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Kitsune - ?


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No problem englandmj7. I've got a positive answer from Kitsuné ; I can have a rendez-vous but I'm not sure if I really want to buy something, so I still undecided.

I don't will go to the boutique and just buy 2 vinyls ; I think it's not what they're waiting for a "rendez-vous". And I'm not decided at all about the clothes. Anyone wants to buy something from there ?


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  • 2 months later...

Does anyone know if there are any shops in New York that carry their stuff? I just saw some of their new collection posted up on hypebeast (I'm ashamed to admit that I was checking hypebeast, but I figure some of you might like to take a look) really love those shoes and the gray cardigan.

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nice minimal design but definitely waaay overpriced, even here in paris..

oh and the whole rendez vous thing at the paris shop is really just a scheme to pressure you into buying.. you can find there stuff elsewhere (colette, palais de tokyo...)

great lmusic abel though, if not a bit over-hyped as well ! ;-)

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They seem to be cashing in with the popularity of their compilations (which are arguably bad themselves, but I won't get into that tonight) which is probably what I would do too, but I'd hire better designers because it's just ridiculous.

I have a feeling I'm coming off as a dick in this post... :/ I do like the website though.

I like the compilations, and I don't like much club music.

The clothes are interesting in the collaborations. It's like you said, he's cashing in on the brand association, but the affiliate site with things for sale in the APAC market are things that I see recommended on Superfuture. When it comes down to it though, he defines the demographic: wealthy, indolent, self-exploitative local Asian jet-setter from Vancouver.

If you read his blog, it feels a little like one long Superfuture post;

This is what I bought, these are the cool people I hang out with, here is a picture of my cocoa puffs.

EDIT: I was remembering the blog of clever young thing Edison Chen. I was remembering the music correctly; "Youth Alcoholic" is good. Edison Chen likes what you like.

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I like the compilations, and I don't like much club music.

The clothes are interesting in the collaborations. It's like you said, he's cashing in on the brand association, but the affiliate site with things for sale in the APAC market are things that I see recommended on Superfuture. When it comes down to it though, he defines the demographic: wealthy, indolent, self-exploitative local Asian jet-setter from Vancouver.

If you read his blog, it feels a little like one long Superfuture post;

This is what I bought, these are the cool people I hang out with, here is a picture of my cocoa puffs.

interesting. link to the blog?

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  • 1 year later...

This post is probably seriously dead by now but just a heads up. Have been in Paris for the last two months and i honestly have to say one of the most impressive new brands here is Kitsune. The clothes are indeed a little overpriced but after seeing them in person, I would say it is almost reasonable. The main thing that popped out for me in the clothing was where each item was made, I'm not sure but I think they choose specific areas of the world for specific kinds of items, i.e. trench coats made in england, sweaters in scotland, denim in japan, shoes in portugal, you get the idea. I just bought one of their "english" trench coats and it's no joke, it's not 'manufactured' if you know what I mean, it's the real deal, something I would only be able to find in a tailoring shop somewhere near oxford. I've been a fan of apc and acne for quite some time now but I would honestly have to say their quality has dropped drastically in the last few years, acne especially. With both of those companies becoming the new gap and banana republic of the fashion world, it is refreshing to see a new brand approaching clothing with a slightly more frugal approach. That being said, it will be quite a while probably before anyone in the states gets a whif of most of kitsune's goods, I asked the store clerk for a stockist and she informed me that for the next few years unless you are in Paris or Japan most of it will be out of reach. Damn this is a long post, a review perhaps? hopes someone reads...I'm out.

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