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interning, jobs in college?


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Probably not the correct place to put but a good topic.

I am preparing to do a 3.5 month internship that is required to graduate for my major. I didnt start interning until around my junior and senior year, but I was volunteering in campus organizations and I think it helps a lot. Even if it is not something you're pursuing in your career, it will help you network and look good on a resume. If you start interning now youll be golden by the time you graduate. Just my two cents...

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no advice, but if design is as cut-throat as journalism, i know how you feel. for the last year, i've been working on a volunteer basis, for free/very little, ingratiating myself and networking with anyone in industries that are even the slightest related to mine. all in the hopes that my portfolio will be good enough for an intern this summer.

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" i guess it never hurts to do stuff"

you prety much answered your own question...which is the advice i can give you haha. it never hurts to do stuff. You only gain more interest and looks better on your resume. But again, im a junior at UW and i know how it is. Shamefully speaking but my parents help out a lot with my finances...very greatful and its sometimes hard to motivate yourself to put yourself through a job or an internship when youre already busy withs chool and such...but i guess if you find the right internship that youre very interested in, then it can be fun and you get to learn alot. so if anything...find one that you know you'll thoroughly enjoy

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i've found that the best way to gain experience is to jsut put yourself in the environment no matter what position you take. I'm a visual comm design and communications major in school but dabble in apparel design but at first i didnt have a single clue to how the clothing industry works and how designers design their stuff or anything. I mean i'm still clueless but I started talking to Aiden at the Sling and Stones Studio and been checking out how things are done and i gotta say...as far as making jeans goes...i've learned awhole lot from jsut being there. I'd say whatever direction you're wanting to goto...put yourself in the environment and serve cofffee and sweep the floors cuz atleast you get a first person view of what goes down

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i'm a sophmore in design school in nyc.

sometimes i feel great pressure to be going out there and getting my name out there, interning all sorts of places, and just working hard,

but other times I think, I'm still young, still kind of cocky sometimes, and I should just sit back and relax.

i guess it never hurts to do stuff,

but can anyone share any personal experience or offer any advice?

I'm into clothing and stuff, but I don't know what I want to do with my life.

may i ask what school you're in?

i'm sorta in the same situation. but i should be more serious since I'm now a junior. I am somewhat networking but I'm still not fully reaching out..

I'm definitely going to be getting up and going out in the next 2 months though.

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" i guess it never hurts to do stuff"

you prety much answered your own question...which is the advice i can give you haha. it never hurts to do stuff. You only gain more interest and looks better on your resume. But again, im a junior at UW and i know how it is. Shamefully speaking but my parents help out a lot with my finances...very greatful and its sometimes hard to motivate yourself to put yourself through a job or an internship when youre already busy withs chool and such...but i guess if you find the right internship that youre very interested in, then it can be fun and you get to learn alot. so if anything...find one that you know you'll thoroughly enjoy

I'm basically in the same situation. I'm a sophomore in college and my parents are still helping me out a lot. I'm not currently working, and they're not forcing me to...which is very nice. I agree that it is hard to motivate yourself to go out and get some shit job when you know that in the long run it's not going to do much. Obviously you are going to gain something out of work, but is it really worth it? In my opinion, and luckily my parents agree, no. I would rather spend minimally for a litte while and be happy than have some job that I despise going to and that pays like shit. I guess if you drastically are in need of a job, you'll be able to find one, but if not, look around and wait for the right thing. It will come at some time, just keep doing what you enjoy and something good will happen.

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I've personally been working my way up within the gaming industry since around 1999, my senior year in high school. Granted, I'm just looking to graduate now due to a few delays *AHEM* but I've secured a sweet job in manhattan working for a gaming company so I can't really complain.

I'd say start working immediately, the moment you can. If you're can do online graphics and vid reel shit, drop me a PM.

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sooooo glad I changed my mind last second not to study graphic design. I came to the sudden realization that some kid in china or india can get his hands on a pirated copy of photoshop and do the same job as me 1000 times better for much cheaper. that's when i decided i wanted to become a lawyer

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I would reccomend to all the guys in school to get internships by their junior year. If your'e good then companies will keep an eye on you during your senior potential year, in the possibility of hiring you after graduation. It never hurts to get 'real world' experience, network and to apply some additional context to your course work.

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I'm in a similar position. Junior year, no internship yet, just volunteering at a film fest and working at a playhouse in the summer. Pretty easy/flexible, and looks good on the resume. I’ve been to a few internship sessions, but I wasn’t that into them so I never applied. I’m going to grad school so I guess I view that as an extension for making contacts and getting my foot in the door. But I imagine I’ll need one eventually, whatever I decide to do. I know what you're talking about with the pressure thing. I get emails from my school all the time that make it seem terribly immediate. Most fields are pretty saturated these days though. If you’re in design I’d definitely suggest finding something.

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Take it from someone thats spent quite a bit of time in and out of college. Experience OVER all pieces of paper that say you have a degree. Look at any old ad for a position, 98% of them ask for someone with at least two years of experience. Work while you study, itll pay off in the long run.

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what to do if you are a sociology major thinking of law but not sure and interested in fashion but have no art training besides elementary tutoring and high school classes or business education and you want to travel and see the world but still dont want to be stuck in menial jobs but in the end you figure out that all of this has been developing your sociological imagination?

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