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Got a slightly painful lump on the side of my neck that I discovered last night, just been scaring myself with an online diagnoses but I'm gonna give it a couple of weeks and see if it goes away before I see a doctor.

My cousin found out he had lymphoma that way. :confused: Probably best to get it checked out...

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I got choked on wednesday enough to see stars for a couple of minutes after so it might be related to that, hence waiting a little time before I get it checked out. The list of possible causes of a lump on the neck seem to range from an inflamation to HIV!

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How can I get better at punctuation? I always tend to have long run-on sentances with only a comma in the middle and a full stop at the end. Or possibly an exclamation mark or 2.

Always be thinking about what you are writing - know what type of sentence/clause etc. Try to make it somewhat of a formula without robbing it of being interesting, and you'll get better.

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yeah winstons don't have additives either

and taste better

american spirits taste like cardboard

disagree but i'll have to try some winstons

i feel like even more of a hipster/poseur buying winstons, though, cause it's like a real working man smoke

just copped some, in part because smoke prices here just blew up overnight

i agree they probably taste better

however, they burn just as fast or faster than camel etc.

not sure if i'm going to switch allegiance; price may become a factor here

fuk da guvmint

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I need help deciding on my next vaca.

it's between SXSW in Austin next week and New York for 5 days in April.

I've never been to either. I have a free flight so the cost of travel doesnt matter. I also have more people to split the hotel room with in Austin as well as press passes/VIP/open bar to every party at SXSW so it'll be much cheaper in that aspect.

Is SXSW all it's played up to be or should I just go to NYC? Help me out...

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