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superliving: your room / closet / house / apartment


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so i'm also shopping for credenzas here are two options i'm thinking about




thoughts? i don't even know if these are knock offs or not. meaning i don't know if there was an original design these are copied off of or not. i just like how they look. any other ideas?

max price 2k

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i wish i was a furniture dude. They both are fine pieces but the all brown one gives me shag carpet vibe (it really is just the legs and color). But I am far from knowledgeable on furniture styles. The second one is amazing though.

Would kop if I could. But I gots to stick with Ikea prices.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Avoid everything at ikea thats not made of solid wood, most of their stuff is particle board. How do you know its made of wood? It weighs like a 100 lbs.

My Ikea Experience:

The drawers of their dressers that use thin 1/6th of an inch thick particle board will eventually bend and collapse from too much clothing.

Their media furniture cant handle heavy TVs, ht computer and large AV receivers. The particle boards start to sag and the metal legs start to bend despite the documented max weight load.

Their particle board veneer eventually peels depending on humidity, heat.

Their kitchen cabinets are really good and have a 10 year guarantee.

Kitchen utensils are all crap and prob leak dangerous chemicals into your food.

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  DaBestSpoona said:
Avoid everything at ikea thats not made of solid wood...

Quoted for truth.

I've had an alright experience with some Ikea furniture. Namely the tabletops (good for collapsible/movable tables), that low and long media center (has been holding a 42" LCD, a Wii, a PS3, and all my DVDs/BRDVDs/games w/o signs of stress for 3 years), and one of the straight-up wooden bookshelves.

And if you're a handy dude who digs the wood aesthetic, look into getting a copy of Autoprogettazione - a handful of plans for building cool furniture on a budget, and everything has a small cutlist.

I would go the quality over quantity route - avoid particleboard, and just buy what you can slowly. You'll save yourself cash in the long run.

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damn.. i'm having that problem with my dresser drawers sagging from weight right now. thanks for the responses. anything you'd recommend instead? i don't really know if there's anything at a similar price point, but higher quality?

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  koven said:
edit Got the curtains, computer, and internet/cable hooked up. Im not going for a total black/patrick bateman/bachelor look but there were no other curtain colors I was feeling. These ones are black on one side and white on the other so If I end up not liking black ill just swich them around.

Theres a few more things I need to figure out. Like where to mount a mirror and where to store my bike (dont want to store it on the balcony). What do do with the wires from the TV/Cable box. Im supposed to meet someone from craigslist tommorow to get an ottoman.


+rep for Ike Haxton on the Big Game

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Still not all settled in, so a few boxes and no where to have my cd's and such! And living with some friends so only pics of my room



Still looking for a new bed, the one I have is pretty plain and lame


Coat and dirty laundry setup


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  redX said:
their mid to top tier silverware is actually pretty good. i'm very satisfied with the DATA stuff

Restaurant wholesalers are the best for quality cheap silverware/dishware. You can walk out of one with everything you need for well under $100.

The only problem is you need a tax id (any kind of business) and some might have minimum purchase requirements (the few around me don't).

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