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I would do this kind of stuff too, then I get all self conscious about being Asian and doing passive-aggressive shit like leaving notes instead of confronting people...

Man, based on that I'd expect you to choke that fatty out instead of just letting it go.

My roommate is up at 1:15am, I've seen her eat at least 3 full bowls of pasta/noodles and some other shit since I got home from work today. Seeing this process daily has kept me away from carb loading, because it really does go straight to your ass and midsection.

But based on this, letting the cow eat is less passive-aggressive and more genius. I say let it slide until one of 3 things happens

1. Finances get too strained to keep horse in your apartment

2. She gains 30 lbs. Can't be living with a fatty.

3. You lose your mind and beat her with a belt.

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Hasn't reached that level yet, it's just nickel and diming me though, and she's beyond stubborn and not exceedingly bright or independent, so it's a really slow grating process.... so slow that it can't really be documented in a funny way, it's just one of those things you have to be here to see for a long time, before you get the gist of it.

I do like her for the fact that she doesn't get in my business (not that I have much to hide or don't share) and the fact that she doesn't bedgrudge my lifestyle choices (although she lives pretty much the same way, plus she lives off my luxuries), but I'll let the negatives slip here:

We're both moving out in 30 days. All of this has been looming on my mind for awhile now though and I've agreed to live with another guy in the meantime, but now I'm feeling like backing out of it and just living alone somewhere else. I feel bad about breaking that kind of news to this dude cuz he seems pretty excited to live with me.

I (don't?) take my generosity seriously, I am pretty open to giving and sharing. My roommate isn't very good about it though.

The worst part is that she rides on most people's generosity and will probably not realize how good she's been living (with me) till it all runs dry and nobody else is there to supplement. It's to the point where she used up my favorite Colgate toothpaste (unavailable here, I brought it from the US), my $45 face wash and most other disposable toiletry items (I don't buy anything cheap when it comes to this kind of stuff), smokes a lot of my cigarettes because she's too lazy to put on clothes and go buy her own, uses most of my durable items (not a big deal) and has never reciprocated any of this generosity by buying much in the way of things that would be considered 'her share.' To date, I have bought almost if not every cleaning product in the house, and keep the house clean so as not to feel digusting, and about 90% of the longer-lasting food items like spices, herbs, oils and sauces, etc, and I keep a full-service kitchen of utensils and the like. I really don't like living without, when it comes to my personal lifestyle.

I end up having to sort her trash, because after 6 months of harping, she doesn't sort recylables properly or use the proper taxed garbage bags. She just throws shit into any bag and then puts it in our garbage place still, but I walk outside and find our landlord, this 85+ year old man, crouching on the ground sorting out our previous nights trash into the proper bags.

Her daily routine can be typified as such:

-On work days, she wakes up at 2pm. She goes to work at about 2:30.

-If not a work day, she wakes up between 4-8pm (last Wednesday I think she woke up at 10pm)

-She comes out into the living room in the bare minimum of clothing, and plops onto 'her' couch, lights up a cigarette, and then chain smokes another 3.

-She gets ready for work. This entails brushing her teeth, putting on clothes that she probably hasn't washed in 3 years, putting her cigarettes and broken cell phone into her ratty purse. This takes about 10 minutes. She comes out and announces that she got ready for work in 10 minutes and then goes out.

-She goes to work for 7 hours, I will not discuss her work or her opinion of her work but I don't have a truly great outlook on it. We do the same job, but at different places and I know her and people in general well enough to have formulated an opinion on this.

-She comes in either at 10:30 sober, or at 12:30 and drunk, depending on the weekday. In either case, she heads to the kitchen and starts eating. For herself, she makes spaghetti noodles with soy sauce and sesame seed oil on it, or something like that. Dishes are a 50/50 tossup, in the first days of living here, they were sitting there for quite awhile.

-more chain smoking in her little sofa place, she does some catch up on the internet or talks on the phone, and then goes back for more food usually, and then passes out.

-She has trouble sleeping, so this is where she wakes up at 3 or 4 am and rapes the kitchen.

-She wakes up in the morning and repeats the process, if there's any food in the fridge she will eat it as-is. It could be leftover soup, leftover whatever, rotting anything, she will eat it, cold. I have never seen her get food poisoning, so for all of this, I'm really surprised.

-She never goes grocery shopping, she buys only what she can get on the way home at the corner store in front of our house. She makes her boyfriend buy food from a proper supermarket on the weekends, which he does. He's not bad about replacing stuff or cleaning up after himself, but the two of them together are pigs.

I don't have much time left to live here, so I can kinda shake it off and it'll be history, but I have just decided that I really don't like living with other people in general, unless they're Japanese women. (0) Show me a person who can clean up after themselves, abuse generosities, replace what they use, and have common courtesies, and I will live with them.

