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irak waywt overflow


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i feel like haze is a totally different situation. he's one guy. he put his tag on a shirt to sell. there's no confusion there.

irak putting their stuff out there is kind of a catch 22. i see someone wearing it as repping those dudes, which is fine whatever the reason (you painted with them 'back in the day,' your homies know them, you like their clothing, etc). personally, i wouldn't wear it because coming out of writing, i'm not part of their crew. it is interesting to see the shirts of just the tag --- it kind of references how those dudes used to tag bums all the time.

that's great - you paint. i'm always happy to see people wrecking shop and doing it well, but that's another pissing contest alltogether, especially considering graffiti's current state of affairs.

feel free to move to supertrash or wherever this belongs

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A grip of people nowadays are bringing graffiti into a different direction. Personally I think graffiti should stay on the street. There are some people who throw graf in art galleries, graphic design, and clothing. One person that does this that would be a very good example would be GREY PVC. Sometimes I think it's wrong because its not where its suppose to be but an argument against that would be if you're good at something why would it be such a bad thing to make money off of it?

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all the irak guys are onto bigger things now. if you've opened up an issue of mass appeal (especially #10 or any alife curated issue) or any new art magazine in the past 6 months, you've seen them. they're modeling, running colothing companies, but still living that lifestyle. that's why some of them are famous beyond the graff game.

i didn't see 7th letter appear on pieces until the clothing line. its not like they made MSK / AWR shirts, but their line just echoes the teched out graffiti they're putting on walls (except for push who always seemed to be pushing the envelope in the style dept - his paintbrush piece from scribble '02? i love it.). i think this is way different. irak just seemed like an extension of their antics rather than a separate entity - selling $45 tees to party on the markup. i don't blame them.

regardless, i'm not hating on anyone for wearing it. i love their play on the i<3ny logo and some of the other stuff they've been coming out with. i just kind of hope people know what it stands for and what it came from. knowing that, i couldn't wear it, because coming out of graff, acting like you're down with ___ and ____ just doesn't sit well.

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i'm not sure if this thread counts as "being up on graff"

personally, i think this is the corniest thread in like, the last 6 months.

A grip of people nowadays are bringing graffiti into a different direction. Personally I think graffiti should stay on the street. There are some people who throw graf in art galleries, graphic design, and clothing. One person that does this that would be a very good example would be GREY PVC. Sometimes I think it's wrong because its not where its suppose to be but an argument against that would be if you're good at something why would it be such a bad thing to make money off of it?

dude, are you kidding? this is the same stupid ass "dilemma" that's been going on for the last 20 years, and it's tired! graphic design with graffiti is a fucking joke.

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here's my take on this argument: it's drawn out way too long and has been discussed under a myriad of guises a million times in sufu.

how is it any different wearing ALIFE, SUPREME or aNYthing on your chest? They are all cliqueish labels that are run by a bunch of guys you could call a "crew" maybe they don't throw tags but that's not the point. FUCK, get over this shit.

it all comes down to wearing SOMEONE else's creation, idea, identity, style on a frame that didn't have any hand in inventing it. unless we're wearing our own shit we sewed together in our basements we're all promoting someone else's fucking "crew"

don't like it? start your own t shirt company!

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I can understand why you might have that opinion mlproject. The thought of non-writers repping a crew across their chest is odd to say the least.

But I'm not gonna tell someone what they can or can't wear.. Especially when it isn't my shit. I think it's silly for someone who isn't down with the lifestyle to wear gear with such a powerful association, but it's not really my place to say anything.

Earsnot made the decision to make some tees to get some $. At the end of the day, the people who are wearing his gear falls on him, not anybody else.

As far as people who actually do write wearing the gear goes, that seems fine to me. You're supporting a crew that paid it's dues in the streets and now is making some $ off it. I can respect that. It's a lot more respectable than cats with no graff affiliation making a buck off it.

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i'm not sure if this thread counts as "being up on graff"

personally, i think this is the corniest thread in like, the last 6 months.

"being up on graff" meaning, i come to sufu to discuss/learn about fashion, and to see people here mentioning writing makes me happy.

dude, are you kidding? this is the same stupid ass "dilemma" that's been going on for the last 20 years, and it's tired! graphic design with graffiti is a fucking joke.

im quite proud of my "fucking joke" tee's circa 1991, bitches.




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