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In her defense, she probably pronounces it Vaj-abond and has no clue what it means.

  Analog said:
Hero looks good, and I like android, but I've read they're using an underpowered processor.

Wait for an HD2/Leo or Dragon so you can get in on the HTC Snapdragon action or possibly the Acer Liquid (also with Snapdragon).


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  whitney said:

it was rainning so bad outside that the stairs became mini waterfalls and the ground a shallow one inch pool. saw this lady go out with an umbrella that looked like it belonged to a toddler.


i dunno how to share but that is what happened. when i left the house it was clear and sunny. then this crazy rain. when i left work it was all dried up

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don't be a pussy, 40°F is alright. ask your dad about it he's gonna tell you that when he was young he didn't have a bike and he walked a dozen miles every day even by 10°F

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^ i saw a japan GQ magazine awhile ago when I was at a japanese hair salon. it looked pretty cool. definitely had more emphasis on fashion and anime.

im sporting crusty eyes. a sore throat. headache. f/w 09'

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