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posting a wish list sounds pretty pointless

cause it's not like someone will see my list and say

"hey, that dude wants a pair of levi's fenom so i should buy him one

for christmas."

i want


-acronym stuff

-steven alan shirts

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-a hot girlfriend like those seen gallavanting around Omotesando and Aoyama, who also has a brain

-an Aston DB9 Volante in navy/navy/robin's egg leather+mahogany interior, to ogle while in my garage; and then a maroon Prius to actually drive when feeling guilty (most of the time)

-a panini press

-AIDS medication for all

-the death of certain individuals *cough*Dick Cheney (w/ Condi in a backpack baby carrier), Donald Rumsfeld, John Ashcroft, Kim Jong Il, my boss at work, et al*cough*

-my own sidewalk cafe with a cutely-dressed staff, where I get to serve a recreation of my favorite now-gone cafe's grapefruit/avocado green salad and grapefruit shandy on the side... maybe have a big glass patisserie rack inside full of mini cakes and tarts to keep panties wet...

-a beagle

-a time machine so I could jump back to March 7th, 2004 everyday, forever

-a time machine that aged raw denims perfectly

-a time machine so I forget about having birthdays and getting old, forever

-for my laundry to do itself, perfectly

-another beer because I've run out and the convenience store is a block away

-the appearance of perfect pho tai with all of the trimmings upon the mere click of my fingers

-to be able to score xcoldricex and Carl-like bargains on clothes I like :(

-peace in the middle east (and far east)

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