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WTB: Dior Homme hooded sweat from 04/05 season


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This hooded sweatshirt came out sometime at the start of last year. It was available in most places that stock Dior Homme.

Unfortunately I don't have a pic!

It's your standard hooded sweat with an extra piece attached to the neck like a scarf that hangs down low.

Prefer a grey marle colour but other colours is ok too.

New or 2nd hand ok as well.


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if you see any available, I wouldn't count out the thai/asian knockoffs of that DH hoodie either...most of the ones i've seen worn by various net-heads look far better than the DH version. In person the DH hoodie is kinda thin and the scarf doesnt look quite as nicely draped as they do in those pics above.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Talk to 2000db.

I'm tempted to pick one of those up, but at the same time, eh... it's more work than Hare quality is probably worth. Also, shipping / percentage on top / etc... take it way out of my "Yeah, Hare might be worth that" price range.

dh isn't exactly blowing away hare in the quality department these days.

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make my own?!?!??!


The only thing that I know how to use is shoe goo or super glue on my kicks...

needle n' thread?!??!

Not in this lifetime...

Nice link to the zozo/Hare... but from what I remember of the DH hood is that the actual scarf is almost a seperate hood. It's not just a larger hood it wraps around to create that body...

.................. thanks all for the interest!

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