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steve jobs ate my baby and i'm still mad.

i dunno, i'm just a jerk. sipping on my haterade... really, at the heart of it all, i'm just a skeptic who wants to be wowed. the ipod never wowed me. i think ipods fucking suck.

genuinely, not because everyone in the world has them and i can't go along with the crowd. so something like an iphone has to like, jerk me off with both dry/wet capability in order to get me excited.

i'll stop hating now. in public.

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steve jobs ate my baby and i'm still mad.

i dunno, i'm just a jerk. sipping on my haterade... really, at the heart of it all, i'm just a skeptic who wants to be wowed. the ipod never wowed me. i think ipods fucking suck.

genuinely, not because everyone in the world has them and i can't go along with the crowd. so something like an iphone has to like, jerk me off with both dry/wet capability in order to get me excited.

i'll stop hating now. in public.

ipods don't do it for me either, man; i don't listen to my music outside of my car or home (i do like having a nano for plane trips, though).

but i'm interested in this piece for two reasons:

-i've been using macs for the last 10 years, and i'm satisfied and comfortable with their approaches to both hard- and software.

-i've hated every fucking cell phone i've ever had. UI sucks across the board; feature sets are bloated and lacking at the same time; build quality blows; etc...

i'm hopeful that this thing'll fix some of those problems, and maybe provide some useful features that tangibly make work and communication a bit easier for me.

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-i've hated every fucking cell phone i've ever had. UI sucks across the board; feature sets are bloated and lacking at the same time; build quality blows; etc...

i'm assuming you've owned a samsung then... and you still felt this way? i think they've got their shit on point when it comes to the phone game. and verizon is the king when it comes to bloatware. you can't even buy a phone without their signature red colorscheme built into the software

anyway even if the iphone was sold as unlocked, verizon and nextel users would be shit out of luck since they aren't given sim cards. I feel like this is going to be a huge money-maker for cingular because they are going to force you to get a data package in addition to your normal phone plan. take for example, the new samsung blackjack that just came out. I was informed by one of their reps that not only do you have to purchase a data plan, but it's a special, more expensive one that is compatible to some new standard that the blackjack uses or some shit.

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how bad does cingular suck really? i'm with verizon but I think I'm gonna have to check out Cingular for this phone

Ayn, I believe you live in San Francisco, so this should be relevant to you. Cingular blows. I switched from Verizon when I lost my phone, and being vain, decided to switch to Cingular solely for the upgrade to the Slvr.

Having never had problems with Verizon (in New York or San Francisco), my standards were pretty high. Well, I'm throughly disappointed in the Cingular service:

1) Dropped calls ALL the time. I have to blame some of it on my apartment, but I'll drop calls multiple times even out of my apartment on a regular basis. It's not unusual to require 2-3 redials for an hour conversation. In fact, I'd call that fairly close to average.

2) Picture messaging is pretty atrocious. Often they won't go through. Too often they'll take like 20 minutes to process. Not sure if it's phone or carrier, but still...

3) Customer service. Even though I'm on automatic bill-pay, I once had a collections agency contact me for money. That was a fucking nightmare.

4) Oh, did I mention customer service? I once had the misfortune of having a text messaging problem on a Sunday. Well, apparently, Cingular is closed for customer service. Customer service, closed. All day. What the fuck is that?

Yeah, so Cingular blows.

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Yo Miles, this is exactly the kindda feedback I was looking for, so fuck the iPhone then... I am staying with VZW... hopefully this will teach VZW a lesson, they can no longer fuck with their phones (crippling BT and not putting wifi, etc etc), and that whole Get It Now shit is just plain brainless... well, with my Treo at least I don't get all that crap, full functioning BT and no GetInNow bullshit, just EvDO goodness... but if only it doesn't reboot by itself like at least once a week... well I guess it is not so bad, but I am used to unix and os x stability so it bothers the shit outta me...

Ayn, I believe you live in San Francisco, so this should be relevant to you. Cingular blows. I switched from Verizon when I lost my phone, and being vain, decided to switch to Cingular solely for the upgrade to the Slvr.

Having never had problems with Verizon (in New York or San Francisco), my standards were pretty high. Well, I'm throughly disappointed in the Cingular service:

1) Dropped calls ALL the time. I have to blame some of it on my apartment, but I'll drop calls multiple times even out of my apartment on a regular basis. It's not unusual to require 2-3 redials for an hour conversation. In fact, I'd call that fairly close to average.

2) Picture messaging is pretty atrocious. Often they won't go through. Too often they'll take like 20 minutes to process. Not sure if it's phone or carrier, but still...

3) Customer service. Even though I'm on automatic bill-pay, I once had a collections agency contact me for money. That was a fucking nightmare.

4) Oh, did I mention customer service? I once had the misfortune of having a text messaging problem on a Sunday. Well, apparently, Cingular is closed for customer service. Customer service, closed. All day. What the fuck is that?

Yeah, so Cingular blows.

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I've had nothing but good things to say about Cingular and I have been with them for almost 8 years. One thing that I will say, is the Motorola sucks! Every moto phone I have owned through cingular has given me problems, bad batteries, not getting texts or voice mails, bad reception, the list goes on. But with Nokia phones, I have had nothing but success.

