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waywt? saved my life

sycamore no more

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i liked hte supreme homi steez bettah :cool:

I'm gonna have to agree. No offence at all to you homi, your my boy and all but you look kinda...well, gay in that pic. That sweater is mad frute swagsmilli

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Guest jmatsu
are we going to ignore this broad? i feel she needs fashion advice, and i don't know if i'm the person to be giving it to her... where's jj?

BUT-in my opinion the gray top isn't flattering. i think you would have looked better with only the white shirt on (edit: with the leggings... i figured that was obvious, but just in case) and maybe a bomber jacket and scarf... or just a scarf... i don't know. just an outsider's opinion.

it's probably/mainly due to her posture. the fact that she's hunched over.

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Am I the only one who thinks this picture looks like the beginning of a series of pictures that ends up with her in therapy and her uncle in jail? Or, alternately, a re-enactment of "Janie's got a gun"?

The pose, the low res polaroid quality, the black bar. It's all very Chris Matthews.

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