Winq can probably attest to this post, as he has lived here as well, and witnessed everything. I am posting now, and we posted on superfuture on stolen wi-fi, because one week of a promise from this roommate of getting internet service at our house turned into two and then three, and then we realized that she was never going to do more than function at a very basic level.

None of this would have really bothered me until today when it came to a head, when it came to light that she was pre-selling stuff from the apartment now prior to our moveout, some of which was my old stuff that had been passed around through friends as I'd left the country previously and was generously handing old stuff out, and some ended up with her, and now she will be collecting money off of it. Some stuff that winq likewise bought and left, I have a feeling she will be claiming and/or selling. Winq for sure won't be seeing money from this, nor will I. And once again she rides off into the sunset on her ship built by others.

I don't really know how much she's cost me in used supplies/food/misc, but it's running and it's not a small sum. I hate the idea of being one of those people who splits every possible thing into two and sticks with billing people, but then again I just expect people to have enough respect to take up the slack on their own.

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/end rant btw.

I have known her for about 4 years, so she is in the friend group, but she also had a similar problem with her previous roommate (her college friend from the US that she followed to this country, and called a best friend) and they are now not on speaking terms. My roommate chalks it up to other reasons, but has mentioned that the former best friend had said pretty much the same things as I've mentioned and I did know both girls and they are disaparate personalities and the best friend was a bit sharper and better in touch with reality IMO, so I know I'm probably not alone here. I've mentioned already that my roommate is stubborn so she will probably never get the clue as to why things like this fall apart, until her dying day. I am not really sure if I am gonna sort this out and just let it die in the next month, and let it be. If I confront this problem, it'll most likely fall on deaf ears and nothing will change, and it will just break apart any semblance of remaining friendship. Most likely I will just end up in the 'enemy camp' along with her former roommate/ex BFFFF who got mad at her for the same shit.

I am pretty busy with work now so I can't be fucked, honestly. I am thinking about bailing on my to-be roommate though, and just moving in with my Japanese girlfriend. It's gonna be a brutal commute to work, but it'll save me a lil money and let me relax for a bit before I get around to getting my own place (deposits for apartments here are $5,000 or $10,000 of money given to some random Korean to begin with, so it's not as easy as it sounds).

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i just read all of that

you should just "pack" everything up early and force her to live with the bare minimum or have to support herself for the final 30 days.

im also with the poisoning the food thing. or just beat her ass when shes sleeping after you fuck the door locks up and make it look like someone else broke in and did it. (you are also gonna have to hide some electronics so it looks like they where stolen)

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I actually had my previous roommate do that to me, he stole my computer, passport, camera, etc, and 'evicted' me from the premises within 24 hours. That case was a small fat Asian man with horrible self image, who hated me as time went on, for being me. That is another epic story to be told, one day.

I have been living unemployed for about 2 years, and just started working this past week. I spent some of my own money during that time, but mostly, it's my parents money (until I start getting paid for my work, which is a week or so). My parents are not hard up and they don't mind giving me a bit of financial support because of certain circumstances, and my parents are generous people in general. I live pretty damn well, for not working, but I don't mind sharing a bit with friends, as long as it stays reasonable. I was raised to share and be good about being generous, and to not begrudge people for having or not having. It's probably not the best thing though, in times like these, that my parents have to also feed my roommate, who has been working continuously for years now and has her own savings, and is preparing to go piss it on living with her boyfriend in England, a few months from now. That's not really my domain, but like I said, I've been kind of contributing to the ship that she will sail on for free, and I just have to end up working that much harder in the future to make up for losses. Most likely too, I'm thinking, is that I will end up inconveniencing others as a result, such as moving in with my gf, when I hate that kind of stuff myself and live to not inconvenience others this way. Burns me up. I want to keep it right between the people who are close to me, but I usually end up having to flip open the wallet.

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I only speak to two of the past 10 or so people who I've roomed with for extended periods of time, one of them is winq. Mainly because there was a balance struck, eventually, financially, and otherwise. The other guy is a similar story and remains a good friend. Was best friend status but we've grown apart geographically and time hasn't helped either.

I seriously estimate my losses/givings to roommates/friends over the years, to be something like $20,000-30,000. I estimate that I have received in compensation for losses or otherwise, something like $500-1000.

Non-bitter example: a friend busted the handle on my BMW's glovebox, which ended up costing something like $300 to fix.

Stuff like this makes me yearn for a culture more like Japanese culture, where people take more self responsibility, and fix what they break or owe dutifully, at least amongst friends. American culture hasn't ever seen anything like that, in my opinion.