Cingulars customer service could be a bit better but I wouldn't really say they are any better or worse than other carriers. I have thought about switching networks before (yes, solely for a phone) and have had bad experiences with T-mobile and Verizon.

Oh and for reference I live in SoCal but I have taken my phone to NY, SF, all through NorCal, Jersey, Miami, Orlando, Philly, Texas, Michigan, Denver, etc. All over and it has never given me problems with dropped calls or bad cell service.

Apple iphone, here I come!

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i'm assuming you've owned a samsung then... and you still felt this way? i think they've got their shit on point when it comes to the phone game. and verizon is the king when it comes to bloatware. you can't even buy a phone without their signature red colorscheme built into the software

the only samsung i had was an A670, but yes, i hated it. 2 or 3 extra buttons to push to do anything i wanted to do... decent form factor and RF, but that was about it.

the best phone i ever had in terms of UI was a kyocera sometime around 2001. limited feature set, but navigating was fast and intuitive, at least.

now dealing w/ the LG vx8600, which is nice overall, but suffers from the aforementioned verizon UI...

i'll likely switch to the iphone when my contract's up in a year and a half.

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I think a big advantage of the iphone is the fact there is no 'set' keypad. With an adaptable UI for each function, it seems open to more add-ins that would keep the iphone relevant for a long time. Instead of coming out with next-gen iphones, you could just buy more applications through apple to continually improve the iphone. This is all assuming the first-gen iphone has above average basic functionality (clarity, reception, multi-touch, etc..)

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Ah cmon cingular doesn't suck that bad; I get full bars around most places I go to in Cali, not bad I'd say. Biggest problem if iPhone: no tacticle buttons. I doubt people will dig text messaging punching numbers on that touchscreen without the satisfying click feel. That's like having that quirky laser keyboard (http://www.thinkgeek.com/computing/input/8193/). Oh yeah EDGE is not 3G

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Love it or Hate it, the iPhone's a sensation, and it's giving all companies working on these handheld communicators a swift kick in the ass. The ipod wasn't revolutionary, but compared to the offerings at the time (and even now), it simply worked, right out of the box. It didn't score top marks across all the criteria, but it was two notches above the average in everything that it did, and really that's all it takes.

I have my own wishlist in a phone, and really it isn't demanding at all:

- Excellent Battery life (needs recharging every 3-5 days with normal use)

- Excellent Reception (It's a phone. Duh.)

- Sync Calendar and Contacts with Outlook

- Fast Camera (snap a pic when I press the button, and not 3s later + ready to take next pic 1s after prior shot)

- Bluetooth

- Fairly Intuitive UI.

- Slider or Flip. Done with calling people randomly whenever I sit down.

- Small enough so it's not embarassing in my jean pockets.

You'd have thought that they'd have something as straightforward as this by now. But instead of focusing on core features, they build in stupid battery-sucking capabilities. OMG. TV On a phone as a priority? Websurfing on a 3" screen?! Asshats.

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cellular service providers alternatively suck dicks/are gods, depending on where you live.

here in nyc, it has been my experience that verizon takes the competition and shits in their mouths. during the blackout of '03, people were begging me to use my cell phone, because everyone else's service was dead and verizon's was at full power.

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i have no idea why everyone is bashing cingular. verizon is the fucking devil when it comes to cell phone service..
cellular service providers alternatively suck dicks/are gods, depending on where you live.

Seems like the Telcos are all to blame, considering how crippled we are compared to Japanese mobile technology. They're streaming shit in HD on their phones now--and have service in every nook and cranny (although it's not fair to compare due to the massive size difference between Japan and the U.S.)

Either way, if it comes to Verizon, I'll shell out for it--but I'm glad my contract is over this spring/summer for Verizon; I can wait it out and see if anything new pops up.

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dudes are already getting stabbed on the train for just thinking of getting one of these shits. this'll be worse then when people were getting robbed for ipods left and right. the fact that it is limited to one carrier will be less of an incentive for people to steal them.

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Safari browser? They couldn't stick with Opera, which is already standard for most people coding for mobile?

Just an FYI, but there is no specialized mobile coding necessary. It's literally a port of Safari, with CoreImage allowing zoom capabilities and widescreen flipping. Pretty nifty.

I doubt I'll buy one any time soon though. Yahoo Japan auctions have my wallet.

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dudes are already getting stabbed on the train for just thinking of getting one of these shits. this'll be worse then when people were getting robbed for ipods left and right. the fact that it is limited to one carrier will be less of an incentive for people to steal them.

except that everyone will unlock it for tmobile for $50.

but you're right, people will get jacked on the train for those. fuck, you just pop in your own sim card and start watching porn on your iphone.

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but can you afford dropping it, stepping on it when you're drunk? I couldn't, so I'm not getting one.

which is why I'm definitely staying with nokia. The most important phone ability is to be able to handle falls and sit-ons.

Oh and Ayn, I've been with cingular for 5 years now and I have no complaints because I've always used a Nokia. Alot of my friends with Motorola on cingular service have problems however.

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unlocking and using it on t-mobile won't allow you to utilize the "random access voicemail" feature though. that's a feature carrier specific to cingular.

ok but thats just one feature, you can still use the phone. some people unlock phones to use them on a different carrier cause the coverage might suck in their area.

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