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*cue jmatsu calling out this obviously whack outfit, and then 2 more pages of people trying to say that in fact jmatsu is whack, making this fit somehow acceptable*

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  youkinorn2 said:
jmatsu scared of me, don't worry

you really believe this? honestly i just got nothing more to say about your clothes/fits that others or myself haven't said or thought of before.

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  youkinorn2 said:

inspired by sorority girls on campus wearing nike athletic shorts with uggs.

When will people learn that ironic fits have no justification outside of Halloween or themed costume parties? I'm being charitable by saying that your usual fits are ho-hum and mediocre, and ordinarily I wouldn't hate on you out of sympathy for your socio-economic impairment, but this stunt is an unforgivable abomination. For you I have no pity. Instead I feel sorry for the people who know you and are obliged to say hello in the halls today. Do yourself a favor and stick with the impoverished liberal arts student aesthetique, or just drop out of college already, get a job, and kopp some proper jawns. This shit is toy.

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  jmatsu said:
you really believe this? honestly i just got nothing more to say about your clothes/fits that others or myself haven't said or thought of before.

No, don't really believe it. It was a joke alluding to past events. But thanks for getting defensive, anyways. I got nothing else for you, either.

  malaesthetique said:
When will people learn that ironic fits have no justification outside of Halloween or themed costume parties? I'm being charitable by saying that your usual fits are ho-hum and mediocre, and ordinarily I wouldn't hate on you out of sympathy for your socio-economic impairment, but this stunt is an unforgivable abomination. For you I have no pity. Instead I feel sorry for the people who know you and are obliged to say hello in the halls today. Do yourself a favor and stick with the impoverished liberal arts student aesthetique, or just drop out of college already, get a job, and kopp some proper jawns. This shit is toy.

All these accusations of attempted irony because I'm wearing deck boots with shorts? That's what this has to be about, right? Because the rest is pretty normal/"ho-hum". I like it. No irony intended.

I would say something about people you know or something. But that's jmatsu and he's right up there. (I wouldn't actually but I just thought I'd acknowledge that the jmatcrew has rolled in)

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  jeepster said:
coulda just said he had cankles robie.

A little, but not really. And your ass isn't really one to be handing out commnts about peoples physical attributes, holmes.

  malaesthetique said:
impossible to tell beneath those hideous sneakers, but good one jeep

Not sneakers, but good point

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  youkinorn2 said:
A little, but not really. And your ass isn't really one to be handing out commnts about peoples physical attributes, holmes.

Not sneakers, but good point

well, it was more an observation from past fits than anything, and to be honest, I'm well aware of my own physical short-fallings, but in the grand scheme of things, I have highly desirable genetic qualities which I will pass on in time.

  Servo2000 said:
I feel for my big calved breathren

let them live

I had seen cankles before I got to school, but since I go to a theatre school, there are a lot of dancers... and my god, do they have CANKLES. Muscular cankles at that.

  icandunkonu said:
yawn.....move on

I agree.

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  youkinorn2 said:
I would say something about people you know or something. But that's jmatsu and he's right up there. (I wouldn't actually but I just thought I'd acknowledge that the jmatcrew has rolled in)

I can't believe your in college. Your thoughts are as incoherent and poorly expressed as your pathetic attempts at dressing "funky."

deck boots and baggy short shorts on legs as undeveloped as yours guarantee irony. There is no way this look can work for you.

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  youkinorn2 said:
No, don't really believe it. It was a joke alluding to past events. But thanks for getting defensive, anyways. I got nothing else for you, either.

All these accusations of attempted irony because I'm wearing deck boots with shorts? That's what this has to be about, right? Because the rest is pretty normal/"ho-hum". I like it. No irony intended.

I would say something about people you know or something. But that's jmatsu and he's right up there. (I wouldn't actually but I just thought I'd acknowledge that the jmatcrew has rolled in)


no it's not about that, your fit and fits generally are wack. C'mon dude deck boots and shorts???? nothing goes together and the pieces suck. You just look stupid.

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  youkinorn2 said:
No, don't really believe it. It was a joke alluding to past events. But thanks for getting defensive, anyways. I got nothing else for you, either.

I would say something about people you know or something. But that's jmatsu and he's right up there. (I wouldn't actually but I just thought I'd acknowledge that the jmatcrew has rolled in)

joke was lame. aint defensive... just like before you starting 2 mildly annoy me. try not dropping my name to avoid this kind of escalation.

you can say whatever you want about a crew or whatever. is it so surprising that friends or forum aquaintances of like mind share similar values and similar distastes? guy, i'm sure you have at least one like-minded chum that thinks you're the the cat's meow's hot-shit and that you dress okay.

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  youkinorn2 said:

All these accusations of attempted irony because I'm wearing deck boots with shorts? That's what this has to be about, right? Because the rest is pretty normal/"ho-hum". I like it. No irony intended.

Too bad you can't take this back:

  youkinorn2 said:

inspired by sorority girls on campus wearing nike athletic shorts with uggs.

sounds like irony to me--unless you are seriously fond of the look and are an aspiring tranny. would explain the hair and cankles.

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  jeepster said:
but in the grand scheme of things, I have highly desirable genetic qualities which I will pass on in time.

This made me laugh but I can't tell if it was supposed to...

  malaesthetique said:
I can't believe your in college. Your thoughts are as incoherent and poorly expressed as your pathetic attempts at dressing "funky."

deck boots and baggy short shorts on legs as undeveloped as yours guarantee irony. There is no way this look can work for you.

Can't believe I'm in college? OK, dude...

And the shorts aren't exactly baggy, nor are my legs "undeveloped," but whatever.

  lumberjack said:

no it's not about that, your fit and fits generally are wack. C'mon dude deck boots and shorts???? nothing goes together and the pieces suck. You just look stupid.

who are you?

  mrip said:
how did people at your school like your fit

were cwgs impressed

didn't actually wear it to class

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  jmatsu said:
joke was lame. aint defensive... just like before you starting 2 mildly annoy me. try not dropping my name to avoid this kind of escalation.

you can say whatever you want about a crew or whatever. is it so surprising that friends or forum aquaintances of like mind share similar values and similar distastes? guy, i'm sure you have at least one like-minded chum that thinks you're the the cat's meow's hot-shit and that you dress okay.

Shut the fuck up. If you're "done with me" then be done with me and we don't have to waste time typing at each other.

  malaesthetique said:
Too bad you can't take this back:

sounds like irony to me--unless you are seriously fond of the look and are an aspiring tranny. would explain the hair and cankles.

Why do you guys take everything so seriously? That part was a joke. The fit was not a joke.

You don't have to like it, but it isn't meant to be ironic in any way.

You're a dumb motherfucker.

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