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i fuckin love That, uhhhhh son

from ____, with love i didnt like

sean white diary is fucking nuts-o. dr. you gotta give it up to him for those huuuuge gaps onto the rails.

also For Right or Wrong is bomb. Jeremy Jones' finale video part and he designs this craaaaaaazy down flat down stair-set rail. its nuts-o

Both THAT and For Right or Wrong can be found if you search for em in Google Videos btw

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  showbiz00ditc said:

sean white diary is fucking nuts-o. dr. you gotta give it up to him for those huuuuge gaps onto the rails.

Both THAT and For Right or Wrong can be found if you search for em in Google Videos btw

You mean the Volcom White video? The one where 90% of his footie was at Snow Park in NZ? That shit was gnarly, but it was all in the park. Park jumps. Park rails. C'mon, what other pros put out video parts with that much park footage? None. Because that shit is fucking bunk. I've seen him hit a couple street rails - nothing special, and I don't know if I've ever seen him hit a jump outside the park.

His part in the new Volcom video is a joke, and insult really. He hits one park line a few times. All filmed in one day - and all filmed a couple years ago - that setup was from '04-05.

For Right or Wrong was cool - mostly for Mads' (that hip?) and Jones' parts. But 99 Words for Snow did it much better.

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thanks for the upload.

the guy at 9 minutes is AMAZING

*edit* maybe i should expand

look at how natural that guy is. Its not that he's uber technical, he just flows, be it the folding (backflips n stuff) and the constant chains of 180s... he just flows man- bloody spin machine.

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Another snowboard thread, I love it! Think Thank keeps killing it every year, Patchwork Patterns was unreal.. Also the Sandbox guys did it again with Flavor Country this season, soo good! Those are probably my two favourite videos this season. The Mack Dawg flick wasn't too bad either, which was surprising. And was good to see a new Forum video finally, That is not one to miss.

So stoked to see crapneto mentioned on here! Man, I love this place.

I miss Robot Food. :(

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I've always loved snowboarding, ever since I was a kid of 10 yrs who sold everything I owned to buy my first board, and had half my allowance each week go into My "snowboard fund", but for some reason, I never liked or related to snowboarders, or watched videos. The few parts I've seen have been by accident, and are usually acompanied by some sort of System of a down like soundtrack. That shit's just not fresh to me....I don't know...

And then I go to the mountain and everyone is all geared up with their stupid backpacks, and shiny boards, and I'm still riding my now yellowing "silence 159cm" from 7 years ago...

But then I get off the lift that first time, and within 5 minutes I remember why I sold my Gameboy and all its games for a laminated plank of wood that read "Division 23", and why I got up before dawn that morning to make it there for first tracks. It just makes sense.

2 broken clavicles and 3 dislocated shoulders later...I still hope for snow...

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I second the vote for Pop just for that last segment of Travis Rice and Romain De Marchi hitting Chad's Gap. Even if you don't like Absinthe videos, it's worth watching through just for this.

My 2 all-time favorites are The Gathering (Malevolent Productions) and Decade (Mack Dawg, how has nobody mentioned this yet?!)

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i enjoyed burton for right or wrong...

ill still stick to the classics though. true life, technical difficulties, afterlame and bang, the resistance etc. basically all mack dawgs older catalogue.

and as far as sean white goes, meh hes alright, good at what he does but not a solid rider.

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  Swych said:
Yo guys need some help.

Been watching too many videos because of you guys, and now i'm uber psyched to ride. Problem is i'm not so good. Someone tell me how to do rails? I've never had the guts to do the narrow ones. How should i approach them?

Go fast. Same with hitting jumps. Speed is key. Going too slow into any trick will get get your worked worse than anything. Of course don't go so fast that you over shoot everything, but go fast enough to get through the entire rail or clear the entire gap.

That's really the best thing you can learn early on riding park. If you learn to hit shit with speed from the get go you will progress fast.

And for hitting rails, keep your base flat. And learn boardslides BEFORE 50-50s. Ollie into it and land onr the rail sideways, do not try to turn into a boardslide on the rail, you will catch and edge and smash your grill. Bend your knees, get low and lean forward - like you are trying to push out a big dump.

Just go fast. Not really much else you can learn on a messae board.

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With your Balls out.

Just awesome lol =)

why before 50-50s. Thats actually my question that I should've rephrased.

In what order should I attempt rail tricks?

I can ollie most shit, except sometimes the landing angles aren't 100% controlled. Maybe more big jumps and angle control before getting to rails, just so that I know I can slap it down flat on the boardslides?

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  Swych said:
Just awesome lol =)

why before 50-50s. Thats actually my question that I should've rephrased.

In what order should I attempt rail tricks?

Because 50s seem super easy, like you just ride on the rail or box, but in reality, that is fucking hard trick to lock into and do with any style. If you go up on an edge a little bit to try and correct yourself you will get worked. The first time you come down on your shins you'll understand.

Boardslides aren't any harder - they just take a litle more balls to learn. But the consequences aren't as bad.

You don't have to learn straight boarslides first, try nose or tailslides - basically just getting the rail under either your front or back foot rather than in between. It's eaiser to bail that way.

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I broke my mother fucking collar bone trying to frontside boardslide an "icy" log. Turned out that the fucking thing had a layer of snow on top which decieved me into believing that their was plenty of icy goodness below.

There wasn't

I caught edge.

Flipped backwards.

landed on my head/neck.


Moral of the story....

Boardslide gone wrong=hospital visit!

Now go have fun.

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I broke my mother fucking collar bone trying to frontside boardslide an "icy" log. Turned out that the fucking thing had a layer of snow on top which decieved me into believing that their was plenty of icy goodness below.

There wasn't

I caught edge.

Flipped backwards.

landed on my head/neck.


Moral of the story....

Boardslide gone wrong=hospital visit!

Now go have fun.

Yeah. maybe I should have been more clear - always, always, always learn "backside" boardslides before frontsides. The lingo is a little different than skating - I call a b/s boardslide just a boardslide, and I call a frontside boardslide just a frontside. Semantics.

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