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Guest doubletap
Way to generalise an entire racial group with the actions of a minority. It'd be nice if you made a justified argument rather than spilling out the same tired rhetoric.

minority?... hardly, last I heard hamas won the elections by a 75% margin.

I suppose hamas doesnt support/create suicidebombing right?

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you sir are an idiot. I dont like Bush either for what he is, but to say that Israel is conducting genocidal ethnic cleansing for protecting the land that was theirs for thousands of years, wayyy before Arabs ever colonised Israel or even before the invention of islam, is simply wrong and not based on history, but just propaganda bullshit. Besides, the palestinians were on the ethnic cleansing tip for hot minute.


oh wow, the hitler card. I GUESS YOU WIN.

What kind of dream world are you living in? Propaganda bullshit? Speak for yourself if you feel that innocent people should pay because their ancestors conquered the holy land. And how dare you bring up ancient history in regard to justifying Israel's xenophobic aggression and land-grab power politics. Apparently you don't read both sides of the story, or read much at all.

The vast majority of the time Israel has been the aggressor. They've claimed provocation for these attacks but their lies and their spread of disinformation, in many cases, have been uncovered by historical revisionists (many of them french). There is a reason for that, in English speaking countries, to question zionist globalization destroys your professional and academic careers which is an issue that's being challenged by more and more western intellectuals. You're called anti-semetic, you're called a NAZI sympathizer. Fuck, it was, at one point, illegal to perform any works by Wagner within Israel. How very "fascist". Though that's losing steam as even Noam Chomsky is speaking out against Zionism. Do you wanna talk "historical accuracy"? In 1956, Israel attacked Egypt, capturing the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza Strip and was forced to withdraw by President Eisenhower. They really kinda DIDN'T. Many of the people that lived there were "deported" or "urged to leave" and never heard from again. They were processed. But hey, that's all propaganda.

In 1978 Israel invaded and occupied South Lebanon, which they held for 22 years. The toll on the population of those areas is immeasurable. In 82, they drove their offensive into Beirut, taking more than 30,000 civilian casualties as they went. Oh, and what was that you were saying about colonization?

I used to think this same crap that you do. That everything and everbody slamming Isreal were probably remnants of genuine western anti-semitism promoting the idea of a "ZOG conspiracy" to scare the population back into anti-semetic behavior. The ugly truth is that the facts are out there, I only ask you to acknowledge them.

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