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  redgrail said:
whaaaaaaaaaat thee fuuuuuuuckkkkk.

I was with it until the makeout sesh. Fuck man. Messed up.

yea i know.

but that's like...true love you know?

just bad timing that hes like 7 and shes 48.

kinda makes u sad.

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  Just Another XY said:

slumdog millionaire sucked.

horribly so.

regardless of any awards.

regardless of what hawt girlz tell me

regardless of your movie of the year award.


also, in bruges...? why did you not FUCKING WIN?!?

"an homage is ...too strong a word, perhaps, a tribute?" ..... fuck.

but its so ethnic

it really allowed me to connect with a foreign culture

<3 s-dogg balla

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  juliaN. said:

edit - Baeyer-Drewson you are a guy i respect on an intellectual level, especially when it comes to film/literature/cultural appreciation. Have some dignity for yourself and respect for the film's subject(s) - download/bootleg the film, don't give any money towards it.

thanks for the tip juliaN. i had no intention of paying for it. it got a lot of criticism in the papers here for the exploitative aspects of the film, particularly the poor treatment of the youngest members of the cast. everything i've read online recently further supports this.

i think i'll wait for a nice dvdrip to be shown by someone who is not me, don't even want to waste bandwidth downloading it.

on a small tangent, slightly more keen on seeing the road in its film form now that i've learned the actor who plays omar in the wire will be in it! you read the road yet? if not i highly recommend it. some seriously moving literature.

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yeah i read the road a while back, i am interested to see how the movie version will play out. I haven't read NCFOM, but when it came out a review I read talked about how Cormac McCarthy's novels are somewhat in the 'unfilmable' category of books...i thought NCFOM was well done, but after reading The Road I kinda get what the reviewer was saying, even more so with Blood Meridian.

never got around to finishing Blood Meridian though. Will do that when I'm through with an Updike anthology i am currently poring over.

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  redgrail said:
I looked it up on youtube. The acting is fucking awful.

That led me to view related videos.

Holy shit there's a lot of wapanese cosplay shit going on.

This is a world I do not wish to delve deeper into.

its even worse when you have fat white chicks trying to do that shit. fucking nasty

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Guest Phrost

i'm in the computer lab watching revolutionary road and a phone rings. it's the chinese arithmetic ring you hear in comedies. schlub hunched over in his chair picks up and i hear a squeeky asian lady

"yes honey. i'll make sure to drop it off after. okay honey. honey. honey. yes honey."

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  doctorworm said:
mike mo won : \

yo. just woke up from & ^^ look i won $20 ducks.

break it down i only napped from six-46 to now aboot 7-fift-een that's

maybe barely 30 mineutas almost a dollar a minut son, a real

buttery-ass dreamzone yadig

get yawls hustles up

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ate a brownie waited 30 minutes nothing.... my smart ass decided to eat 1 more as soon as i finished eating the second one that shit kicked in and it fucking kick in hard.

I now understand what jeepster ment about things getting super surreal and then hyper real.

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