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Budget Shopping


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Hey, I'm a 15 year old guy that went broke last year. Right now I stick strictly to Bufallo jeans and American apparel hoods/tshirts, just basics. I need some high fashion clothing, but without breaking the bank, like Dior, out of the question. Any nice basics on the cheap would be great. Also, I need hitop shoes, Umbro by Kim Jones is nice, but I don't know if I feel like spending $185.

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when i was 15 i didnt go broke- i was broke. i didnt have my own money.

but that doesnt matter.

ok... you want high fashion on a budget? ebay.

the other option is get less fashionable shit. try h&m for basics(so i have heard, i dont live near one), thrift stores for interesting peices, and supermarket here for good stuff cheap(er)

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thrift stores for interesting peices

Unless you live in Manhattan, you won't find anything remotely high fashion at a thrift store. Have fun sorting through 5,000,000 cardigans to find the one that doesn't smell like grandpa and still fits like crap.

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Unless you live in Manhattan, you won't find anything remotely high fashion at a thrift store. Have fun sorting through 5,000,000 cardigans to find the one that doesn't smell like grandpa and still fits like crap.

true... thrifts are for low fashion people like me. high fashion? i dont know.

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I had a lot of money, I do mean a lot, more than any kid my age should have. But since I had my own checking account and ATM card, of course, I spent a lot of it. Now I'm down to a few thousand, which I plan on saving and investing in something later. I'm looking for a job once wrestling season is over. Anyway, I don't mean HIGH fashion, but I've grown out of Bloomingdales stuff, besides their sweaters and coats, their stuff is pretty weak. So, I'm just looking for some new cool stuff. For example, I wore a black FCUK v-neck today, a brown Bufallo NY shirt, nike dunks, and some Lucky jeans. I don't like this stuff anymore, I want to move onto something classier, but not that classy. It's really hard to explain. Maybe high fashion is the wrong way to describe it. Sorry if I'm coming off very vaguely, but what I'm saying is, I'm not looking for $40 jeans or anything like that, but something nice without spending $250 on Nudies or something.

PS: Double D, please, if you have nothing that could assist me, which is what I'm looking for (assistance), than please don't post. It's really easy to just go back and continue browsing. If my previous post sounded stupid, I apologize, but you don't really need to post things like "this is why 15 year old should be banned,". All I'm looking for is some simple assistance.

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You're only 15, you should feel lucky to have the clothes you have let a lone be able to even have the thought of buying more expensive clothing.

Now with that said, if I were you I would sell all your old clothing on ebay. I have been doing this process for a few months and I have made around 2,000 just off old clothing and shoes. But just so you know, you are only going to continue growing and your style is most likely going to change in years to come, so I wouldn't go too crazy. Be smart with your money because you are only going to need more of it later.

Oh and when I was 15 I had a job on the weekends so I could afford little things here and there, I would suggest maybe doing the same. You will learn what it is to manage money and what it means to be responsible because obviously saving money hasn't been much of a priority for you thus far.

Good luck.

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I understand. That's why, I have a decent ammount that I can't touch; I told my dad not to let me. The rest is spending money, even though it's not much. The reason I shopped at bloomingdales so much is because I had the 40% family discount, which is really a lot of savings. So, any suggestions what to buy? I need new jeans and sneakers. Prob. a nice winter jacket.

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I know how to steal from Bloomingdales without getting caught, but for other places, I consult my friend, he literally just slips things down his pants and leaves the store.

One time in a chinese place, he tucked his pants into his shoe, pulled down his fly, and slipped 12 pepsi bottles down it and left the store undetected. But shoplifting isn't always the smartest thing to do.

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I know how to steal from Bloomingdales without getting caught, but for other places, I consult my friend, he literally just slips things down his pants and leaves the store.

One time in a chinese place, he tucked his pants into his shoe, pulled down his fly, and slipped 12 pepsi bottles down it and left the store undetected. But shoplifting isn't always the smartest thing to do.

uhh why?? don't you get 40% off at bloomingdales??

does your fucking friend think he's caspar?? your friend must be desolate. he couldn't even afford 12 bottles of pepsi? pretty pathetic.

you guys could try begging. beggars make a decent profit with no labor whatsoever.

in all seriousness, don't worry about your wardrobe too much. you still probably have 3-5 more years of growing to do. no offence, but at 15 no one is going to take what you are wearing very seriously. just spend your money on having fun and taking your female classmates out for a icecream, a malt or something.

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I know how to steal from Bloomingdales without getting caught, but for other places, I consult my friend, he literally just slips things down his pants and leaves the store.

One time in a chinese place, he tucked his pants into his shoe, pulled down his fly, and slipped 12 pepsi bottles down it and left the store undetected. But shoplifting isn't always the smartest thing to do.

lmao, your not a very good friend are you?

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Word. Time to get a J-O-B.

When you're fifteen the only kind of job you should be pursuing should be related to oral sex. If you need money, sell dope.

As for clothes, your taste will change a lot so go for the interesting and affordable clothes you can find at H&M, Zara and stuff like that. Maybe get a pair of APC new standards and wear that EVERY day.

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Ill be nice and give a constructive answer.

Someone once posted something similar to this when i first started lurking on this board a few moons ago and it helped me out alot.

First off, splurge on a nice pair of raw denim, doesnt have to be too expensive, but it should certainly be the most expensive thing you buy. Second, go to Target, Kmart, wherever, and buy a couple of packs of white, grey, and black t-shirts. Next take a tape measure (or get someone to do it for youi) and get your proper body measurements. Now, take those findings, go on ebay, and then buy a vintage pea coat and 4-5 cashmere sweaters. The pea coat should cost you 40 and the sweaters around 10 each. Finally, go to multiple thrift stores and buy some boots and semi dressy shirts that fit. Key thing you need to be going after is fit.

That in total, should put you right under about 350, depending on the jeans. It will look better then 98% of your peers and still keep it relatively casual.

And one last thing...get a job.

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uhh why?? don't you get 40% off at bloomingdales??

does your fucking friend think he's caspar?? your friend must be desolate. he couldn't even afford 12 bottles of pepsi? pretty pathetic.

you guys could try begging. beggars make a decent profit with no labor whatsoever.

in all seriousness, don't worry about your wardrobe too much. you still probably have 3-5 more years of growing to do. no offence, but at 15 no one is going to take what you are wearing very seriously. just spend your money on having fun and taking your female classmates out for a icecream, a malt or something.

haha casper...

you got dis digs? dis digs? dis dick muthafuckka! lol haha

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Try Rakuten... the darkness himself has saved alot of money buying certain high fashion brands in Japan.

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