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racial slurs

Guest jmatsu

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do you or have you ever used them? have you regretted it? consequences?

a bunch of black dudes called me a "jap" yesterday. would i have been justified like timberlake if i had counter struck with the "n word?"

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I have noticed, especially having been in South Central LA for thousands of hours over the past several years that blacks seem alot more 'loose' about using racials slurs towards non-blacks. In fact, on the radio just this morning, a white caller who was an aspiring comedian asked a black celebrity who was being interviewed on-air how he could get attention as a comedian; he noted that he could always pull a Kramer. The black celebrity responded by saying: "No, then you would just be some mediocre cracker-ass white boy saying 'nigger'". Everyone in the studio laughed and the show went on. What the fuck? That shit was racist as shit and no one cared........aargh.

If someone called you a Jap don't let it be okay, kick them in the fucking balls.

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a simple "fuck you," followed by fleeing was all i had in me. unfortunately this jap does not know any karate and did not think he could have taken on 3 black dudes by mere puglisism alone. the n word almost slipped out.

england, i have noticed too that some black people have been liberally making racial comments towards white people. i personally don't thinks it's really fair...

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a simple "fuck you," followed by fleeing was all i had in me. unfortunately this jap does not know any karate and did not think he could have taken on 3 black dudes by mere puglisism alone. the n word almost slipped out.

england, i have noticed too that some black people have been liberally making racial comments towards white people. i personally don't thinks it's really fair...

4 black guys attempted to rob me in a movie theatre about 6 months ago. I had a knife in my back pocket and contemplated using it......alas, I imagined me pulling a knife, them pulling a gun, and me being fucked. Needless to say, racial slurs towards me were prevalent during the entire scenario.

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4 black guys attempted to rob me in a movie theatre about 6 months ago. I had a knife in my back pocket and contemplated using it......alas, I imagined me pulling a knife, them pulling a gun, and me being fucked. Needless to say, racial slurs towards me were prevalent during the entire scenario.

did you forget to take your butterknife out of your pocket this morning?

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when i was back in boarding school, i used to see fights which arised from racial prejudice; so what happened once was that this country boy made a comment on a korean -> "u fu**ing asian, why dont you go back to ur fu**ing shitty country"

all i saw at the end is the country boy lieing on the floor crying, and i heard the korean dude punched him till he fell then kicked him on the head

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when i was back in boarding school, i used to see fights which arised from racial prejudice; so what happened once was that this country boy made a comment on a korean -> "u fu**ing asian, why dont you go back to ur fu**ing shitty country"

all i saw at the end is the country boy lieing on the floor crying, and i heard the korean dude punched him till he fell then kicked him on the head

Apu - I have been meaning to ask you. Is that an enormous blurred ass in your avatar?

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SoCal is really disgustingly racially charged in ways that I can't understand, according to people I know who live there/have lived there.

Bakersfield is basically a KKK campground with white picket fences and perfectly manicured lawns, according to a friend who grew up there and couldn't wait to move out.

as far as some issues at hand:

white people who seriously think the term cracker is offensive and on par with the word nigger are crazy. until you can produce some historical facts and figures illustrating the pain of the thousands of white people who were lynched, drawn and quartered, and burned to death while an angry mob called them 'cracker', i say please shut the fuck up and take it like a man. it is the most dignified and respectable thing you can do, besides realizing that institutionalized racism and white privelige still exists in this country and trying to work against that. so, if your biggest concern is being called a 'cracker', you've got your priorities very mixed up. i'd rather have to deal with being

called something as innocuous and non-charged as cracker than have to deal with some of the shit i've dealt with in my life that stemmed solely from my race/ethnicity.

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SoCal is really disgustingly racially charged in ways that I can't understand, according to people I know who live there/have lived there.

Bakersfield is basically a KKK campground with white picket fences and perfectly manicured lawns, according to a friend who grew up there and couldn't wait to move out.

as far as some issues at hand:

white people who seriously think the term cracker is offensive and on par with the word nigger are crazy. until you can produce some historical facts and figures illustrating the pain of the thousands of white people who were lynched, drawn and quartered, and burned to death while an angry mob called them 'cracker', i say please shut the fuck up and take it like a man. it is the most dignified and respectable thing you can do, besides realizing that institutionalized racism and white privelige still exists in this country and trying to work against that. so, if your biggest concern is being called a 'cracker', you've got your priorities very mixed up. i'd rather have to deal with being

called something as innocuous and non-charged as cracker than have to deal with some of the shit i've dealt with in my life that stemmed solely from my race/ethnicity.

so by this logic, since black people suffered (no denying this) at the hands of an older white generation, white people have to "shut the fuck up and take it like a man." if this is so, since my asian ancestors had virtually nothing to do with the slavery in america, can i say the n word in retaliation if i am racially slandered 1st?

