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  apu said:
i assume most of us here will recognise Pogi right away if saw in SP1

There are many Asians in the City. We look all alike...:o:P

I hope my mate is working at SP1 tonite.

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I went there after uni...got myself a cardigan and that's it. Pretty standard SP1 stuff over there.

There was this dude who asked me whether he should wash his Imperial to get rid of the rigidity (after one wear). Reminds me of myself.

I saw two guys in business suits, who was who? And I don't remember/know how Pogi looks like.

I did ask the two guys waiting outside at around 6 whether they were from SuFu. I had weird stares in return. lol

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I was there around 6pm, but didn't pick up anything, I was more after a few pairs of shoes but didn't find the Converse pairs there to my liking. The clothes were ok but didn't see any good Evisus left, and I couldn't find a fitted jacket that had fluffy frills around the hood, would've been perfect for Winter.

Nothing I really wanted, plus it was kinda packed and I wasn't bothered to fight through the yellow crowd.

I was in a suit and a mint coloured shirt.

I noticed some particular people were looking straight at me and stared for a bit, any SuFu's?

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I probably would have gone had I not been studying at home. Although I think I need to cut back on the spending.

LaiShin - What cardigan did you pick up and how much was it? I've been trying to find a light grey cardigan. I tried Calibre last week but they don't have any smalls left.

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nlim3482, I picked up a stussy striped cardigan (oatmeal/black), 100 ->70. in a small. I have a final tomorrow, but still went for it anyway. :D

Pogi, u were one of the two that went in suit...It's no wonder that u get a few stares here and there. I am assuming u were the one with black hair? The other suit guy had tinted hair.

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  LaiShin said:
Pogi, u were one of the two that went in suit...It's no wonder that u get a few stares here and there. I am assuming u were the one with black hair? The other suit guy had tinted hair.

Ummmz my hair is darkish, its a dark brown actually.

But yeah, I wasn't bothered to hang around much considering the people and I had a dinner to make it to. :P

Which one where you guys?


othy, were you that guy in a thickish beard at Mooks around 6pm?

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lol, its just too much effort, u gotta snap the fotos, transfer to ur comp, upload to photobucket or something

plus, some of us dont even have money to afford a camera after blowing all the cash on other material goods like denim and shoes

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  Pogi said:
othy, were you that guy in a thickish beard at Mooks around 6pm?

I was there around 6pm on my way home from work. Didn't stay long. I had on RM WIlliams / Imperial / Black Tee / Calibre M65.

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