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I Need to Stretch my APC's ASAP, Society is Not Ready...


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Would someone tell me how this happened? I was the fucking vanguard of sizing down in this forum. Going 1 size down was the way to do it. Then the other guy came and went 2 sizes down. Was I scared? Hell, no. Because I hit back with a little thing called 3 SIZES DOWN. That's two sizes down, AND ONE, homie. For the ladies, you know.

But you know what happened next? Shut up, I'm telling you what happened—the bastards went FOUR sizes down. Now I'm standing around with my cock in our hand, wearing three-size down jeans. And one or no, suddenly I'm a chump. Well, fuck it. I'm going five sizes down.

Sure, we could go down four sizes next, like the competition. That seems like the logical thing to do. After all, three worked out pretty well, and four is the next number after three. So let's play it safe. Why innovate when I can follow? Oh, I know why: Because this is fashion, that's why!

You think it's crazy? It is crazy. But I don't give a shit. From now on, I'm the one who has the edge in the nut-crunching game. What part of this don't you understand? If three sizes down is good, and four is better, obviously five sizes down would make me the best fucking denim wearer that ever existed. Comprende? I didn't claw my way to the top of the APC game by clinging to the three-sizes down standard. I got here by taking chances. Well, five sizes down is the biggest chance of all.


cite your sources, kiddo!

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Just buy fucking cures or new cures if you want a slimmer fit than the new standards. The NS aren't that slim compared to superfuture style, even when sized down. Just size down 2 on new cures if you're that desperate

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good luck with that shit, i sized down almsot 4 as well i was a 34 and got a 29 and they measured 15.5 across waist when i first got them and then lost almost 20 pounds in about 3 weeks from just running and now they fit me really well, and since its just your body type your kinda fucked...

unless you want to soak them and then button it up and then put something that would increase in length in between the waist band or you can pull them apart with 2 clamps but that takes a lot of work so good luck.

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