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Naked Lunch Time.

Time for some Naked Lunch.

Great idea!

I need a better bike

I really fucked my brother's bike up today (I don't have one), I need to tighten the handle bars, fix the flat, clean it off and lube it up :) before I ride tomorrow.

Today I got really high and went for a ride. I went down a road I haven't ever gone down before and I must say it was amazing. There were tons of big hills to coast down and at one point there was a beautiful valley to my left. After biking for about an hour and fourty-five minutes I stumble upon this public conservancy place I hadn't ever seen and decided to enter it.

I was biking the trails and I must say the place was quite beautiful, breathtaking views from the higher trails. I start biking down a trail and after awhile it starts to be less and less maintained, it seems it hasn't been cut yet this year, but the trail was marked. I struggled for a few hours through these fucking trails that were packed with briars and I got tore the fuck up!

Eventually I make it to a place with sparser trees and find a better kept trail. This trail takes me to a gravel road lined with stacks of old bricks and all kinds of stone. There as a guy in a truck unloading stone about halfway down the road, I felt really awkward having to bike past him on this private road after having emerged from the woods. I came onto the main road (a road I had never been on) and waited for my brother to get me. I was actually pretty far away and the road I ended up on was really far from the road I entered on. I'll upload pics in a little bit. I'm going back tomorrow (staying on the big trail) with a friend and taking a low dose.

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Naked Lunch, Burroughs's, or the literal? I've gone on about junk to someone who was actually talking about eating nude before

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I was at AC over the weekend and it's confirmed that I cannot stand the place unless I'm drunk off my gourd. The entire place and 99% if the ppl there just make want to take a shower and scrub the place off of me. Ugh.

I was never a huge fan of Anal Cunt, either. The GG song rocks, though.

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Tear You Apart by She Wants Revenge.

The band sucks. They're equal parts ripoff Joy Division and Interpol (I get the irony of that statement, leave me alone). Some DJ decided to make a more hipster Interpol, basically. I saw them in concert when I worked with a concert production group. They were actually ok live so I snagged a comp cd and it was horrendous.

nooooooo not that one! the one in the very beginning, right when the video starts. this one


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I've decided that i want to be captain save a hoe (e-40 concept) for halloween but i know i'll never remember come october

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whoa fuck. i'm at work now and went on sufu.

only to find the site logged in with someone else's account.


who the hell in this office lurks sufu?!?!

for all you know it might be my 70yr old boss.

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also you need to stop reading that blog

first time I've looked at it in a couple weeks actually

west was railing against it all day Saturday

hate's HRO with an unbridled passion for stealing his hate.

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