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Jimmy, I always respected you and liked your outfits as I am a bootman myself. However, why all this hate for me? I surely thought someone of your age and wisdom to know a bit more about life and the like. But meh, talk about assumptions, right?

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Man, do I need to resort to name calling? Is this the trend as opposed to saying something with meaning and thought? Fine. I'll play. I'm the reason why you are not getting a bachelors degree? Will good riddance to know that I have such power of your dumb bitch ass. Want to be my bitch? I'll give you a corner and some goth ninja steez - say that you are into S&M.

I don't think you've quite managed to say anything with meaning and thought.

Let me lay this out for you:

You're dumb. You're actually stupid. I could show this little textual mountain you've built over the past two pages to anyone and it wouldn't take them more than a paragraph to realize they are dealing with a light mind.

You think that you're smart but despite your professors best efforts to teach, you remain unable to form cogent arguments. You struggle mightily to express yourself, you type lines and lines, and yet it goes nowhere.

Somehow you've made it to third year (I'm guessing?) and yet you have the verbal reasoning skills of a high-schooler. You're dumb. It's like watching a MR kid do a puzzle. You're previous level.

I'll bet you go to a state school, or some little liberal arts douche-enclave I've never heard of.

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Guest jmatsu
There is a difference between judging and a prognosis. Please learn the difference.

you have the skills to make a prognosis based on internet banter? please shut your ridiculous mouth.

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I just negged you -

I am the king of writing thesis responses in these parts,

but you my friend, in your infinite need to be correct and deny others an opinion

are looking more and more

like a fool.


I wonder what


home life must be


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I don't think you've quite managed to say anything with meaning and thought.

Let me lay this out for you:

You're dumb. You're actually stupid. I could show this little textual mountain you've built over the past two pages to anyone and it wouldn't take them more than a paragraph to realize they are dealing with a light mind.

You think that you're smart but despite your professors best efforts to teach, you remain unable to form cogent arguments. You struggle mightily to express yourself, you type lines and lines, and yet it goes nowhere.

Somehow you've made it to third year (I'm guessing?) and yet you have the verbal reasoning skills of a high-schooler. You're dumb. It's like watching a MR kid do a puzzle. You're previous level.

I'll bet you go to a state school, or some little liberal arts douche-enclave I've never heard of.

Lol... jesus, what is with everyone saying that I think i am smart. My god... I never stated that once. I am merely just a boy stating his opinion and getting back lash for it.

Please show me this "texualized mountain" and where it is I cannot form cogent thoughts. I'm getting excited. You are actually starting to come at me with reason instead of name calling. Oh by. Show me where I am wrong and stupid, and If i cannot retort, I will say you win. But untill then, I guess I will continue to be "stupid" and state my opinions. You are pretty good at guessing. Yes, I'm a third year at UCI.

Back to the previous debate. Let me try to reiterate. Ok. What I am trying to get at is that should he have a foot fetish, I am merely stating that we should be be so quick to judge him as deviant or abnormal. But like i said, should the original posters who posted and stated that he should stop, and if he persists, then I will be against the guy as that is where it should end. But thats it. I'm just saying that he is no different from you and I. He gets off on feet and perhaps you get off on pussy? Make sense? But is it wrong that he enjoys foot whilst you enjoy pussy?

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this shit can be threated. first step, throw your computer by the window.

jimmyc is so right, you write mountains but at the end it can be summed up in like 3 lines. and we don't care the fuck about this foot fetishist.

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I just negged you -

I am the king of writing thesis responses in these parts,

but you my friend, in your infinite need to be correct and deny others an opinion

are looking more and more

like a fool.


I wonder what


home life must be


I'm not denying their opinion. I'm saying that they have the right to say he is a creep, but I'm just saying that being a creep is based on what society places as what is right and what is not. And he could be one of the most coolest guys albiet having a foot fetish. I suppose i am just imagining myself in his shoes and being ostracized for something that I enjoy. That is it.

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Lol... jesus, what is with everyone saying that I think i am smart. My god... I never stated that once. I am merely just a boy stating his opinion and getting back lash for it.

Please show me this "texualized mountain" and where it is I cannot form cogent thoughts. I'm getting excited. You are actually starting to come at me with reason instead of name calling. Oh by. Show me where I am wrong and stupid, and If i cannot retort, I will say you win. But untill then, I guess I will continue to be "stupid" and state my opinions. You are pretty good at guessing. Yes, I'm a third year at UCI.

Back to the previous debate. Let me try to reiterate. Ok. What I am trying to get at is that should he have a foot fetish, I am merely stating that we should be be so quick to judge him as deviant or abnormal. But like i said, should the original posters who posted and stated that he should stop, and if he persists, then I will be against the guy as that is where it should end. But thats it. I'm just saying that he is no different from you and I. He gets off on feet and perhaps you get off on pussy? Make sense? But is it wrong that he enjoys foot whilst you enjoy pussy?


