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Design opinion?

Guest DUM

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Hey SF, this is the newest tee design I've made. Wondering about your guys' opinion. I willll be printing it. I understand it's a bit offensive (depending on who's wearing...like all race stuff)

Don't think it needs much explanation but: smaller dude is a personification of Hip Hop and the whole image is a flip of Incredible Hulk #1.

Here are the rest of my designs so far if you guys dont remember:




None printed yet because I am poor.


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All music related:

1st = beatles - lucy in the sky with diamonds + me just watching V for Vendetta and having a crush on Natalie Portman

2nd = A Tribe Called Quest - Infamous Date Rape + one of my favorite X-men covers

3rd = Bad Brains- fearless vampire killers

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i totally get what that first shirt is saying, but i think it'll need a lot of explanation.

on top of which, let's be honest, the people who would probably jump on that shirt are

the people who don't recognize the issue you're trying to bring to people's minds. not only don't they recognize it, it's a part of their lifestyle, a part of their outlook on life, etc.

but, i think it is definitely a dope image. call up mass appeal and tell them if they're ever doing an article on the current state of hip hop, you've got the perfect graphic for them.

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I think the design looks good, but I don't know if a t-shirt is the right place for it. Most people would only see the design for few seconds and completely miss your message.

About the design itself, I think the word "coons" on the cap is pushing it. I think the "N" chain and the gollywog in the back conveys the message well enough for the people who get it. Otherwise your message becomes extremely redundant or some people will just see this tee as plain offensive.

It's better to keep social commentary subtle when dealing with potentially sensitive issues.

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I think the design looks good, but I don't know if a t-shirt is the right place for it. Most people would only see the design for few seconds and completely miss your message.

About the design itself, I think the word "coons" on the cap is pushing it. I think the "N" chain and the gollywog in the back conveys the message well enough for the people who get it. Otherwise your message becomes extremely redundant or some people will just see this tee as plain offensive.

It's better to keep social commentary subtle when dealing with potentially sensitive issues.

agreed. i also thought the coons was excessive- and yes a different form of media would be more appropriate in my opinion as i really don't know who'd wear that on a shirt, even if it was to make a statement.

if they don't get it with the giant gollywog, then they're just... well dumb. dope hulk concept :)

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Pen tool.

Spaghetti, I haven't seen the movie. I was basing it off the Bad Brains song, The image is from another X-men cover (when Storm becomes a vampire).

Berget, in my opinion hip hop is transforming into a bunch of ignorant black people dancing around for your entertainment. Like the old Minstrel shows

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the coon things annoys me cause its kind of ambiguous and irresponsible

you may have an explanation but i don't think the image is clear enough in whatever it is saying so it initially evokes annoyance in me border line offense I would never wear that event when i was an angry teenager i wouldn't have worn it

I like the Kitty pride shirt with the type behind it plus that's one of my favorite X men covers

the other two designs are not my cup of tea but keep up the good work

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i think the image is perfectly clear- if you understand the references and have seen at least one mainstream rap video in the last 5 years... what's not to get? i don't see how you can say the use of coon is ambiguous when there is a gigantic hulk-sized gollywog in the back. but yeah, i just think it doesn't really add to the image/message.

and well, i don't see how you're going to attach an explanation to a tshirt. as someone else said, i think that particular image would be proper in an article about the current state of hiphop.

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i think the image is perfectly clear- if you understand the references and have seen at least one mainstream rap video in the last 5 years... what's not to get? i don't see how you can say the use of coon is ambiguous when there is a gigantic hulk-sized gollywog in the back. but yeah, i just think it doesn't really add to the image/message.

and well, i don't see how you're going to attach an explanation to a tshirt. as someone else said, i think that particular image would be proper in an article about the current state of hiphop.

sso the historically the Sambo is an image used to make fun and ridicule African features in a time where that was considered acceptable and commonplace

Hip hop in itself is not the end all and be all of black culture in fact it could be argued that hip hop has been co opted by alot of other races and culture with everybody bringing in there own definition and ideas

so we got Sambo and a quote and the words coons i think its inflammatory and i think whatever statement dude is trying to make could be taken a number of ways

at at the end of the end of the day anybody wearing that shirt might need to defend there supposed view point

Not really trying to debate your opinion of hip hop or what you think it is just giving feedback on a design and as an artist i think don't think the image does a good job of anything but being inflamatory and offensive and its not executed very well

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see, now, after reading DUM's explanation, i think the shirt is fucking stupid, because if that's what you're trying to get at, you obviously don't understand the history of the Sambo image, nor the depth of black culture, nor the reasons why rap music has become what it is, and therefore, shouldn't be making any statements about any of the three.

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see, now, after reading DUM's explanation, i think the shirt is fucking stupid, because if that's what you're trying to get at, you obviously don't understand the history of the Sambo image, nor the depth of black culture, nor the reasons why rap music has become what it is, and therefore, shouldn't be making any statements about any of the three.

be nice

he can be stupid and uninformed and if he can make a doller off if it god bless amercia

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