comes down to personal preferences, and I'd rather hear a band that sounds like the The Abused, Bad Brains, Cro Mags, Youth of Today, or Straight Ahead than whatever the hell Ceremony puts out in their musical stylings. Call me old fashioned, but I also didn't care for American Nightmare styled hardcore, or bands such as Panic and the like. At the same token, I'm not into "arena straight edge" hardcore either, ie Verse or Have Heart. When I listen for a new band, I want it to hit me without giving me a headache, or confusing me as to what they're trying to do.

I have no problem with progression in hardcore, but at least have some kind of backbone to work off your style with. A good example of this would be bands such as Turning Point, Zero Tolerance, Supertouch, or even Fastbreak. All of those started off with a rawer in your face kind of vibe, and ended up either on the metal tip, or a melodic "lets have girls nodding to us" style. Plus it's 2008, and everything has been done basically. Hardcore is so far encompassing right now that you could play an acoustic guitar with a beat machine and try to pass it off as some kind great new mosh dance band. All you'd have to do is wear a lame Set Your Goals pin, cover Gorilla Biscuits and print up shirts that belong on a The Hundreds website. Gimme someone who draws inspiration from Token Entry that makes three sided painters caps.

/a fruitful rant.

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i think everyone here understands what he is saying, heBay makes a similar point every few pages, but all it comes down to is that most dudes related more to the bands they grew up with than whatever is current.

It is hardly a new argument, here or in the real world. It's not right or wrong it is just personal preference.

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hey hey now...you saying I sound like THAT, again and AGAIN!??!?!?!?!

I thought we were BROS mannnnn.

Let me make this long-winded and awkward for everyone...I can do that ya know.

Reasons why I am heBAY:

-I fucking kill shit and bring "dictionary'esque posts about totally rad/aggro/brutal bands people forgot/never heard about" to this thread...thus offering a "totally alternative" voice to the sea of everything else supporters...

-I inadvertently spawned a thread called "toughguy/beatdown" (in response to my "fastcore/powerviolence heads rejoice" jawn)...plus semi-successfully gathered an army of people who like their hardcore punk violently splattered all over the room, not shaken, nor stirred...

-I never made a topic about TWEE PUNK or any other type of fetal position'ry, "wah wah wah, my haircut tells you I eat balls a lot" music.

-Finally, muhfuckas vote heBAY cause I may have done something meaningful and perhaps opened up while inebriated, or maybe I sold them rare records back in '00 or cause they like the old Ghostbusters cartoon. My rep didn't get this sexy by posting daily SuFu fits or close ups of my ass/vagina/tits/upskirts/tentacles/weed/"nigga please <insert played out def comedy jam '94-like humor>" internets replies...


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  oxas said:
black metal? you listen to twilight?

i feel like im the youngest kid in a thread of old timers ahah =P

most of us are young...shit i'm not even 21. but young kids are the ones who fiend over this music

inre: black metal...don't listen to twilight but i think i'll download their shit right now, they've got one hell of a line-up...malefic, wrest, imperial, shit. there should be a separate black metal thread, though there is probably already one. but grim satan FTW

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