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Breaking in New Boots


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I just copped a pair of boots from ebay. They're rather cheap so I figured they'll be my go out boots since my shoes get stepped on so much. They're kind of stiff though probably due to the fact that it's cheap leather. Anyone know how to break them in or soften them a little. Here's a pic.



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I just copped a pair of boots from ebay. They're rather cheap so I figured they'll be my go out boots since my shoes get stepped on so much. They're kind of stiff though probably due to the fact that it's cheap leather. Anyone know how to break them in or soften them a little. Here's a pic.



Easy way that will not harm them in any way? Elbow grease! Sit down somewhere and flex the sole constantly for a while. That would in a fashion simulate the act of walking in them. Copious amounts of good shoe cream/leather conditioner will help. Also wear thicker socks until you are certain that these are well broken in. My wife learnt that the hard way a few months ago with some really nice boots she bought when besides my recommendations went ahead and wore normal socks and walked several miles in them without breaking them in first. Blister central.

OTOH, if these were combat boots (or Dr Martens) I would say for broke which would involve three things:

1. wooden mallet

2. Vaseline (or some sort of house brand petroleum jelly)

3. elbow grease

Do NOT do this for any boots you will want to have look decent afterwards as depending on the construction and materials this procedure may destroy them.

If you are sure you don't mind gambling...apply the vaseline copiously on the boots. Let sit overnight. Next day hammer the living daylights out of them. Clean vaseline off, give them a good deep polish and you are ready to go.

Now, as Vaseline is petroleum based it can actually harm certain finishes, so be careful. This has always worked wonders on my army boots though. You could do the SAS/British squaddie (iirc) style thing if you feel brave which is piss in the boots and let them sit overnight. The acid in urea will soften a lot the leather but you will need to clean them out really well afterwards! No, I have not tried that; I'd rather beat the crap out of them than use them as a catheter but hey, if it works for you :P

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my experience may serve as a great example of what not to do. i won a pair of 60's deadstock florsheim imperail shoes on ebay. they were narrow and pointed but slightly sore on my pinky toe. i went to a korean leather master near my work and he told me he could stretch them out with some device. he told me to come back in three days, which was today. when i picked them up they were no longer nice and pointy--rather they resembled a pair of deflated footballs. i should've ask the forum first, then maybe skalogre's advice would've spared me a beautiful pair of shoes.....

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