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Hesistant...to mention PNB Nation on this somewhat 'elite brands only' forum, but when I first ever went to Union back in 92 or something I saw some of PNB's early stuff.

Post No Bills. Proud Nubian Brothers. Plush New Benzes. People Need Bluejeans. People Never Believe. Pacman Never Beat (me). Police Need Backup (in the ghetto).

And one I like to consider my own creation, Peter North Buckshots.

All I know is that two dudes Brue and Zulu started it (they were friends of a friend), they had a doooope running for years, then seemed to have almost disappeared. I know they sell and release in Japan, but why not here? They are in involved in some four elements of hiphop thing online far as I can tell...but not sure of much of anything else.

They were on the Harold Hunter/street/drippythrowups/crowns/NycTrueissue shit way before soooo many of these newer brands were. Far as I knew, they basically led the forefront of the new york 'stencil movement.' This was Ego Trip and Kingpin era, also the baby stages of everyone's cuddly hero, Russ(ssuR). They have heavily inspired/influenced many brands frequently discussed on this board.

Let's Dance--(discuss?)

~multiflavored RodLavers~


Edited by ABELnyc on Apr 22, 2005 at 09:58 AM

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werd...I was just talking about them with a friend the other day... they were running stuff with Stussy and Freshjive in late 80's early 90s'...for me any way....when UNIQUE used to be the spot on Broadway........HOLLA LIKE YOU KNOW!!

I'm pretty sure they sold the brand to someone else.......

last time I saw them was at JKD / muy thai class like 4 years ago.....


Edited by dunkin deeznuts on Apr 22, 2005 at 10:14 AM

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I heard that PNB had signed some distribution deal with a big company a few years back. That made their stuff available in Dept. stores rather than specialty shops. That was the begining of the end for them. But in the early 90's to me they were the Kings of NY as far as streetwear labels. Plus that PNB Graff logo was the first of its kind.

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CONART! damn I hadnt heard that name in years, Yeah I remeber them, they are from the west coast I think? what ever did happen to them? The Union used to also carry this label called FUCT way back in the day, FUCT made the first T shirt I had ever seen with the Planet of the Apes concept, way before BAPE.

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On the topic of back in the dayz, one of the brands that had me tripping was "PIMP GEAR", they were shortlived I think, but when they first dropped they killed shit - long before the term "Pimp" became household daily vocab. On that tip, respect for all the OG brands out there - and retailers like Union that laid down the foundation. Speaking of.l.. just stopped by Union the other day, they got some hard new t's up for spring - DELERIOUIS t-shirt with flowers on it, and one with gold chain's n.

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CONART! damn I hadnt heard that name in years, Yeah I remeber them, they are from the west coast I think? what ever did happen to them? The Union used to also carry this label called FUCT way back in the day, FUCT made the first T shirt I had ever seen with the Planet of the Apes concept, way before BAPE.

--- Original message by oneself on Apr 22, 2005 10:30 AM

oh word serious propers go out to FUCT as well...they also designed the Phirst Pharcyde album cover.

~multiflavored RodLavers~



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jupa: saw them like 8 yrs ago at Knitting Factory, they had to cover for Fatlip's verses then too. This may lend an idea as to why they never blew bigger.

poo B: i always thought it'd be cool to do a Scathing Rape tee but figured many heads would get the wrong idea about the wearer of such tees... i.e. "hey looky, holmes over there is the mad rapist" > not good.

~multiflavored RodLavers~



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you mean WhiteboyZ, with Danny Hoch? ha ha...

word, PNB gave him some gear, but he was down with them around when he first started doing the live skits that would eventually become Jails, Hospitals and HipHop.

that movie was so bad but i think that was on purpose. or at least i hope so.

~multiflavored RodLavers~



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  • 1 year later...

Can anyone tell me where i can get PnB these days? I saw a really nice pair of jeans with the crown across the back, that i cant find anywhere. Sorry i'm kinda newish to this clothing scene but learning! Oh and hello to everyone...my first posticon_smile_big.gif

Many Thanks


Edited by gasmark7 on May 21, 2006 at 05:29 AM

Edited by gasmark7 on May 21, 2006 at 05:31 AM

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you can do a regular Google search, but it'd only help if you spoke fluent japanese. most of their stuff is now in japan only, or online for japanese dialectors.

you can hit up ebay too, but they usually have only XXXXL sizes. (PNB runs big too, so you can imagine how big we're talking)...what's more, since they licensed their shit to some corporation (i think it's Perry Ellis) their designs were outsourced and grew realllly wack. only the 89-98ish era shit is worth a stalker-like search. and...no disrespect, but if Harold Hunter ever had an estate sale, holmes likely has every piece they ever made. they loved that dude.

To the rest, Also: Remember KingPin? G.I.? McNairy Bros? early SNAFU & old DUFFER shit? all Union staples, helped it become what it is today. i sniffle for them old days...(before throwback sneaks and 300 dollar denim clouded those shelves and every rookie boutique since)

~multiflavored RodLavers~



Edited by ABELnyc on May 21, 2006 at 07:33 PM

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^ no doubt. it's all love 1mancult. your dad is mad cool. btw, which shirt was it? *if it's the Kan-Go shirt with the Kangol kangaroo rocking a halo with the "STRICTLY OLD SCHOOL" in giant print on the back, then fucking props that was like one of their first joints ever.

They had so many dope ones i could go on for days but don't wanna bore heads. but waaaaay before so many of today's wack brands co-opted the exTREMEly overbroad "streetwear" nomenclature, PNB did their fucking thing to the fullest. on the real, just google (use quotes) "PNB Nation" and you'll eventually find an interview with Brue, one of the creators. it's very in-depth and revealing. i hope your father is alive and well, keep on keepin on. ALWAYS KNOW YOUR ROOTS. this whole scene, rap, fashion, etc., is at this point a continous cyclical regurgitation of past ideas. most young patrons of this culture don't know or see it. rap quotes on shirts, flipped logos. jacked images. fonts. the list goes on. gotta understand, back when pnb first dropped, there had been literally NOTHING like that at the time. Graf mixed with fashion? Controversial, conscious messages? "street"wear"??? all unheard of at the time.

They were true fucking pioneers. Still garnering most regal propers to this day. But in the current scene, I can only say that we're currently in an oversaturated and creatively stagnant scene...and ironically enough here's an illustration, a rap quote...





and so...to this day i will always 'knowledge the best, pay homage respect to the orginators of this whole shit. POST NO fuckin BILLS. and that's word to True York style.

~multiflavored RodLavers~



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This thread is bringing back memories of my closet back in 92-95! A few more companies I remember from back then, Not From Concentrate, GFS (Gerb, Futura, and Stash; was this the same line as NFC?), and Urban Folk Art.

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Oh shit!

I got a grip of these t's back when Echo was spelled with a K!

I had the ill PLAYBALL shit by PNB with the playboy logo and another with the dead pig...I still got all them old round PNB stickers...LES, Chinatown, etc...

All kind of Conart, FATT and FAT (logo was like Fila but with a gun as the F), ILLMOB, GFS and the OG 555 Soul shit!


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