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Christ, everything else aside, cracker is like the weakest 'insult' I've ever heard. It's basically not even an insult it's so weak. No black person would give a shit about being called any variation of the n-words if it was as dangerously mild as cracker is and had as little historical connotations.

i totally feel you, but i just don't think (no matter how "weak" of an insult or what atrocities that have occurred ) that any racial slurs should be condoned. i know i sound like a hypocrite because i'm asking if i would be justified in saying a racial slur in retaliation (i would never just say it at first that is and haven't actually ever used one).

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so by this logic, since black people suffered (no denying this) at the hands of an older white generation, white people have to "shut the fuck up and take it like a man." if this is so, since my asian ancestors had virtually nothing to do with the slavery in america, can i say the n word in retaliation if i am racially slandered 1st?

no, you're mixing up two threads of my argument.

the 'white people shut the fuck up' part is about how ridiculous it is to me that people get up in arms over the word cracker. it has no violent history behind it, it is incredibly weak as an insult beyond it being racial, and it just doesn't have any of the built-in sting that words like 'nigger' and 'jap' do.

the other side of my argument is that the word nigger is loaded, completely volatile.

and, this should (theoretically) preclude anyone from using it, regardless of whether or not their ancestors were directly responsible for enslaving a black man/woman.

does this justify what happened to you? no. wasn't supposed to.

in your case, i'd say that you should handle yourself in whatever way is honest to you. everyone should admit that sometimes, things happen that make you have racist attitudes. and that's okay- all this modern american bullshit colorblindness is really just a poor way of disguising how fucked up things still are for ALL minorities in this country, black, asian, hispanic, etc.

Edit: I don't condone the use of the word cracker as anything but something to put some fruit jelly on, but I do stand by the fact that it doesnt have the same implications as historically volatile words like nigger, jap, spic, etc.

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I don't use them but I have had them used against me.

One time this little black girl told me to go back to Korea, even though i'm not Korean.

One time these black dudes were calling this indian guy at work Osama and he said shut up you "nnnnnniggg" and they said "go ahead and say it and see what happens." See that type of stuff pisses me off about the leniency that blacks get in America. See you could say "jap" to a japanese american but you don't have to worry about being physically assaulted or possibly beat up (in general).

And then another time this filipino dude at my university called my friend the "n" word for some odd reason. It was surreal cause up until that point I'd never actually heard anyone throw that word at someone.

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in order for white dominance to be fully eradicated, the statuse of the white race must be eliminated. there are no definitions to being "white", as it is a process of becoming that many immigrants (read: the irish, italians, jews, and soon enough many asians, some latinos, and other honorary whites within the "black" population) eventually work toward the less foreign and more socially privileged they become. to me, to be white simply means to not be black. the dominant paradigm must be subverted by probing what it means to be white, and not simply adopting a colorblind attitude toward race. (note, im not speaking of race biologically, anyone with half a wit knows there is not superiority within race groups what concerns genetics, but socio-politically there are fundamental differences/privileges that are entirely economically and ideologically driven.

i think onemancult is right, the term cracker is far less severe than the term nigger. nigger is subversive, where as cracker is a word of resistence to that said subversive. as stated, it doesnt have a loaded history of violence behind the word.

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SoCal is really disgustingly racially charged in ways that I can't understand, according to people I know who live there/have lived there.

Bakersfield is basically a KKK campground with white picket fences and perfectly manicured lawns, according to a friend who grew up there and couldn't wait to move out.

as far as some issues at hand:

white people who seriously think the term cracker is offensive and on par with the word nigger are crazy. until you can produce some historical facts and figures illustrating the pain of the thousands of white people who were lynched, drawn and quartered, and burned to death while an angry mob called them 'cracker', i say please shut the fuck up and take it like a man. it is the most dignified and respectable thing you can do, besides realizing that institutionalized racism and white privelige still exists in this country and trying to work against that. so, if your biggest concern is being called a 'cracker', you've got your priorities very mixed up. i'd rather have to deal with being

called something as innocuous and non-charged as cracker than have to deal with some of the shit i've dealt with in my life that stemmed solely from my race/ethnicity.

