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Glasses for just plain looks


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Hey everybody question for you. Is it weird that I want some glasses even though I don't have to wear them. Any ideas on what I should do or how to get them. A website maybe or should I just go to a store that sells glasses and see if they will make a pair with clear glass. Thanks.

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Sorry. Is it weird that I want some glasses even though I don't have to wear them? Any ideas on what I should do or how to get them? A website maybe or should I just go to a store that sells glasses and see if they will make a pair with clear glass? Thanks. Is that better? Are you better able to comprehend the question now?

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Just buy a pair of reading glasses (you can find them at drugstores, usually), with a very low diopter (1.25 or less). A diopter that low is hardly noticable at all and the added bonus is that you'll get the glasses cheap - under $30, most likely.

There should be some decent styles to choose from as well - not all reading glasses are black plastic things ;) I helped design a few pairs myself at the company I used to work for.

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glasses tend to give the impression of the smarts. you could, instead, become smarter. do we really need this exact thread in two different sub-forums? (looky, a question mark) i guess one who does need visual aid can choose not to wear glasses or contacts, but that'd be dumb...mad dumb. sunglasses are accessories. nonfunctional glasses/empty frames are for girls.

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