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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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Well, we did have Cloak in Harvey Nichols in Hong Kong for several seasons but Plokhov's aesthetics never appealed to me.

Apparently it was the brand you were beasting over for years but too bad - it was way out of your Ebay bidding range where most of your items seem to come from. So, happy bidding on your next Raf Simons ill-fitting jacket and I hope to see more poor imitations of seven.homme fits from you.

living in hawaii has its limitations, so yes, much of my wardrobe consists of various internet purchases (not limited to ebay and yoox) as well as some items purchased locally from aloharag. i see no shame in this. you on the other hand live in hong kong and no doubt have access to loads of great stuff, but all you can come up with is the usual safe garbage which causes you to blend in with every other asiaphile living in the orient. the uniformity of your 'fits (particularly the way they fit) are indicative of an uncreative rigid individual trapped within robotic patterns of conspicuous consumption. your ignorance is further evinced by the fact that you criticized my raf simons jacket by calling it ill-fitting: anyone who is remotely familiar with raf knows that the slouchy shoulders and elongated sleeves are deliberate aesthetic choices. you are an idiot.

btw, who is seven.homme?

just looked him up. didn't he just join this month?

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living in hawaii has its limitations .....

In your case it puts limitations on a sense of measure, sense of proportion, sense of humour and common sense in general. Sorry, didn't finish reading your post. Too many letters. You are a tiresome wanker. Period.

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In your case it puts limitations on a sense of measure, sense of proportion, sense of humour and common sense in general. Sorry, didn't finish reading your post. Too many letters. You are a tiresome wanker. Period.

poor evade. you are a pussy. period.

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I wonder if anyone actually reads them, I can say that just reading his first insult to keyko was probably the first full post I got through.

that, and the guy has a pita bread haircut :(

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haha, you've got a ba in philosophy!



reading his posts is like watching a baby play with his poop.
hah, you actually read his posts? you're a glutton for punishment.
I wonder if anyone actually reads them, I can say that just reading his first insult to keyko was probably the first full post I got through.

that, and the guy has a pita bread haircut :(

haha the comraderie amongst you lot of dorks is really pathetic. learn to read, SUFU should be more than just a bunch of mediocre pictures of products on ugly models.

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haha the comraderie amongst you lot of dorks is really pathetic. learn to read, SUFU should be more than just a bunch of mediocre pictures of products on ugly models.

unlike the camaraderie (learn to spell!) between you and your fellow worshippers of dead fascist dictators?

please consider the possibility that we can read your lengthy missives, but find them largely lacking in sense or meaning. in most cases they are merely a cursory pretense at reasoning that serves as a vehicle for your self-confessed hating for its own sake.

sometimes amusing but rarely convincing.

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props on cutting the sleeves off that tee.

Thanks for the compliment, and thanks for the rep everybody.

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jmatsu hate was really funny for a while until it was just repetitive and boring, and if that wasn't enough, his girlfriend(robi) had to start doing the exact same thing when it was already overdone.

honestly, i think they should have been banned for a while by now.

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