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And I'm not talkin about porn.

I didn't know where else to put this post, so I guess it belongs in "Supershopper"

Since so many of us on here actually have background in the hardcore scene, let's discuss. Favorite bands? 'zines? Labels? where you from? crews and city-wise? ETC ETC

I grew up in the Inland Empire/Orange County hardcore scene, favorite bands were Gorilla Biscuits, Bold, Flagman, Chain of Strength, Youth of Today, Bane, Kiss it Goodbye, 108, Fall Silent, Path of Resistance, Snapcase, Shelter, Zao, Botch, Harkonen, Trial, and Refused, to name a few.

Reppin' PK, which was responsible for members of Burial, daizee, Throwdown, Giveuntilgone, and other southern cali hardcore.

Lookin' back on those years, my favorite thing about the hardcore scene (besides the music) was the unity, direction, the drive and energy, the activism, and political awareness. Ok, I'll let someone else talk now.

thehundreds is huge.


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my lil baby exposure to 'NYHC' sorta...old school show: wetlands nyc. seven bucks. not really a hardcore show, but all of the acts turned their set into some whyle out, violence in the pit shit.

No Redeeming Social Value

The Goats

Shootyz Groove

Dog Eat Dog

great fucking show. some nerds might be all 'hey, they weren't hardcore, man, no way, dude...my bands were so much morerer hardcorererer...' but i say, when the shit is loud, you are going totally ape in the crowd, and the geetar stops and then jumps back on some CHU-CHUNK-CHU-CHUNK-CHU-CHUNK-BLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWW and heads is whylin out, that's a hardcore show.

but it never saved my life. not like Public Enemy did.

~multiflavored RodLavers~



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if kylesa is playing near any of you anytime soon i strongly suggest going to that show. best live band ive seen in years. for those of you that live in l.a. go check out the blood brothers, big business and the plot to blow up the eifel tower on the 17th at the el rey.

Edited by chimpanjesus on Jun 11, 2005 at 01:41 AM

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although i'm kind of starting to lose touch with the scene, hardcore is my fucking life!

my alltime favourite bands would have to be

bad brains (absolute f'n best band ever)

cro-mags (hardest band ever)

life of agony



dag nasty


maximum penalty



and most of the other classic nyhc stuff... you know what i'm talking about...

i can't really get into most of the current stuff, but there's one newer band that i totally back:


also lots of classic bands play reunion shows this year like killing time, 108, bold etc...

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See I knew it.

I grew up smack dab in the middle of the 87' 88' straight edge HC scene. It did totally save my life. Kept me out of trouble, really gave me something to identify with as a 16 year old.

Saw Judge, Gorilla Biscuits, Insted, Bad Brains, AOD, Chain of Strength, Up Front, Supertouch, Burn....I could go on and on. (don't even get me started on the DC scene) shit was waayyy crazier then than now. Much smaller and shows in insane areas where you mixed with the locals and they weren't happy about it.

I'm not much of a scenester these days but I have some good friends that run labels and are in a few pretty prominant punk / HC bands. I've also done alot of work for bands over the years.

glad to see other kids with a similiar past on here.

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cool to hear there are hardcore doods in here. i was a skin but grew up with the OCxHC scene in the 80s and hung out with guys from No For An Answer, Insted, Hard Stance, Head First, Half Off, etc. saw lots of the classics like Chain of Strength, Judge, Gorilla Biscuits, Swiz, etc etc. got out of hardcore by early 90s when it started to go metalcore....then got re-interested around 2000 with bands like Carry On that were bringing back the 80s sound.

nowadays i go to shows here and there...of the current crop i dig shit like Internal Affairs, Violent Minds, Knife Fight, Blue Monday, Champion...can't wait for the Carry On "reunion/official last gig" in July. crucial!

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Oh shit. I grew up in West Covina and listened to all that. I saw Social D with Cadillac Tramps at the Barn, I think it was in like 92. The Skeletones..shit...I haven't heard them in a while.

I moved up to Chico after LA and hosted a SKA radio show and played all that OC shit. What's the name of the record store near Cal Fullerton...B somthing?

come to mama


Edited by mama on Jun 11, 2005 at 02:02 PM

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the only CD anyone will ever need,, Bane "it all comes down to this" saved my life twice... in my eyes, ten yard fight, shai hulud, champion, piebald.. the days of being sxe and going to shows in Boston.. hardcore is dead..

Looky here, it's just the way the cookie tear. Prepare to get hurt and mangled like Kurt Angle, rookie year.

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Every time I hear fashion nerds talking about hardcore, whether it be in fashion mags or Frank 151, noone acknowledges the mid-late 90's bands. Yeah yeah, bad brains blah blah cro blah mags blah, obviously legends. what about 25 ta life (one of the best NYHC bands ever) and the legendary Boston legacies of Ten Yard Fight and In My Eyes.. any fucking dork with a CBGB's shirt knows about the fucking cro-mags... shit..

Looky here, it's just the way the cookie tear. Prepare to get hurt and mangled like Kurt Angle, rookie year.

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-bad brains (i second them as one of the best bands ever)

-minor threat

-7 seconds

-sheer terror (another one of my favorites)

-4 walls falling


-sick of it all


-negative approach

-gorilla biscuits



-slap shot

-stars and stripes


more recently (past 5 years or so):

-striking distance (best band to come out of dc since minor threat, imo)

-desperate measures

-suicide file

-count me out

-right brigade


Edited by krush021 on Jun 12, 2005 at 01:56 PM

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Oh shit. I grew up in West Covina and listened to all that. I saw Social D with Cadillac Tramps at the Barn, I think it was in like 92. The Skeletones..shit...I haven't heard them in a while.

I moved up to Chico after LA and hosted a SKA radio show and played all that OC shit. What's the name of the record store near Cal Fullerton...B somthing?

--- Original message by mama on Jun 11, 2005 02:00 PM

Bionic Records
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imo botch was and still is on top of it, ahhh love those guys. haha, cro-mags! no ones mentioned them for ages. bad brains, sick of it all, minor threat, shai hulud, throwdown, shelter, unearth, darkest hour, bleeding through.

ive got lots of respect for the founders of this shit, but i like the direction the music is going in (well most of it). i was definitively a pantera loving, long hair rocking metal head prior getting into the hardcore. hearing some newer dare-i-say 'metal-core' acts makes me feel all warm inside.

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I was big into hardcore some years ago, played in bands, booked shows etc.

For me:

Agnostic Front



Bad Brains

Morning Again


Kill Your Idols





Cro Mags

Bad Brains

and so many more

Bobby, similar to you I also became very disconnected from the "scene" about 5 or 6 years ago. Its crazy to me to see kids I grew up with or hung out with on mtv all the time, not because they are some soft of celebrity but I would have never guessed that kids screaming into a microphone would have a huge commercial appeal.

Edited by d on Jun 13, 2005 at 07:16 AM

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i never knew so many kids were into the core on here.

i grew up in virginia beach area, so i went to VA beach, richmond, and DC shows.




-no justice


-the first step

-bad brains

-7 seconds



-inside out


-alone in a crowd

bands that im into now

-last nerve

-down to nothing

-iron boots

.......and THEN i pulled out.

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