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Bling is Dead design


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And this is to be marketed toward....street fashion? I think you might be preaching to the wrong crowd.

Maybe Leonardo should have rocked it in his upcoming movie "Blood Diamond" with some AF1s. :)

he can wear it to the after party for the movie at Club Na where his good buddy Qtip will spin hip hop classics and afrobeat

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And this is to be marketed toward....street fashion? I think you might be preaching to the wrong crowd.

Maybe Leonardo should have rocked it in his upcoming movie "Blood Diamond" with some AF1s. :)

Nothing like protesting slavery and genocide on your chest while wearing child slavery and economic hegemony on your feet.

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What does Africa have to do with anything?

The short of it; blood diamonds. The majority of diamonds come from Africa. The money from their sale is used to fund wars. It gets much more interesting when you also involve DeBeers and their control of over 50% of the market.

As for the design, I don't like it. I do, however, greatly appreciate the thought that is behind it.

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The short of it; blood diamonds. The majority of diamonds come from Africa. The money from their sale is used to fund wars. It gets much more interesting when you also involve DeBeers and their control of over 50% of the market.

but... the shirt doesn't convey that message well at all. even though it tried to.

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And this is to be marketed toward....street fashion? I think you might be preaching to the wrong crowd.

Maybe Leonardo should have rocked it in his upcoming movie "Blood Diamond" with some AF1s. :)

I think street fashion is just as guilty of buying into the bling mentality as any other fashion. Case in point Nigo and Pharrell, street fashion's posterb boys. And the fact is just as many Africans are exploited for the the diamonds in their teeth as there are Asians for the cheap labor for Bape. Whether you rock Crooks & Castles or a "Bling is Dead" tee you're still sending a message.

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