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itsmeJT vs. Carl


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servo, i know this is between you and itsmjt...so my apologies first if this rubs you the wrong way.

being as dipolmatic as i can, i must say that while some of you arguments in regards to jt's comment are almost plausible most of them don't directly apply.

1.you didn't even adress the jeans vs. physique issue (the very fabric of his arguement). in his eyes (obviously other share similar opinion) the fit is awkward.

2. he never accused anyone,supporting cultpop's cause of doing so to gain "popularity on sf."

3. if you read his comment over, i am sure that you will come to the conclusion that he is calling cultpop a jackass, and not individuls whose opinions may conflict with that of his own.

i can somewhat try to respect the fact that you think that cultpop's wardrobe matches his life and personality, but this is pretty difficult to take in being that this is the internet. if that is your opinion, cool. it differs from mine and that's that.

i just have problems with (not you in particular) with sf members who seem to jump on the ass-kissing cock-riding bandwagon and who don't really say anything i haven't already heard (if they want to insult me that's fine, but at least be origianl and WARANTED).

anyway i can't even remember if you and i had any squabbles, but i have no ill feeling whatsoever.

I can't possibly respond to both of your fairly extensive arguments, so I'm just not going to.

I see now that I misread his argument at points, just as well as he misread mine. We're even, and I'm done.


1. I think they look fine.

2. Then maybe you did, I don't know, but the implication has been, on this thread and before, that supporting "popular" SF members is inherently riding their dick. I disagree. I like the way the man dresses and he's always been nothing but friendly to me.

3. Like I said, I misread his argument. I'm not going to respond to that point because it's a pointless personal assault.

I'm done now. I don't know why I get into these arguments online anyway, it's impossible to not miss and misrepresent your agument and then they just get nitpicked in pointless ways and misread.

No personal offense to the lot of you, and none taken.

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you know what?

This is silly. Im gonna edit my posts. You can keep on being a prick. And superfuture will keep on keepin on.

you know what?

you are silly. ESCAPE AND EDIT YOUR POSTS. you can keep on being a sensless wussy-coward. And superfuture will keep on keepin on.

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no hate against anyone, but this argument IS getting silly. its lost all substance and has been diluted into a spitfest. if youre going to argue, at least make it as epic as "england vs. rogue squad (or whatever their fucking name was)." now THAT was a fight.

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no hate against anyone, but this argument IS getting silly. its lost all substance and has been diluted into a spitfest. if youre going to argue, at least make it as epic as "england vs. rogue squad (or whatever their fucking name was)." now THAT was a fight.

red, you are totally right. i admit that my hurling insults at said individual was immature (i am sure if said person(s) is man enough he'll admit the same). anyway i know it's tedious and seems like a waste, but humor me and read the the thread. if you are superbored take it in chronological context from the shark vs. cult thread.

i've read a bunch of logical sentiments that have bascially only been adressed once. the others have been random pics, random attempts of failed humor and so forth.

i just fucking hate this gang-masturbaton mentality. anyway i will try harder.


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red, you are totally right. i admit that my hurling insults at said individual was immature (i am sure if said person(s) is man enough he'll admit the same). anyway i know it's tedious and seems like a waste, but humor me and read the the thread. if you are superbored take it in chronological context from the shark vs. cult thread.

i've read a bunch of logical sentiments that have bascially only been adressed once. the others have been random pics, random attempts of failed humor and so forth.

i just fucking hate this gang-masturbaton mentality. anyway i will try harder.


i agree with you on that point.

but personally, i respect cults style.

hopefully we can end all this "cultpop has no style" bullshit. there have been a good three threads devoted to this subject alone. he gets the point. obviously, he isnt willing to change.

hopefully we can agree to this, and cease from making anymore of these threads. hell, im the king of pointless threads, and i enjoy other peoples pointless threads, but this is taking it too far.

PEACE IN THE FUTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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All I'm saying is, if you're not even going to take me out to dinner, the least you can do is try and come correct in your proposal.

As far as I'm concerned, if you're going to be pulling on my junk then that means you're going to expect something in return, so don't be acting all "but servo, I was offering you a handjob!"

You and I both know it doesn't go down like that, Carl.

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red .. how can i join team begsvawnananananhaynananan? ill give u brees and lj if u want .....

done. just put it in your sig and help me in the gangwar thread. the lack of photoshop is a major loss for us. they have uzis and i only have a rubber band gun.

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and again.

carl you are a wimp + pussy. wussy. at what kind of convention did you biological parents hook up at?

it was you vs. jt. cease your sissy ways and finish the e-fight you started.

you're calling someone a wussy for not finishing an e-fight?...the whole e-fight thing is for fucking sissies man haha...lighten up and stop taking the internet and this "e-fight" in particular so seriously..

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you're calling someone a wussy for not finishing an e-fight?...the whole e-fight thing is for fucking sissies man haha...lighten up and stop taking the internet and this "e-fight" in particular so seriously..

this has nothing to do with you, so please just fuck off right now with some dignity. go make a name for yourself in some other thread.

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hahahahahahaha this just made my night completely...man if you take this shit so personally i wonder what youre like in real life...

what a clever reversal! touché!

jmatsu, since itsmejt and carl never really finished their quarrel, i suggest you re-cast your bet. 500 bucks says cultpop cant close his jacket.

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what a clever reversal! touché!

jmatsu, since itsmejt and carl never really finished their quarrel, i suggest you re-cast your bet. 500 bucks says cultpop cant close his jacket.

i don't know robideaux... i kind of need the money for gifts.

what are my odds? is this before x-mas dinner, or after?

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