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Its been just over a year since i quit smoking anything, yeah, every now and then I want to just to keep my hands busy, and have that nice feeling. Fuckdenim, yeah a cigarette after exercise is the best of the day, probly is the worst time to smoke though. If you want to gain muscle- quit - and you'll just gain. a stone. Due to my metabolism smoking makes me very skinny and at the mo im happy how i am, doing sports and stuff. It wasnt too hard to quit, I ate a lot, played guitar a lot, and learnt to juggle amongst other distractions..... ( denim! ).

Yeah "have you got a light?" is an easy ice breaker, but every now and then they'll answear "no, i dont smoke; thank you very much" which is a shitta.

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Well last year some salaryman in Tokyo was walking and smoking and the cig stabbed a young girl in the eye causing her to go blind. It became a huge media spectacle...I suppose this and a host of other "things wrong with Japan that we must change using silly policies and ill-conceived program" are at work with the local govt.

Absolutely fascinating.

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Haha. The cig blinding incident also reminds me of the revolving door incident two years ago as well. Basically automatic revolving doors are banned in Tokyo now because one in Roppongi Hills crushed a young kid to death. Apparently the kid was too short for the infared sensor on the ceiling to detect the child, so it kept revolving crushing the child to death. This became a huge deal, so most revolving doors have been replaced. It's sad but also ironic considering how the automation which contributed to the child's death was originally intended to make things more efficient. The whole spectacle is very Japanese.

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nothing better than a good smoke. i don't care what people around me think. I LOVE IT. i have a friend who insists on wearing a 'there are cooler ways to die' t-shirt whenever we hang out. been trying to use my pipe more, but the thing stinks. for now the rotation is dunhill lights and cheap parlis (soft pack). the fact that you can't smoke inside restaurants and bars really pisses me off.

a bit off topic but anyone know where i could get dunhill lights (white bevel edge box with red badge)? i've bought a few carts online but they have a white filter instead of the yellow cork style filter. for some odd reason no place carries those dunhills anymore! i've had to settle for the king size dunhill lights international, and parlis :(

i heard the beveled edge dunhill packs were cheaper, chinese versions that are less expensive and lower quality in comparison to the wide gold box.

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i bike about 20mi a day...and i.m embarrassed to admit that i smoke almost a pack a day....tryna cut down but i have this shitty conditioning of smoking after a nice, long ride...kinda like how people smoke after they eat....perhaps it counters itself. *shrug

i know a lot of people who smoke instantly after hard excercise. i think the smoke hits more because the lungs are more open. so...more of that nicotine head rush like the first stick in the morning.

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