Come on man; we have never really had a quip before, but that is just absurd.

So let me get this straight: working against institutionalized racism and white privilege involves intentionally allowing white people to be run down and ridiculed? Basically, we should 'take it like a man' when confronted with racial slurs and blatant racism because we weren't "lynched" in the past? Um.........

I don't give two shits if someone I know calls me 'cracker' or 'dickface' or anything else for that matter. It is not that the word itself is offensive, it is the fact that IT IS a racial slur (no matter how 'severe' or relavent it may be) and people of other races know that when they are using it they are intentionally saying something demeaning towards a white person. I don't care at all if you don't find it offensive, I DO. Just as many black people don't find the word 'nigger' offensive when distributed amongst themselves. But all of a sudden, when a non-black says it it is ass-whooping time? You are looking at it in entirely the wrong way.

I am sorry my friend, but the whole "people who have historically suffered should get special privileges" argument is absolute bullshit. Using your logic, any group of peoples who has been persecuted in the past should be entitled to use of racial or other slurs and condescending attitudes towards any races/peoples other than their own? So let's get this straight: Jews (who suffered infinitely more than blacks) should hate whites and are entitled to direct racials slurs their way because of what the Germans did to them? Chinese should hate the Japanese because of what they did to them? Where does the cycle end? When is it acceptable to disregard the past and look at things as they are NOW. If you want to make things equal than practice what you preach. If racial slurs can't be directed towards blacks then they cannot, no matter how minimal they are, be directed towards whites or any other race for that matter. It goes completely against establishing equality.

It makes me pretty sick to know that whilst I had a an arm wrapped around my throat and three black guys heckling the aggressor on as they reached in my pocket grabbing what they could find whilst saying "you like that you cracker fuck" that onemancult thinks I should have bucked up and "taken it like a man." Makes me real fucking sick.

Regarding historical facts; you want a modern application?: Did you know that institutionalized racism and black privilege are an essential part of modern South Africa? Did you know that thousands of white families have systematically been kicked off of their land, murdered, robbed and beaten? I lived in Egypt, India, China, and many other countries and I won't even begin to tell you how white people are intentionally treated differently. Sure, it is not nearly as severe as slavery, but it happens, and there is no excuse for it. I am fucking sick of white people being run down and force-fed submission because of what happened in America 200-fucking-years ago. If you want to make a logical argument you would say: racism is still prevalent today and is most often directed towards blacks. Slavery has nothing to do with it. We are in 2006, there is no more slavery.

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Fair enough england, but I think you're taking my points to logical extremes that I don't even dare tread.

Working against institutionalized racism has nothing to do with my feelings about the slur 'cracker', the two are completely separate spheres that I purposefully tried to keep apart. The only point I tried to make is that I don't feel the word 'cracker' is as insulting as other racial slurs, for reasons I already stated.

All your points are salient: when does it end? Gee, I don't know- but do you really think it is so easy to force the entire world to look at things as they are now? I mean, considering how things truly are now, would you really expect all of a sudden letting bygones be bygones to produce any positive steps towards amelioration of race relations across the world? The past stings, and continues to sting for long after.

I will give you this, that many people use the past as a crutch, but not everyone does-

it is much too complicated of a history of human abuses perpetrated against other humans to simply think that we should all say "fuck the holocaust, fuck slavery, fuck it all- let's be pals... or, at least, let's give it a shot."

None of my comments dictate whom should hate whom, but do many Chinese still hate the Japanese? Do many Jews still live with the burden of the holocaust? Touching upon one of your other points, do many white south african farmers secretly, maybe even collectively, curse the black africans that destroyed their lives? Yes, yes, yes.

And, of course, I don't think this should be. But history is never really history, and this is a reality across the world.

Do I think people who have suffered historically deserve special priveliges? No. Do I think people that are still suffering deserve special priveliges? Yes. Does that include leeway to project racism onto others? No. I specifically edited a comment to state that I don't condone the use of the word cracker, and have honestly never used it against anyone in my lifetime, I merely feel that it doesn't carry the same ideological bombast as other racial slurs.

