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haha, my fault we went there. I'd been there before and they have a "party room" upstairs, which is essentially just a big table in a private room, but they didn't have that open. Also, they weren't serving korean food for some reason (i have no idea why), so I mean, if we weren't hungry and lazy probably wouldn't have went somewhere else.

It wasn't bad though.

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Aaaah that was some good times. Ill post the pic of us sitting in the sketchy Korean joint as soon as tinypic.com starts working again. My buddy that rolled with me ended up getting some serious "stomach issues" after we got back! lol

But yeah we all definately need to hang out (and/or party) again soon.

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if any of you cats are interested in GOODS check out www.publikhair.com

it's run by jay who works there (unlike artificialsky). he's an artist and goes by the handle fankult. peace fellas

Haha. Yeah I read that blog all the time. If you're going to the GOODs X HUF party coming up at the end of the month you should hook me up with the collabo tee. That's two of my favorite brands right there and I'm under 21 :(.

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I've only gotten yuke jaong when I've been there before, which was pretty decent. They didn't even have korean food this time... the hell?

Yea actually I've had the bibimbap and kimche chigae there and it wasn't too bad, but their Japanese stuff is gross. They don't serve korean anymore? Weird..

Anyways, I'm down for whenever for meet #2, which should definitely happen because there are at least 3 or 4 people that said they wanted to come and didn't make it.

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I was talking to some of the dudes there the other day, and they were saying a bunch of their APC shit was going to be up to 75% off, but that they didn't have any more raws left in stock.

still, I'd be down for a supergay meet up to see if there's anything worth copping.

anyone else down?

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current stock is iffy at best, this is the big gear up for the new manik/maiden noir drops.

the manik and maiden spring lines kill everything. i'm telling you now so you can pretend you knew later!

It's too bad none of that Maiden Noir shit is on sale now. I'd kill to get one of those new Maiden Noir dress shirts on the cheap.

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Lets see.. I gotta return something i bought to goods I think (it's an xl but fits just like my aa mediums, only a bit longer, wtf).

I'm down any time tomorrow after 130pm, or, saturday is kinda pushing it, I work at 1:45 on sat, so I could show up if we do it early, then bounce pretty soon into it.

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