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B-Boy Culture

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yeah for sure.

Benji did kinda whack imo, played the crowd too much and forgot it was actually a battle. Like, he kept holding up a finger like he was trying to tell the crowd "hold on a sec!" which wasn't tight


visual aid, for those interested

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Last4One are one of my favorites mostly because of their "super secret routine" which they still pull every now and then. Involves them hopping like rabbits as an entire crew. Soooo sick!

I used to be into CoF but that was something like 7 years ago when they first put videos up on their website. It all quickly got real old for me. I can respect what they do and how they helped throw the Lords of the Floor event out there in Seattle but they don't innovate at all anymore.

KHZ Cali hands down is my favorite crew. If you ever see them at a jam, they're probably selling their DVD. KHZ Zoo (Vegas) is also pretty sick, but I feel like KHZ Cali is really pushing hard and killin it at jams and in circles. Mike the Kure, Bert, Millhouse and the other guys pull some crazy crazy innovative moves.

The circus style falls more into the realm of trick moves to me. There's gotta be some foundational moves when you break and some of these guys don't even try to throw in anything that can be considered "footwork". I by no means am a foundational bboy (god... old schoolers can eat it. I'm so sick of cats like Alienness and other old school assholes telling people what they should and shouldn't do and what is and isn't bboying. When they were bboying a hot move was a goddamn windmill and cc step.) but there has to be some form of 6 step/airfreeze/groundfreeze/power in what you do.

If you watch Rubber Legz of Insane Prototype out of Stuttgart (check youtube) you can see what I mean. You can do some crazy crazy crazy shit but still include foundational moves and not look like a fucking freak like Paranoid Android or Barf from KHZ Cali. Another "crew" that was like that was Animal Farm out of PA and people like that make me want to die. Hate hate hate it when these people get in the circle and start crawling around like a spider.

Anyways, glad to see a lot of people into bboying/are bboys on here! It's been a huge part of my life for over 8 years now and gives you everything you could ask for in something you do/something you live.

Like Coldrice said, the community is tightly tightly knit. Everyone is probably only 3 degrees of separation from each other and if you travel anywhere and go to a jam, there will probably be a bboy/bgirl that will put you up in their place for the night if you don't have a place to sleep. Carpooling to jams wasn't even an issue. We'd all travel together.

Now if only the world would be nice like that.....

everyone should break.

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I usually don't hype over b-boys, but these are the few that definately deserve recognition.

KYS - Gamblerz

Bruce Lee - Gamblerz

Cico - Spinkings

Rubberlegz - Insane Prototyps

Brahim - Pokemon

Baek - Extreme Crew

Charles - Vicious Germz

Pierre - France

Lil Ceng - Germany

Physicx - Rivers

Shorty - Brickheads

Millhouse - Knucklehead Zoo

Albert - Knucklehead Zoo

..there's a few more, but these guys really bring heat.

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I love bboying as I have been doing it for a couple of years now on and off. Do you guys ever get the feeling that a lot of bboys are high school kids who don't really understand?

Chinorlz I'm so glad your not on the old school bboy dick riding shit! Everyone on BBW is about that shit and it frustrates me. Granted I have met Poe 1, Ness, Machine, and a bunch of other bboys who are all about it. They are nice guys but they need to let this footwork madness go!

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  Akura said:
I love bboying as I have been doing it for a couple of years now on and off. Do you guys ever get the feeling that a lot of bboys are high school kids who don't really understand?

Chinorlz I'm so glad your not on the old school bboy dick riding shit! Everyone on BBW is about that shit and it frustrates me. Granted I have met Poe 1, Ness, Machine, and a bunch of other bboys who are all about it. They are nice guys but they need to let this footwork madness go!

Haha, don't worry. My crew (Florox based out of Boston/NYC) and I are very much about progress and evolution while of course retaining a reasonable amount of foundation. Without foundation it's not bboying then right? just like without certain steps jazz dance isn't jazz dance.

internet bboys are frustrating. I hate online "freeze battles" and all the shit talking. 99% of these people on there can't even hit the beat.

I see different things when I go to different areas and meet the bboys. Right now in Europe there seems to be those that just want to do power moves only and those that want to do style. Last time I was in London it was a similar situation. In the US, you definitely seem to have more of those *yawn* all-about-foundation bboys that really get boring as all hell to watch. In Boston I practice with one of them and he's always throwing cocks and trying to battle but in the years I've been practicing with him I've never seen him work or do anything new.

The younger guys now I think actually have the advantage of seeing all these styles from different areas and all these different mentalities/approaches to bboying thanks to the internet and bigger and bigger jams that attract people from around the world. You have very distinctly regional styles be it Korean or Japanese style or NYC, Boston, Texas, Philly, Chicago styles. It really is quite exciting to see these pockets develop with their own specific moves and steps. There's a step that was created by GroundFX in Boston that became a Boston specific move but when I came to Berlin, I suddenly see people here doing it every so often. Thanks to the internet and such you get this flow of ideas... which of course also leads to the bite sign being thrown every so often... but people care less about that now (unless it's just a ridiculous full out bite) and more about new moves.

I loooove me some footwork, but I like the approach of melding power into style and footwork. I'm not just about power, not just about footwork, but a combo of the two so there's blowups and airfreezes thrown into my steps.

Glad there's another bboy on here! Keep at it mate. Where are you at?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ugh, I hate powerheads. It's dope at first but seriously I hate seeing the same types of powermoves over and over again. It's dope when there's some creativity to it or its downright insane like KYS doin 4 elbow tracks but honestly man shit gets old. Bboy Junior is strong as fuck. But, he has no style at all. Well, I'll give him credit because he has a fucked up leg. Kujo's been doin the same kind of shit since the 90s.

