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If I Stole It, Here's How I Might Have Done It


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small shit, like canned goods, kitchen knives, potato chips, etc.

shopping at night at stopnshop when theres not alot of people there, i go to the self-checkout line and sneak a few things past the laser. havent done it in a while, but i do it once every so often

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once upon a time, in a far away land, little red wanted a certain type of mass produced popcorn served in little bags like chips are. he asked his mommy and daddy if he could have it but they said "no, its much too expensive." undeterred little red decided to open it up and eat it. so he did. though he enjoyed the snack, he couldnt finish the entire bag, so he rolled it up and put it back on the store shelf. the next day, little reds tummy was empty so he decided to go back to the store and finish the bag of popcorn. this time though, he brought a friend to share this rare pleasure with. once they finished eating the bag, thinking no one had seen, they left the store with the swagger of a man with nothing to lose. then a man and a woman ran out of the store and called for little red and his friend. they were taken to the surveilence room.....

and so goes the story of how little red learned of security cameras.

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