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Paper denim and cloth selvage


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Earnest Sewns always seem so thin to me. I own a pair and they are very soft, but so thin. They don't seem to go on sale a whole lot, so if you're pushing $200 you could probably get something nicer.

Paper Denim, like someone said, has pretty decent denim, but some of the cuts and fades are nasty. They're always on sale...can find em in the low 100's range a lot.

IIRC the original designer for PD&C went and started ES, so they are very similar in styling.

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I actually have a pair of PDC's mid-high range jeans. I like their feel, but yeah, it's really thin. They were on sale for like 90 bucks, which was half off, so I got them in a bit longer than I would've wanted. The hems were absolutely destroyed in about a month when my Meltin' Pots that I have in the same length are still going strong. Anyways, it's in a Bentley wash, and I like it. The honeycombs are nice especially.

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paper denim started off very well in the beginning. i remember when they first came out they had some of the most tasteful washes and cuts i had seen in a while and were def the anti-diesel. i remember the pockets differently shaped on different sizes of the same model to complement the wearer also. the fabric was great and had a great texture and vertical fading; my pdc's were actually my bum around jeans for a while and wore in very very nicely. this was all around 2002. i think in either 04 or 05 scott morrison (maybe thats his name) who started PDC left the company to start a line all his own once again ----- born is Earnest Sewn

i think last season was when PDC decided to go mid market and lowered there prices from 150-220ish to around $100 a pair.

personally, the season after they stopped naming all their washes after years i.e. 2 year, 3 year etc they turned to shit. the quality went down and the redesign of the LTD fit succccckked!

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I still have a pair of PDC lying around that I wear once in a blue moon. The reason why I kept it after switching to Japanese repros was mainly because of the hand of the denim... it's really interesting. Dense, but somewhat slubby.

Anyway, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that these guys don't look half-bad. Better than anything I've seen come out of ES, imo.

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I have the exact pair that I bought several years ago. I like them but the right knee has ripped-- need to take them to a denim doctor. It's one of my PD&C favorites. The denim is light and color is actually very good. It is selvage. I don't need to post pictures since the OP has already furnished them. Enjoy them!

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those are RPM or BPM (with buckleback) model paper denim & cloth made of Japanese selvedge. heavy resin, sewn in la, washed in ky.... pdc did some higher priced styles with selvedge for special accounts - i believe - they may have a black paper label instead of the white, if they are the older version. i have a pair...

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