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monkeys and bananas

contemporary insanity

try to save the coyotes rampage

we'll end the night with trances

forgiven exodus

with coaching sprirituality

one murder is tribulation

when the world consists of situations

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i love the future

yes i do

i love the future

more than you

its in my dreams

in bed at night

its in my thoughts

when her pussys tight

i love to show

what i wore today

and let you know

that carls gay

and denim now

means more than snatch

i no longer worry

what std ill catch

i love the future

or so i say

i love you all


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shall i compare thee to a supergay

thou are too ugly and too celibate

rough winds do shake the dunk chains of may

and limp wrists are deceptively strong from the masturbate

sometime too hot the light of the monitor shines

and rarely is the computer screen dimmed

and every pair of jeans sometimes declines

from sandpaper, sharting or fingernails untrimmed

but your eternal 811s shall not fade

nor shall the natural indigo jeans from plants hawaii growest

nor shall tweedles put em in the locked thread he made

when the repo man comes to collect what thou owest

so long as mods will mod and trolls will troll

so long lives my rep and my green peen pole

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this is so beautiful that it's sad ^_^

I would give rep points also... but I'm all out of it for now darnit.

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  • 1 month later...

i composed this alone in superchat:

i am so alone

i am taking pictures in a cemetery

i write in my diary

i saw an apple fall onto a baby bird

and i cried onto my breast

i picked up the apple and took a bite

i saw a worm

it died

i looked at the sun

it was yellow

like the teeth of a dinosaur

also dead

a tear fell

a kitten sprung out of the earth

and told me to change my clothes

i consulted with a priest

he agreed

naturally, i fucked off

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  denimdestroyedmylife said:
shall i compare thee to a supergay

thou are too ugly and too celibate

rough winds do shake the dunk chains of may

and limp wrists are deceptively strong from the masturbate

sometime too hot the light of the monitor shines

and rarely is the computer screen dimmed

and every pair of jeans sometimes declines

from sandpaper, sharting or fingernails untrimmed

but your eternal 811s shall not fade

nor shall the natural indigo jeans from plants hawaii growest

nor shall tweedles put em in the locked thread he made

when the repo man comes to collect what thou owest

so long as mods will mod and trolls will troll

so long lives my rep and my green peen pole

this really is probably the best post ever on this board.

would that i could rep the same post ad infinitum.

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I lie so much my spinal cord's stiff

im fallin through the sands of time, a drift

the path i follow leads thy to the right

the darkness consumes me hunting the light

treading the force like a jedi at night

as if it were in the beginning without no strife

now as i control the stars, swiftness heeds

i yearn for one more thing..

my trees..

keep it positive like aids in africa.

one love

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I need a bitch - with long long hair titty dances in her underwear and will suck me off like anywheres ..

I need a girl - to rock my world - works it in mad crazy ways while she on top making my toes curl .... duh duh

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