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need some help and advices. I have dressing issues.


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So there are a couple of times every year where I actually have to dress up a little bit and every time I have a hard time making an outfit due to limited resources and after each time I seem to forget all about it until the next time..

I am trying to find something to wear and not too dressy (I don't really have any more dressed up stuff anyways)

my situation is like this:

I don't really have any dressy shoes. closest is different wallabees I guess..

I would prefer to wear jeans with the jacket as I don't really have any nice pants..

The jacket is a dark shiny grey.

Which shirts do you think can be worn with this jacket?

Do I need to loose the tie?

should the jacket be buttoned or unbuttoned?

And yeah, I am getting a black belt I think.

No, I can't make a tie knot :o but I will get this fixed.

Some people have told me they think the jacket is too short for me but it might have something to do with me wearing my jeans pretty low.

I'll post a picture of some of my other wallys later on if you might think some other wallys could go better with the outfit than the ones I am wearing in the pictures..

Really hope some of you classy dressers can give me some advice or tips as I am really not a dresser for more formal occasions..

So here are the pictures..Don't really know how I am feeling about any of this but time is getting short..! would be nice with some feedback holler :cool:








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slimmer jeans, slimmer shoes (chelsea boots would work, so would a chuck taylor/vans type sneaker)

tie is ok, loosen it a bit though since you are wearing jeans.

wear the white shirt and the jacket looks fine buttoned or not when standing, but it should be unbuttoned when sitting.

it also seems like you are showing too much sleeve and it looks like the shirt is french cuff. you should just get button cuff.

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slimmer jeans, slimmer shoes (chelsea boots would work, so would a chuck taylor/vans type sneaker)

tie is ok, loosen it a bit though since you are wearing jeans.

wear the white shirt and the jacket looks fine buttoned or not when standing, but it should be unbuttoned when sitting.

it also seems like you are showing too much sleeve and it looks like the shirt is french cuff. you should just get button cuff.

first off, thanks for a nice and constructive reply.

the sad but true story is that I do not own any slimmer jeans than that.. I am not even sure if my tighs would fit i.e dior 19 cm. Funny thing is that whenever I look myself in the mirror, they ALWAYS look slimmer than pictured.. :(

Maybe I'll go look for another pair of slimmer jeans or pants.

About the shoes, I have a pair of all black vans chukkas somewhere that I was thinking of trying on even though I am pretty sure those wallys pictured are just as slim (if not even slimmer) though they have a more squared toe than the chukkas.

Yes, you are right it's french cuffs and I wasn't really thinking of the sleeve as I just rushed it so I'd make it in time before the self-timer of doom, the part I am most hesitant about that shirt though is the enormous collars..

(put on a belt)

yup, I will.

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I realize this doesn't help your present situation, but I think you should invest in some dress clothes. If this is a formal event, the jeans and the shoes make the outfit look REALLY casual. Even a pair of cheap black dress shoes from payless would do wonders towards making this more put-together looking.

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you are right thorns. I should invest in some dress clothes. but at the moment I dont really have the money for it as I see it. It's not a wedding or anything and I am pretty sure I won't be the most underdressed person at the party but I get your point. Though it's not going to happen that I go out and buy a pair of cheap and shitty dress shoes just for this particular evening. Not that it's impossible to find cheap and decent dress shoes but I just don't have the time now. I might try to do a little more search but where I live has limited options. Thanks for the reply though, I appreciate and understand you :)

Kixslf, what's a "sliq"? I do have an H&M where I live. I was thinking I might go and take a look at the viktor & rolf trousers or any of the others if they have them left and in my size. Could a pair of black trousers go with that grey jacket??

On a sidenote to Thorns, I looked at the viktor & rolf dress shoes but none of them were my size unfortunatley.

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depending on how much time you have, you might consider heading to a thrift store for some dress shoes. i have seen tons of great shoes that are mostly in excellent condition for a fraction of what you would pay even at payless. check out some of cheap's posts for proof.

also, personally i would stay away from shirts that are too busy. the dark denim and the shine of the jacket is enough. i think a busy/dark shirt with the jacket is a bit off balance and overpowering. a slim white shirt with the dark tie would be great.

my $.02

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agree with coldrice.

your jacket is WAY too shiny. wear a belt. wallabies just scream casual...

if this is a formal event, consider the word formal. i've never been a blazer wearer, but the jacket you're wearing is too contrasting with the casual jeans to be able to pull it off at a formal event. if you're refusing to ditch the garb, quick fix is better shoes, slimmer more dressier shoes (but not like suit shoes), long term, just get a suit.

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it really depends on the formality of the event. its hard for me to picture any event called formal that I'd be comfortable wearing that outfit to. not to be too critical, but i'd say thats more of a bar outfit than a formal event outfit.

i'd say a safe bet is go to the gap and pick up a pair of slacks/non shiney blazer/shirt for less than $100 combined. then go grab a pair of dress shoes. wallys can't be done to a formal event. try for something with a leather sole if possible.

again, its really personal. if its the type of event that you won't get kicked out of for your attire, and you're comfortable being underdressed, who cares. if you arent comfortable in what you're wearing and think its disrespecting your host, you're better off spending a little loot.

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