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just read that last one. Yea, being an american, I am surrounded by mainly selfish people who do not claim responsibility for anything. I try not to be the stereotypical american that people around the globe hate. I give this website a lot of credit towards my progress. Being a white male, I am usually in the majority of any given situation, and on here I am surrounded by people of all different makes and models.

thank you superfuture.

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haha. find that pic, it's a good one.

I really don't know what to do, most solutions I can think of are pretty useless.

I just facebook messaged the guy I was gonna live with, telling him I can't live with him. I gave him other reasons but in truth, it's been spurred on by this. I'm 27 now, and just can't keep dealing with losing stuff to people. I don't like living alone either, and I end up filling up the space with girlfriends, but I don't feel like I hemorrhage money on them since I fuck them and they suck my dick.

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Here's the summary, for y'all niggas who can't read:

I am the dude who brings the really nice lunchbox filled with good shit to eat, to school. I still got my own stuff to worry about, but I'm that kinda guy to share my treats with people, and I was the kid whose parents sent along brithday treats or something. Now imagine living that life for 27 years.

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dismal i feel u on that man, its tough living with someone who slowly grates on your nerves

ive always said familiarity breeds contempt and in the case of roomates, someone who seems reasonable and worthwhile at first can soon seem like a total waste of space..

that being said i come to recognize what type of people i can live with and which i cant...

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In other news, my work life is good. I'm happy.

I got bumped up to full-time hours ( was working only 2 days a week before, and was sketching on my place) but they gave me M,T, TH, and F for a pretty good paycheck, and it's brainless work, so I'm happy. Many a jawn will be copped again, soon.

I went out yesterday with the intention of buying a $200 shirt or two for work and instead stumbled upon some APC sample clearance sale where they were selling buttonups for like $65, so I got like 8 pieces, and now my work wardrobe is on lock too. I got Jil/Raf/French casual business casual concepts now like they nothin.

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I'm in the same boat.

Re: knowing what kind of people to live with, I think that's a nice outlook to have on life, but also kind of impossible to always know what flavor you're getting. I think I'm pretty fucking perceptive and I am a detail freak with a good memory, so I make pretty fair/true assessments of people, but I've been surprised pretty often as well.

Picking roommates a lot like picking girlfriends to stick with, but worse, because you can break up with girlfriends as long as you don't live with them.

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i was dreaming this morning i dreamed

in which, i (violently) raaaaped cynthia rothrock with chained restraint

the whol time i was chokin her i kept saying

"sheeee tink her kung fu is better than MY

kung fu..."

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It seems like I get solicited for various things (student groups, homeless people, people asking for directions, people selling drugs, etc...) way more frequently than other people when I'm walking in random large groups of people....like around campus or whatever.

I have decided I either look very approachable or very much like a sucker.

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I asked some of my friends what they thought about macs in general, and someone sent me this copypasta.

"Imagine a giant penis flying towards your mouth, and there's nothing you can do about it. And you're like "Oh man, I'm gonna have to suck this thing", and you brace yourself to suck this giant penis. But then, at the last moment, it changes trajectory and hits you in the eye. You think to yourself "Well, at least I got that out of the way", but then the giant penis rears back and stabs your eye again, and again, and again. Eventually, this giant penis is penetrating your gray matter, and you begin to lose control of your motor skills. That's when the giant penis slaps you across the cheek, causing you to fall out of your chair. Unable to move and at your most vulnerable, the giant penis finally lodges itself in your anus, where it rests uncomfortably for 4, maybe 5 hours. That's what using a mac is like."

So I think my friend doesn't like macs?

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I demanded a salaryraise from my manager and function upgrade, wondering what the outcome will be.....keep thinking what I will do if the raise is too little: QUIT or jump the failtrain........argh recession

in this economy, the employers definitely have the upper-hand

hell, he could fire you and hire someone more qualified than you for less pay if he wanted to!

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dismal rant

I had a dirty roommate for a few months. Dude had a kid and would change his daughter's diapers in my restroom and leave the diapers sometimes filled with shit in the trash can for weeks on end. Then he would use my cooking ingredients to cook his food and leave the unused ingredients back in the pantry like they weren't gonna get contaminated. He would regularly walk around my place with shoes on after I swept and moped sometimes while I was sweeping. The real kicker is that he was living there for free until he could get back on his feet from getting kicked out of his gf's house and one night I came home to find him fucking his ex gf in my bed that i sleep on. He's moved out since and hasn't called to even thank me. And he wonders why he was kicked out in the first place.

fuck living with friends.

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in this economy, the employers definitely have the upper-hand

hell, he could fire you and hire someone more qualified than you for less pay if he wanted to!

for sure.. true.... shit sux.. but the reason why I asked for a raise was because we had an open vacancy at our department and 2 others just left so now there are three vacancies with me having most knowledge and experience. Puts me in a fair position to ask I thought.. let's see what the outcome will b

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