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shanghai or hong kong?


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Can you speak Mandarin or Cantonese? That really should factor in for quality of life, whichever you choose.

I heard business classes are taught in English when you study abroad in HK-- whether you go to HKU or the other famous university.

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I rather like Shanghai mostly because I know how to speak the Shanghai dialect; and yet I do not know how to speak Mandarin.

However, Shanghai is much dirtier, larger, ruder, and more corrupt than Hong Kong--it wasn't called the Whore of the Orient for nothing.

If you have a thing for jay-walking, spitting, and tacky architecture, then certainly Shanghai is ideal for you. But--the most important thing by far--the shopping is cheaper in Hong Kong.

For job opportunities Shanghai has much more than Hong Kong, especially if you are an expatriate.

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+1 Hong Kong. Despite Shanghai's rapid devlopments as a city and booming economy for an emerging market, Hong Kong has long maintained its stronghold in the business/finance word and remains intact with worlwide players at every major bank and/or institution. It's the perfect backdrop to your studies and communications/language barriers should not be a problem.

Plus I like the food and shops in Hong Kong more.

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hahaha you guys all bring up good points. i speak mandarin (parents from taiwan). i had my heart set on this business program in shanghai, but the other day, my friend told me to check out hong kong. i was looking at the course offerings and hong kong seems a lot more finance/banking related wheras the courses for shanghai are more like "business in china" "developments in the upcoming chinese economy"-esque. i still havent completely decided which direction i want to take, but i'm just stuck between the two b/c they both seem like they have good things about each. it's hard to pinpoint i guess which one is better, but i just wanted to hear other opinions.

and yes, i heard the girlsand partying in shanghai are amazing. i dont know about hong kong though hahaha

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partying in hk is ok, but generally girls are ugly and too skinny (read: flat) for me... i think shanghai would def be more fun... if u speak mandarin then def shanghai... if u go to hk, speak english, ppl there respect english-speaking ppl way more than mandarin, yeah i know it's fucked up...

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live in us, have the opportunity to study abroad either in shanghai or hong kong for business/finance, but i'm having a tough time chooosing. anybody have any advice or input?

Shouldnt the issue be the course itself, as in which is the better course and would make you and your prospects more marketable in future. Not which city to live in.

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i've lived in both those cities (among others) as an expatriate (son of, rather). if you go to shanghai you realy should have some grasp of the language, however in hong kong its easier to get around with english. after 3 months of living in hong kong i got realy bored of it, it's realy only great if you like shopping, but seriously how much of that can you do. I found Shanghai a bit scary at first but it grows on you, its got plenty to do. i +1 Shanghai, it very easy for you to take a couple days off and just go to hong kong.

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Haven't been to hong kong, but here are my impressions of Shanghai.

Shanghai girls are crazy.

Food is cheap, food is oily, food is good.

Good if you like clubbing, terrible if you like shopping.

Shanghainese is a great arguing language.

Overall though, I'm quite fond of the place, will probably be staying here for a few years.

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eh Hong Kong, Shanghai it doesn't matter which one you go if you're looking for some female companionship...both places they're all hookers. HK girls might be a bit more sophisticated about their hooker-ness though. Shanghai you get all the poor village girls coming to the city trying to make a buck, so the overall cultural landscape is a bit more complex/corrupt. I mean c'mon man, it's mainland China. Anything goes. BUT mainland Chinese girls really know how to sweet talk you...it's easy to get sucked into their trap, i've heard of distant relatives of mine who pretty much threw their whole lives away for some pussy. At least HK girls don't take no shit, don't got time for no bullshit, but that makes it tougher to break through.

HK is more civilized, shopping is better and cheaper (but not by much), food-wise it can go either way but I personally prefer HK due to the variety. But HK dining is expensive as shit.

Shanghai is up and coming like everyone else said and it's exciting to watch such rapid development, but don't get it twisted...the whole facade of a rapidly rising world class urban powerhouse is pretty much that - a facade - the small details like how people communicate (esp. in service sector), and what not still leave quite a bit to be desired. So right now i'd say you should go to HK, but if it was 10 years down the line, I'd say Shanghai. Given some more time I think SH should catch up to HK.

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