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wasnt ther supoiosed to be a thread on this?

i dont even know but i just wanna say some thi gz.

cheapymutherfuck has sweet ass jeans plus hes fucvkin cool, and I always thin he lookks like a way cooler jognny knoxbille.

denimdesetoryedmy life is hella cool that dude is like jeans guru and even though we have the same sign up dtae he has 10x as many posts as me.

polyrock is hella cool too, i dunno he's just chill or whatever and he has a ganguro girl as his avatar GROSS hahahahA!!!!!!

Chicken is fuckin sensei dude, seriously Im so hjealous of his japanese abilities I wish I could speak both. Myfukciokn girlfirend is Japamnese wtf.

anyway, I love superfuture, you guys are hella fucking cool, and I'm gonna keep showin love to those who deserveit. it's not me yet, but someday. I mean, my outfits are stilll ginored in WAYWT LOLL. but whatever, it's cvool. anyway guys, stay on the superhustle.


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Nothing is too hard after a couple of lagers.

true: causes, symptoms and risk factors for male impotence


Substance abuse includes beer, wine, whiskey, cigarettes, and the use of illegal drugs like marijuana, heroin, cocaine, PCP, LSD, and methadone. A 1991 study reported that men who smoked 20 cigarettes a day for five years were 15% more likely to develop blockages of the penile arteries than non-smokers; and those who smoked 20 cigarettes a day for 20 years were 72% more likely to have those arteries blocked.

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