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snus you ... win?


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i'm an australian who lives in sweden and i must say i find snus disgusting. i've tried it several times and have never found the appeal. the normal sized ones make me feel sick and the mini portions feel like a waste of time. i find myself more addicted to the act of smoking rather than nicotine itself. my girlfriend who uses mini portion quite often swears by them but i can't say they make me feel any different. there's nothing like a good old lucky strike ciggy after a mornings coffee i say

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  eastcoastrider27 said:
No less dangerous than cigarettes.

Depends on how you treat it. If you're going to the hookah bar with a couple people, you're not going to smoke one down by yourself, and additionally most people don't smoke hookah every day of the week, several times a day. It's usually more of a social thing, at least from my experience. My point is, if you can't stop smoking, you may as well lessen how frequently do it, and I strongly believe hookah is a legitimate solution.

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  destructodisk said:
Depends on how you treat it. If you're going to the hookah bar with a couple people, you're not going to smoke one down by yourself, and additionally most people don't smoke hookah every day of the week, several times a day. It's usually more of a social thing, at least from my experience. My point is, if you can't stop smoking, you may as well lessen how frequently do it, and I strongly believe hookah is a legitimate solution.

That's true, the frequency aspect. But some people think that shisha is less harmful to the body than cigarettes, which isn't really true.

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  eastcoastrider27 said:
That's true, the frequency aspect. But some people think that shisha is less harmful to the body than cigarettes, which isn't really true.

The evidence for either sides of the argument is pretty sketchy I'd say. Some proponents of the anti-hookah movement will say that hookah is more harmful than cigarettes, stating that it delivers more tar/carcinogens due to the large volume of smoke and the duration of the sessions. Others will say that since shisha is just made of tobacco, molasses and glycerine, and has no other additives, and is heated by coals rather than directly burned that it delivers fewer carcinogens and tar.

So I can't really say one way or another for sure. There's too large of a disparity between the two opinions for me to be sure of just one. What I do know is after smoking hookah upwards of 3-4 times a week for 2 years, I feel none of the effects some of my cigarette smoking friends have experienced after smoking cigarettes for just a year, and I know tons of Arab guys who have smoked every day since they were 13 and have no adverse health issues to show for it.

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ah, snus. my newest addiction :o. i did dip before i finally found a good supplier of swedish snus around here. thank god too, that shit was rotting my fucking gums, starting to hurt. plus i dont have to walk around with a nasty brown bottle full of spit, can do it anytime, stealthy shit. though ill still have a couple cigarettes when im drinking alot....


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  • 2 months later...

Snus doesn't seem to be popular around here, but decided to give it a trial when I went to pick up some smokes recently. Got the american bastardized version of Camel Snus to try out. These are portioned and supposedly made in Sweden, but who knows, it's from Camel after all.

At first I thought it was shit and worthless. But have gone through a few portions now, and I must admit these aren't bad. The buzz does take awhile to get to me (~20-30 mins), but it is quite stronger than my usual cig fix. The taste is alright too, kind of like a chinese made version of bubbleyum, and of course I can get a nic fix anywhere, anytime, w/o anybody knowing or complaining.

On the negative side, even though you're not suppose to, I still get the urge to occassionally spit out the residue. My throat and gums kind of still burns sometimes. After a portion, I feel like I need to brush or at least rinse my mouth. And probably worst of all, I sometimes can't shake the feeling of being a hick, even though most likely in a year or two, all the little hipsters will be flocking this. Ok, ok, so I exaggerated the last con, but you do miss the instant sensation and gratification of lighting one up, as well as smoking looking cooler, if that matters.

Overall though, it's not bad, and after a returning to cardio act's and realizing my lungs are in some sad, piss-poor condition, I'll probably order a package online to try out the real deal later on.

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On the quest to quit smoking I also tried snus. Well my friend ordered some online in different flavours and we thought we would give it a shot. I found the flavours hard to bear, they seemed very spicy (burning sensation as mentioned before) and I almost threw up. Plus there was no hit, no gratification. personally wouldn't recommend it.

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i think you're right. my mate ordered orange and mint flavour.

mint was a horrible idea, it was worse than smoking menthols (no offense to anyone who does). i could feel my weewee shrinking on the spot.

orange was bearable, but the packet was bigger and i had trouble keeping it in place.

are there any places online that sells the afforementioned lucky strike snus? i wanna cop. at the rate i'm going, i need to quit smoking or just go back to social smoking.

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  • 1 month later...

bringing the snus thread back.

i've been searching everywhere in my town to get some snus to no avail. any recommendations for brands? i've decided the only way to get it is to really just order online. i'm taking a liking to that lucky strike snus, just cause i love lucky strike cigs.

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  julianREE said:
bringing the snus thread back.

i've been searching everywhere in my town to get some snus to no avail. any recommendations for brands? i've decided the only way to get it is to really just order online. i'm taking a liking to that lucky strike snus, just cause i love lucky strike cigs.

buy General Onyx. Haven't found anything that beats it.

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I used to use lucky strike snus on the rare occasion, but since the portion is so dry (compared to many other white portions i've used) it tends to burn my upper gum after several uses. i'm not sure if you guys can find the brand 'Göteborg Rapé' anywhere else in the world, but i've found on the odd drunken occasion when i find snus appealing, i've used that brand and actually enjoyed it. mini portions can be great if you want to kill your single cigarette cravings.

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You guys should try the regular kind if the portion packed version makes your throat soar.

A lot of you seem to be using the girly flavoured stuff, you should give the old school brands like “Grov snus” and “Ettan” a chance. They certainly have a distinctive smell, but once you get it under your lip they are really mild and smooth tasting. Yum.

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  julianREE said:
bringing the snus thread back.

i've been searching everywhere in my town to get some snus to no avail. any recommendations for brands? i've decided the only way to get it is to really just order online. i'm taking a liking to that lucky strike snus, just cause i love lucky strike cigs.

the most common brands in america right now are the camel minis and lucky strike, both are pretty gross IMO. the lucky strike is weak and dry, and the camels are all WAY too sweet for snus. ordering online is the way to go, although i've heard of random tobacco shops across the country having a decent-sized snus selection, just gotta find em. as far as brands go, gotesborg rape and general are my favorite. those two are just the best, everyone loves them.

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  • 5 months later...
  enojy said:
the camels are all WAY too sweet for snus. ordering online is the way to go, although i've heard of random tobacco shops across the country having a decent-sized snus selection, just gotta find em. as far as brands go, gotesborg rape and general are my favorite. those two are just the best, everyone loves them.

I started with the camel snus just to experiment but I thought they were kinda weak so I ordered a couple of tins of Skruf from sweden. It ended up being cheaper even after shipping from sweden then camel's and they're definitely way stronger. If you're lookin for snus in the US check out buysnus.com . The only thing about it that I hasn't grown on my is the smell of the pouches and I'm not sure i'll be getting more but its definitely nice for a bit of variety

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