My favorite bboys are creative and original or can just downright dance. Ex. Bboy Ronnie, Hong 10, Do Knock, Born, Dyzee, Crumbs, etc. Bboying is a dance not fuckin acrobatics. Style > Power. Ask any true bboy and that's always the answer.

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  scfdefinit said:
Ugh, I hate powerheads. It's dope at first but seriously I hate seeing the same types of powermoves over and over again. It's dope when there's some creativity to it or its downright insane like KYS doin 4 elbow tracks but honestly man shit gets old. Bboy Junior is strong as fuck. But, he has no style at all. Well, I'll give him credit because he has a fucked up leg. Kujo's been doin the same kind of shit since the 90s.

My favorite bboys are creative and original or can just downright dance. Ex. Bboy Ronnie, Hong 10, Do Knock, Born, Dyzee, Crumbs, etc. Bboying is a dance not fuckin acrobatics. Style > Power. Ask any true bboy and that's always the answer.

Totally agree with you, powermoves can get really boring. But I think Junior's groundwork has always looked pretty unique and cool. But maybe that's just me.

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I agree 1000% with Selegna...

Honestly...footwork = dancing...where you can rock to a beat. Power moves don't need music...just a bunch of tourists in Time's Square.

I can't fuck with this newfangled B-Boy shit...I came up on Rocksteady at their prime...not for nothin' but Crazy Legs got nothin' on Ken Swift...Ken goes down as a dude who's got some of the nastiest flow and footwork. Legs was nice and created some ill footwork-backspin combos...but nowadays he does the same two 4-step routines...the second being the one from Wild Style w/ the backspin and sneakers comin' off.

Shit these days just seems like alot of dudes took their gymnast game to the linoleum. Now all we got are a bunch of pumped-up, acrobats spinnin' on their hands, elbows, heads, shoulders, etc. What style do you get with a fuckin' 5 minute headspin...I mean sure you can grab your balls or stick your arms out...but that's not dancing...I don't care who you are, it requires no rhythm to pull a windmill or turtle. The only time I could consider power moves dancing is if you got mean footwork woven into it...but when it comes to that...those types of "rockers" usually can't do shit but a cheap ass 6-step with no flow or style whatsoever. Those cats can't toprock with any flare neither...they all got the same bullshit power move toprock...which gets em ready for their patented 2000 into an air flare combo...I've probably offended a few people here...but ya'll have offended us.

"I don't even call that breakin', nah that's fairy flyin'! I call that fairy flyin'!" - I love that Style Wars quote.

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Oh and btw...I AM a B-Boy...from NYC...dancin' since '97 when I was 15-16. I started with solely Uprockin'...taught myself how to floorock by watchin' my boy teach some of his peoples. But I felt like I was too tall and lanky and didn't look right...so I stuck with the uprock shit...advanced shit...not this kick-out up down shit. We had 4-steps, 8-steps, spins, and wild burns.

Me and fam used to have night sessions at Tomkin's Square Park...we held it down crazy...while the Nietas played handball...it was a bunch of us on some linoleum squares. Bobbito would rock with us every now and then...a couple other older heads came through as well...but it was primarily Vaz TCK (who was in the Company Flow "End 2 End Burners" video with Bobbito and Q-Unique), Dage TCK, Doves TCK/TS, AK, me, Mels RYB, Tage, and a few others...the names don't matter unless you were in the L.E.S. like that (or are a writer from that time period). We shitted on some new age Rocksteady members (including that chick who was in the music videos) when they came through...especially cause we prided ourselves in style, footwork, and uprocking...straight battle shit haha.

A few of us had a battle outside of Art & Design H.S...shut that shit down...the cops had to break it up. Fun times.

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  • 2 months later...

rep to all the bboys on the forum much love.

Its all about styles, power should come in to fuse moves together.

Bboying and bboys are the definition of true hip hop culture, rocking to one beat, unity, love and friendship

Its all love and repect on the floor

its kinda funny how on the first page it was all that abstract breaking, cause they soo look like people who would be on sufu,

Heres some people who can really rock a beat and who inspire me to bboy.

Rivers - BBOY BORN



Mind 180 - Casper


Hong 10 vs lilou


gotta rep the locate scene - much love to battle monkeys

Do Knock and RocSick


Also is anyone going to Free Style Session 07 in LA this weekend?

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  doczein said:
do black bboys still exist? i'm do alot of dancing in dc with this group called culture shock dc, and EVERY bboy i have met and run into from this area has either been asian or white. mostly asian.

black bboys do exist. and with strong numbers too.

Zulu kings - Machine

bboying isnt a black thing is a hip hop thing so why does it matter what race does it?

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  VuONG said:
black bboys do exist. and with strong numbers too.

Zulu kings - Machine

bboying isnt a black thing is a hip hop thing so why does it matter what race does it?

whoa whoa whoa, relax. if i were to say "any fellow hispanics on sufu?" you don't see people attacking me and saying "sufu is not about being hispanic or about race at all so stop talking about such taboo." instead, you see a post titled "whats your ethnicity" in supertrash.

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  indesertum said:

All time favorite.

Casper: "What's with all the kicking?"

Born: "My style! My flavor!"

Casper: silence

In the full one there's also one where Casper crashes real hard on his head and Born goes "Oh~~ My head!!"

Dope dope dope.

there is a part where born is trying to talk shit to casper and casper says

" what is this guy saying, is he speaking english?"

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