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Good school bag/ messenger bag


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I'm looking for an earth-toned messenger bag that I could use for school. But that doesn't mean it has to be huge, just big enough for a binder or two to fit in. Any brands to look up? Websites? Headporter bags would be perfect except I live in Korea and I dont know of any place that sells them here.

Any suggestions? Thanks.

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Theres tons of fake Porter around Seoul (fake Porters were big a few years ago I think), and probably a couple real ones at the small hypebeast-y stores in Apkujung around Rodeo street. Those stores have the usual Stussy, Supreme, etc gear too if you're into that. There's some stores in Myongdong with the same stuff.

Have you been out looking at what's out there? Doesn't sound like you're too picky but then again there's not a lot of variation out there in this city. Uniqlo or Muji might even suffice for your needs?

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Yup I have checked those hypebeasty stores in Rodeo. In fact I live about 5 mins from rodeo street and chill their almost on a weekly basis haha. They don't really hvae a great selection of bags. And the few they have are overpriced.

I haven't had the chance to check out the Uniqlo store in Korea. What are the prices like? Do they have a large selection? Never head of Muji before, checking it out as I type...

You seem to live in Seoul?? Where do you live, if you don't mind me asking? I didn't think there would be a lot of Seoulites on here.

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acronym bags are great but of course pricey, so depends on what you want to spend.

please use the search, theres a ton of topics on bags:





and many more.

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if you can hold out a few months my close friend's brand PANGEA will have their bags ready for public consumption... I had a hand in the design and let me tell you they are SIMPLY AMAZING...

his first series of shoes will also release... and NO, they are not on the SB/AF1 jockriding tip... a very stylish casual shoe...

that's PANGEA.. keep your eyes open.

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I'm not coming here to promote anything..

I won't post pictures just to keep me from advertising, simply pointing out that if he's looking for a good messanger bag that the pangea bags are going to be nice.

there is plenty of info about them out right now, and they are getting decent distribution as it sits...

I also like what headporter has been doing, so they might be an option...

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I typed "Pangea bags" and "Pangea shoes" into google, and unless your friend is into all sorts of crazy vegan stuff then I can't find shit about it. So no dice

On the bag tip, yes, Acronym is incredible, but hard to find and pricey (although, if you're willing to pay the price, I can get hold of one). Other good messenger bag (and I'm talking -real- messenger bags here), check out the staples of bike messenger: RE:load, Chrome and Timbuk2. Quite customisable, colourwise and otherwise, and well priced. Oh, and tough as shit

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Other good messenger bag (and I'm talking -real- messenger bags here), check out the staples of bike messenger: RE:load, Chrome and Timbuk2. Quite customisable, colourwise and otherwise, and well priced. Oh, and tough as shit

good picks, bike bags are dope

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