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football: the beautiful game


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Guest umhaha84

Thats all i have to say.:pthey are underdogs, but they also were last ime they won.

minus the home advantage, remember korea in 2002 gotta love that home advantage lol

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fuckin Spain... wow... here's hoping they don't implode like every tournament in recent history...

Didn't catch the first half though... can someone post the goals!


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just seen the new response, he was onside lol

spain vs russia now, hope it's like last night's game and not the coma inducing bs france game..

*no way in hell Greece will do well this time round.

thats what all the doubters said last time they won! and yea i still think portugal is going to take it. but thats not stoping me from rooting for greece!

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"Italy coach Roberto Donadoni faces the sack following a dressing room mutiny after his side lost 3-0 to Holland on Tuesday."

oh boy

and any outside chance of Ronaldo going chelsea? :P

No way! Ronnie wants to join Real, his dream club and a big club.

Chelsea is neither even if Abramovich is willing to pay so much. And Fergie had a fit when Heinze wanted to join Pool. You think he will allow Ronnie to join a big 4 rival?

Ronnie is not so enamoured with Scolari that he will follow big Phil no matter where he goes.

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I was so happy to see Croatia beat Germany... and it wasn't luck either. That coach of there's is onto something... Olic is rising fast in my list of players I like for no-other-reason-than-I-like-em.

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I was so happy to see Croatia beat Germany... and it wasn't luck either. That coach of there's is onto something... Olic is rising fast in my list of players I like for no-other-reason-than-I-like-em.

their coach plays guitar in some heavy metal band. he has also graduated in some thing like law or something.this is not a joke, dude is crazy

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you see that lucky charm of his? He musta kissed it a dozen times on each side or somethin'

i didn't notice the charm. i kept on noticing how much he jump around acting all crazy and shit. i will definetly be watching all of croatias games now, i wonder what he does when they lose.


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he's nothing like Jose, Bilic wishes he had a gram of charisma Mourinho does :D

I think France will lose today, they were fuckin awful in their opener, they need to dramatically raise their game if they want to beat Holland imo. I think after their drubbing Italy will be raring to go, but I just have a sneaking suspicion that Romania could take second place, they seem to have some resilience - and they scored a shitload of goals in their qualifying campaign..

if i ever meet howard webb he's a dead man


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