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some friends of mine stopped by tonight

Guest StuckOnStupid

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Guest StuckOnStupid

from hoboken. they put me on to some videos they made that are very good.

this is what people make in their spare time in hoboken.

i give you....

chin swing



and finally


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I don't even need to watch this to tell you that all (white) men over the age of 21 who still live in Jerz are washed up ex-skaters, have a pregnent girlfriend or a kid, and do way too many "zannies".

If these men are in fact black, I apologize.

They must really live in Newark or Camden.

or trenton .....

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Guest StuckOnStupid

whaa? too soon?

i thought this was actually fucking hilarious. so suck it.

pat tillman was in it as the voice of reason, goddammit.

like you fuckin knew any of those motherfuckers. im with phantom on this one.

if 30 deaths are a tragedy in VA, then 200 in bagdhad should have you taking a day off work to mourn.

shit, next thing you know i cant make 9/11 or holocaust jokes either?


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Guest StuckOnStupid
I don't even need to watch this to tell you that all (white) men over the age of 21 who still live in Jerz are washed up ex-skaters, have a pregnent girlfriend or a kid, and do way too many "zannies".

If these men are in fact black, I apologize.

They must really live in Newark or Camden.


nah, not ex-skaters. you probably actually know or know of these people.

but i cant blow spots. careers to protect, etc blah yawn vomit.

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Guest StuckOnStupid

i love how people feel they can handpick which tradgedies they get to wring their hands over and live vicariously through. motherfuckers are so completely emotionally retarded that they dont respond to shit unless there are teary "portrait of a victim" specials set to shitty piano music.

ohhh those poor people blah blah.

cmon...gimme a break.are you 12 year old girls?

hitler killed 6 million. mel brooks does springtime for hitler, and it runs for a million gazillion jillion years on broadway...wheres yr outrage?

and really, who was getting shit on here? the victims? or this korean sap with a speach impediment?

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Guest StuckOnStupid
I hate fake sensitivity. None of you knew any of the victims, all of you are glad you weren't one of the victims, and you don't REALLY feel as bad as you'd like to tell yourself you do.

hah! thats what im sayin man...this next quote pretty much sums up the lukewarm outrage(is that a thing? thats like non-alcoholic whiskey) our generation will; be forgotten for.

this guy just killed a few people.

wowwww. do you realize with just those words you shitted on those fuckin kids more than a million youtube parodies ever could. limpdick, braindead sycophantic stupidity is the order of the day to you kids. see, a natural human reaction to tragedy is to try and laugh at it as much as you can, cause if you dont you'll fucking kill yourself. what's not natural is to try and appear to eveyrone like you actualy are devasted and or give a shit. THAT is whats fucking weird and creepy and ultimately REALLY insensitive.

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