I don't think what I said about 'bucking up and taking it like a man' extends to cover being mugged, and hopefully you were just using hyperbole for the sake of your argument.

I think our perspectives are probably very, very tied to our experiences and our personal identities, so let's not let this turn into a random back and forth argument over something neither one of us can individually solve.


[edit...hmmm gay porn + leeching images=gone]

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Fair enough england, but I think you're taking my points to logical extremes that I don't even dare tread.

Working against institutionalized racism has nothing to do with my feelings about the slur 'cracker', the two are completely separate spheres that I purposefully tried to keep apart. The only point I tried to make is that I don't feel the word 'cracker' is as insulting as other racial slurs, for reasons I already stated.

All your points are salient: when does it end? Gee, I don't know- but do you really think it is so easy to force the entire world to look at things as they are now? I mean, considering how things truly are now, would you really expect all of a sudden letting bygones be bygones to produce any positive steps towards amelioration of race relations across the world? The past stings, and continues to sting for long after.

I will give you this, that many people use the past as a crutch, but not everyone does-

it is much too complicated of a history of human abuses perpetrated against other humans to simply think that we should all say "fuck the holocaust, fuck slavery, fuck it all- let's be pals... or, at least, let's give it a shot."

None of my comments dictate whom should hate whom, but do many Chinese still hate the Japanese? Do many Jews still live with the burden of the holocaust? Touching upon one of your other points, do many white south african farmers secretly, maybe even collectively, curse the black africans that destroyed their lives? Yes, yes, yes.

And, of course, I don't think this should be. But history is never really history, and this is a reality across the world.

Do I think people who have suffered historically deserve special priveliges? No. Do I think people that are still suffering deserve special priveliges? Yes. Does that include leeway to project racism onto others? No. I specifically edited a comment to state that I don't condone the use of the word cracker, and have honestly never used it against anyone in my lifetime, I merely feel that it doesn't carry the same ideological bombast as other racial slurs.

I don't think what I said about 'bucking up and taking it like a man' extends to cover being mugged, and hopefully you were just using hyperbole for the sake of your argument.

I think our perspectives are probably very, very tied to our experiences and our personal identities, so let's not let this turn into a random back and forth argument over something neither one of us can individually solve.


[edit...hmmm gay porn + leeching images=gone]

Aha haha. Truce only because of the beautiful picture you had done of us.

I understand your argument and apologize for getting heated. It was not directed towards you but is something that I get passionate about because many people fail to see that there is not any one group receiving unfair treatment, but that everyone suffers from racism (though it may be at different levels).

The only thing I don't understand is how you can think any racial slur is less severe than another. I mean come on, I don't even know what the hell 'Cracker' ACTUALLY means, but I know that it is meant to be derogatory. Just as 'kike' is towards a Jew. Do I know where it came from? No. Do I know that when I am saying it it is an insult? Yes. Just as anyone who says 'Cracker' or 'Honky' knows that when they say those words, no matter however 'light' or 'friendly' the context they put it in was (I have had black people call me "white boy" and "cracker" in an intentionally friendly way), it is meant to be a categorization, and a negative one at that, of the caucasian race.

Now take "white boy" for instance. I am white and I am a boy right (well, the boy part is arguable)? Then why is it that if I called someone "black boy" that I would be seen as a wannabe slave master? Weird isn't it?

Actually, now that I looked into it for curiosity's sake, take a look at these stubs from Wikipedia:

Usage of the term "cracker" generally differs from "hick" and "hillbilly" because crackers reject or resist assimilation into the dominant culture, while hicks and hillbillies theoretically are isolated from the dominant culture. In this way, the cracker is similar to the redneck. In the African American community, "cracker" is a disparaging term for whites.
Historically the word suggested poor, white rural Americans with little formal education.
A delicious, wheat or flour concoction often covered in salt and served on soups or with cheese.........mmmmm

Clearly, it is along the lines of "hick" or "redneck," both of which are unacceptable and very derogatory.

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Strange, I didn't know there were different human races, only different types of ethnics....or I might be wrong....but, last time I checked my biology book we all had 46 chromosomes...

I like it, changing the world on super future,....

You may need to consult your dictionary my friend. There are no "different human races;" that is an oxymoron in and of itself. There are, however, different races amongst humans.

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