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  ajax said:
heyy.. any sydney siders know where i can get a black skinny tie? i need it by tomorrow night.. haha hopefully someone sees this

Hey Jaxy

Herringbone in the QVB have skinny ties but I can't be sure of colour - also they are $100+ and I can't really recomemend the quality unfortunately - their shirts are great but ties go a funny shape (in my exp).

As mentioned before incu have skinny ties but I haven't seen a black one there for ages.

The nudie store has these skinny leather ties which are pretty rad - again i dont remember colours besides silver.

Department stores?? The skinny tie thing is pretty comercial now.

If worst comes to worst Dangefield is sure to have one... you can pick up some cheesy skull or 70's punk rock repro tee's while your at it!

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  homme.homme said:
Hey Jaxy

Herringbone in the QVB have skinny ties but I can't be sure of colour - also they are $100+ and I can't really recomemend the quality unfortunately - their shirts are great but ties go a funny shape (in my exp).

As mentioned before incu have skinny ties but I haven't seen a black one there for ages.

The nudie store has these skinny leather ties which are pretty rad - again i dont remember colours besides silver.

Department stores?? The skinny tie thing is pretty comercial now.

If worst comes to worst Dangefield is sure to have one... you can pick up some cheesy skull or 70's punk rock repro tee's while your at it!

Incu have a black Filippa K tie for $179 (ouch!). They also have a few Filippa K suits which were absolutely fantastic. Were even cheaper then the skinny suit I tried on in Calibre. They have restocked on Marc by Marc and have a lot of pieces in (for Australia). Jackets, shirts, pants, etc.

I spent the day shopping with my wife (I wasn't meant to buy anything). I ended up getting a Raf by Raf button up. I was a little skeptical, particularly because they are so plain, but once I tried it on I had to have it. The cut and fit was just awesome. I go into Incu a lot and there is nothing that I even remotely want to try on, but today they just had a bucketload.

For the ladies, DJ's is having a sale at the moment and there a quite a few Mad Cortes summer season items on the rack at pretty reduced prices, limited sizes though.

Edit: btw, picked up a pair of kung fu shoes...

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^ was at incu today as well and was preety keen on the blue raf button up, diddnt end up getting it but.

For skinny ties you should go to Our Spot, they stock two quality black ones (nom de guerre maybe?), but its not my style so have no idea of brand/price.

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  jf30 said:
^ was at incu today as well and was preety keen on the blue raf button up, diddnt end up getting it but.

For skinny ties you should go to Our Spot, they stock two quality black ones (nom de guerre maybe?), but its not my style so have no idea of brand/price.

I'm pretty sure the one at Our Spot is Beat Poet.

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That sounds almost reasonable. A couple of seasons ago when Poepke still did menswear, the raf moonboots retailed at about 440.

I did manage to see a markup sheet in the store, the prices were something like 500% markup from wholesale, but that didnt include shipping, taxes etc but a big bloody markup.

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  Gilead said:
Man incu better have some dischords left, I've been looking everywhere for them.

i was in the Oxford St store in early April and they had one pair of Indigo Discords left.

the girl their said she wasn't sure if or when they would get them in.

she told me it'd be best to get them online.


but they had lots of April77 polos which were knd of cool.

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no one said anything about Newtown.

i think King St is fun, and you can find some cool stuff by smaller labels too.

i think there's a store there that stores Karen Wlker for ladies too.

and Maple has lots of American Aparrel tees.

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  Indifferent said:
Since we're on the topic of food: Pogi, can you recommend some Pinoy restaurants ? I have never seen one let alone been to one.

I must admit I am ashamed for not knowing much about any Pinoy restaurants in Sydney. I'm told there are some in Parramatta, Bankstown or even in Penrith but I don't venture there at all.

And no need to eat out for Pinoy food considering my Dad cooks the best! :D

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  nlim3482 said:
Got an email from my mate, Nudie is having a $50 sale this Saturday 9AM 12th May if anyone in Sydney is interested

Unit 40, 110 Bourke Rd Alexandria

All over it.. thanks mate. Too bad it isn't during the week as I work about 2 minutes away from there!

+rep for you.

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