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Well, like I said, it was over a year ago. I guess what I really want to stress is there is only one Cultpop who ownes his own studio. That is exciting and I am sure affords you a huge amount of enviably freedom in your life. I mean that honestly because I do think you have style and are no doubt a unique person. I just worry that a 15 year olds see you or say Tommy Lee or any actor, artist etc and thinks that if they get neck tats etc. they will be just like them or by proxy be as cool as they are. It ain't the tats that make you unique or successful, it is the person and that person who is successful and unique has afforded himself the luxury of bucking the system and freeing himself from the chains of society. Peace.

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if all youre trying to do is make a point that you believe people will regret it then just stop now, youve made your point. leave it at that.

there really isnt any reason for you to be talking about what you believe about tattoos being wrong in a thread full of them. no one cares what you think they will regret. and even if someday they do regret it, how the fuck does that effect you? theres no point in stating what you did because youre not going to change anyones views or beliefs. no one is going to not get a tattoo because you think they will regret it and no one is going to have one of their tattoos vanish because of what you think. if they do regret them then whatever. people learn from their mistakes, not from yours, not from your point that you had to state 4 and a half times.

this isnt even that big of a deal. im sure youve fucked up worse things in your life than a part of your skin, everybody has. someone elses oppinion probably never stopped you from making the mistakes you have in your life and no ones oppinion ever changed the things ive done. just leave it be man, arguing your point or whatever the hell youre doing doesnt make you right, respected, considered, etc. it just makes you annoying.

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  damnIam said:
Well, like I said, it was over a year ago. I guess what I really want to stress is there is only one Cultpop who ownes his own studio. That is exciting and I am sure affords you a huge amount of enviably freedom in your life. I mean that honestly because I do think you have style and are no doubt a unique person. I just worry that a 15 year olds see you or say Tommy Lee or any actor, artist etc and thinks that if they get neck tats etc. they will be just like them or by proxy be as cool as they are. It ain't the tats that make you unique or successful, it is the person and that person who is successful and unique has afforded himself the luxury of bucking the system and freeing himself from the chains of society. Peace.

not as much freedom as you would think ;)

but thanks.

i agree that tattoos in visible places should not be taken lightly and i know most shops wont even tattoo necks or hands without knowing you personally. 21 is the law in most states and having my own children im glad for that. 15 is definately too young to make that kind of decision. (25 might even be too young for some and others cant seem to make a sensible decision no matter their age but at the end of the day its on them).

so yeah. that was fun. see, it is possible to argue/debate on the internet without a flamewar errupting kids!

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I like the debate going on, but I will say there are far worse things to be doing at a young age than getting tattoos. When someone makes the decision to place art in a visible place on the body, they are making a commitment. This isn't to say at all someone young can't get a decent job with a visible tattoo though; This whole view is changing daily. Kids idolize who they want and do what they want when it's all said and done, this is called freedom. Some will end up fucking up thier lives, others will not. This is the way the world works and really has nothing to do with tattoos, it has to do with the individual and what they do in the time they are given.

I personally have a half sleeve on my right shoulder/bicep and my left shoulder done at 22 yrs old. I have no plan on stopping any time soon, although I do think very hard about what goes on my body at what time and what place. In terms of regret, I will never regret any tattoo I get because to me, it would be like regretting a time in my life and I believe we learn everything in this life from living it.

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I don't have any yet, but when i get around to saving money i'm planning on getting a halfsleeve of jesus being crucified by the romans and them stabbing him in the side with a spear and water flowing out and i'm also going to get my entire back covered with a less detailed interpretation of Michelangelo's the last judgement (Here for anyone who hasn't seen it). that's all i've got planned but who knows when i'll finally get the money saved up to get them

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Guest Berget__
  Circanineteen85 said:
I don't have any yet, but when i get around to saving money i'm planning on getting a halfsleeve of jesus being crucified by the romans and them stabbing him in the side with a spear and water flowing out and i'm also going to get my entire back covered with a less detailed interpretation of Michelangelo's the last judgement (Here for anyone who hasn't seen it). that's all i've got planned but who knows when i'll finally get the money saved up to get them

Damn... If I were you I'd probably start off with something smaller...but to each his own

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  Circanineteen85 said:
I don't have any yet, but when i get around to saving money i'm planning on getting a halfsleeve of jesus being crucified by the romans and them stabbing him in the side with a spear and water flowing out and i'm also going to get my entire back covered with a less detailed interpretation of Michelangelo's the last judgement (Here for anyone who hasn't seen it). that's all i've got planned but who knows when i'll finally get the money saved up to get them

rad idea's, i really like religious tattoo's.

you dont need to have a lot of cash, its not like your going to do either of these tattoo's in one sitting. find the right artist and get started.

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  jasonm said:
rad idea's, i really like religious tattoo's.

you dont need to have a lot of cash, its not like your going to do either of these tattoo's in one sitting. find the right artist and get started.

thanks, i do too. i'm really jsut trying to pay off my credit cards right now so thats where almost all my money is going nowadays.

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"you are so fucked!"

thats what the apprentice said at the shop wear i was getting my first swallow on my neck. it was half done when he leaned over and looked me in the eyes and said that. he was covered from chin to toe though so i didnt feel so bad.

where did you get that tattoo and who was the artist?

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sorry thats the only picture i have of my tattoos. one arm is covered with a mix of horiyoshi style tattoos (yurei/oni) and some graff. working on getting the right side finished soon as well as finishing my ribs and other random places. ive wanted tattoos since i was 12 because of watching yakuza movies. i dont regret any tattoos that i have and must say that i work a state job, wear tshirt and jeans to work everyday, and hr doesnt say shit to me.

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  • 5 months later...

Any of you folks inked? if you got post them...

how much it cost and how long it took? do you regret it?

I'll start it off...


mine is still incomplete... didn't have enough time in Hong Kong do shading and coloring...

set me back 4000HKD($520), and took 2 very long hours

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  • 4 weeks later...

i've been wanting a tattoo since I was like 13, and almost nearly got one but am thankful that i didn't because it was pretty stupid, and now i still want a tat...and realized that if i do get one might as well get something that's just comical to me and ridiculous...have had this no. 5 image in my head lately =x...i think i'll probably stay clear of ink until i have some type of mid life crisis



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