This is superfutureâ„¢: we do not deal in assumptions or opinions. Rather we just tell you you're fucking dumb - because you are, after all.

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Jimmy, I always respected you and liked your outfits as I am a bootman myself. However, why all this hate for me? I surely thought someone of your age and wisdom to know a bit more about life and the like. But meh, talk about assumptions, right?

Someone of my age and wisdom knows better than to get into a philosophical discussion in which I am woefully mismatched. Each of the last few post I have made were subtle hints for you to walk away with some shred of dignity intact. Shame you were to busy typing those annoying diatribes to notice.

Also, If I ever did enter into said discussion, and was getting my balls kicked up into my throat the way you are, I would know when to shut the fuck up and stop posting.

I apologize if the clothes I wear lead to your assumption that I would agree with

any of the bullshit you have posted over the last few pages.

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Someone of my age and wisdom knows better than to get into a philosophical discussion in which I am woefully mismatched. Each of the last few post I have made were subtle hints for you to walk away with some shred of dignity intake. Shame you were to busy typing those annoying diatribes to notice.

Also, If I ever did enter into said discussion, and was getting my balls kicked up into my throat the way you are, I would know when to shut the fuck up and stop posting.

I apologize if the clothes I wear lead to your assumption that I would agree with

any of the bullshit you have posted over the last few pages.

shred of dignity

I mean, I do not see where I am getting owned. Perhaps this is ignorance, which is why im requesting you guys to own me with well thought out posts as opposed to name calling? I mean, i get called a douche or whatever for defending and im supposed to tuck tale and run? Nah. Show me where I'm wrong and I will gladly put my pride away and admit defeat. But right now I just see a lot of people calling me this and that... I do not see the ownage.

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You're wrong in the fact that you believe your opinion on the matter to be the only and definitive answer to the argument. Regardless of this foot fetish nonsense that you're going on about, you neglect to realize that you are trying to enforce your opinion on us (meaning, jmatsu and the rest of the internet that is reading), because you are so woefully and inconsolably self-absorbed in the notion that you are an intellectual heavy weight on the vast ether and hole that is the internet. Reams, libraries, and infinitum have been written on the internet, trying to force someone to believe in an opinion or an answer that is not their own, but clearly you've never come to the understanding that some people just have a different idea then yours when it comes to the social acceptance of a sexual "deviance" or practice, or whether or not it is smart to continue railing against a wall to drive your useless, ignorant, and ultimately pointless argument home.

And im not talking to anyone who does not even have a college degree.

I'm fairly certain he has one, or is working on one at a much higher level.

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Guest jmatsu

fuck this already. working him over and over is literally "flogging a dead horse." we've obviously broken him. shit is getting boring. it's just too easy.

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fuck this already. working him over and over is literally "flogging a dead horse." we've obviously broken him. shit is getting boring. it's just too easy.

I'm not broken. I'm still here. I see where you are coming from about forcing my opinion. Perhaps I came on too strong as that was not my intention. I think I just wanted to take a stand for the misunderstood and things got just a wee bit out of hand.

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as343 elimination/smackdown checklist:

1. Red peen? Check.

2. Textual blatant insult? Check.

3. Second red block? Check.

4. Repeated blatant insults? Check.

5. Criticism of logical principles? Check.

6. Third red block? Check.

7. Generic internet graphical insult? Check.

8. Fourth red block? Check.

9. Custom PhotoShop graphical insult? Check.

10. Moving .gif insult? Check.

All you guys have left is more 11. - 45. "More red blocks?" and 46. "Insult in multiple users' signatures?" before some real shit goes down.

Keep it up.

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You're wrong in the fact that you believe your opinion on the matter to be the only and definitive answer to the argument. Regardless of this foot fetish nonsense that you're going on about, you neglect to realize that you are trying to enforce your opinion on us (meaning, jmatsu and the rest of the internet that is reading), because you are so woefully and inconsolably self-absorbed in the notion that you are an intellectual heavy weight on the vast ether and hole that is the internet. Reams, libraries, and infinitum have been written on the internet, trying to force someone to believe in an opinion or an answer that is not their own, but clearly you've never come to the understanding that some people just have a different idea then yours when it comes to the social acceptance of a sexual "deviance" or practice, or whether or not it is smart to continue railing against a wall to drive your useless, ignorant, and ultimately pointless argument home.

I'm fairly certain he has one, or is working on one at a much higher level.

Yes, thank you for this. Now we are getting somewhere. I was trying so hard to get people to change, but I know change does not happen overnight, so forgive me stubbornness. Its just when I took human sexuality, the teacher was very adament about forcing the belief that everyone should be treated equally, regardless of sexual desires or fantasies, and I spose that stuck. But why is my opinion pointless? Im not stating that this guy is a king or anything, just perhaps to go a bit easy on the fellow.

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