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With all of this McDonalds Monopoly stuff I'm not seeing any (10)'s and it's worrying me.

For those unclear on the concept, you collect all of the pieces in one property color/name block like you would on the board game to put houses/hotels on them. If you can, you win a prize. They always have shitloads of 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 4, then the last one of each is so rare people eBay that shit.

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Back in high school my buddies and I would buy these old-ass steel-toe police boots. They were heaped in a bin, and if you could find a left and right in your size they were yours for 20 bucks. We'd take razor blades and cut away the leather from the toe-box to reveal the steel cap underneath. And then we'd play Monopoly.

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Terrible picture of a picture, but if you look closely you will see a guy performing cunnilingus loudly and conspicuously in a car outside of my friend's house after a beer festival.

Red shirt is his back and you can see her leg coming up the side of him


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i ended up going out after all last night with some friends to the bar. it was a pretty good time considering i don't usually hang out with them as often. we all got well drunk which i suppose is a success. i was talking to some guy who said he liked my accent, but we're both american i think he took my drunk slurring as sounding foreign lol. headacheeeee.

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  B-Dawg said:
Terrible picture of a picture, but if you look closely you will see a guy performing cunnilingus loudly and conspicuously in a car outside of my friend's house after a beer festival.

Red shirt is his back and you can see her leg coming up the side of him


this dude is legit win.

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This was outside my flat about 3-4 years ago, dude had literally just finished fucking her on the car, both ankle grabbed in his hands and spread wide. This was on a friday night, in the middle of Brighton, in the centre of town, outside the town hall, with loads of people going past. At one point some guy came up and had a short conversation with them.


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had a super lolwut moment this morning. woke up next to a random girl who i apparently traded shirts with, and i was wearing my friend's yarmulke. and now a hangover that puts all previous hangovers to shame.

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starting to get tired from this everyday, 8+hours of work.. having to talk to people all day and keep a smile on my face. the horror.

coworker finally got to see the doc on thurs and got diagnosed.. pityriasis rosea? my pregnant manager looked it up and because she's super paranoid my coworker has to stay on sick/disability leave until she gets the okay from her doctor that she isn't contagious and can work with a pregnant lady. or just wait until my manager goes back to asia to give birth, she'll be there for four months so thats enough time to get it out of her system (manager looked it up and that virus takes anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to pass through/out of her system)

she's the only coworker i really like, she's hella chill. :( holiday season won't be the same without her

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  Analog said:
Back in high school my buddies and I would buy these old-ass steel-toe police boots. They were heaped in a bin, and if you could find a left and right in your size they were yours for 20 bucks. We'd take razor blades and cut away the leather from the toe-box to reveal the steel cap underneath. And then we'd play Monopoly.
Sounds really fun... heres my tribute


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  lawless said:

my sister's a selfish bitch

my older one too. makes me mad cos my mom took really good care of us and she is the type that doesn't pick up the bill when we go out as a family and actually has my mom pay her back when my mom asks her to pick up x and x

if I ever have a baby girl I'm going to tell her she can wear skirts as long as she makes sure she wears shorts/boy shorts under cos going up the stairs..

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