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top five reasons you hate urban outfitters


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  DJ_Flame said:

Word to the thoughts being put forth in this thread. Leggings only look good on eccentric indie-type chicks. If you dance to the latest Fall Out Boy, well fuck you and your leggings.

HERE, HERE! Totally agree.

And yeah, whoever started UO must be a marketing genius. When you hear pundits on CNNFN telling you to buy more stock in Urban Outfitters because its the "new craze all the kids are into these days" you know you need to stay away.

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As for the republican stuff, that's not a good enough reason for me not to shop there. I remember reading before that the head of UO is kind of an ass, and he's contributed to repubs something in the ballpark of $10-20k (if this is way low, let us know). That sucks, but I'd bet the guys/gals pulling the strings behind most large companies do the same. They're businesspeople, and businesspeople tend to favor the traditional party of hands-off regulation. Of course, it's a little more annoying when it's someone selling a certain lifestyle, but... meh. I'm all for bucking the system where possible, but I'm not nearly committed enough to track all the dollars I spend, from rent to cable to cars to clothes to food, and where they might end up. I'll leave that to the hippies.

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The biggest complaint I have about UO is the same problem I have with H&M. Although the clothes fit great a lot of times the material/quality is not the best.

Right now UO and H&M are the only "mall" stores that have smaller sizes for men. If you are shopping on a budget and are looking for jeans <size 30 waist and/or tops <=36 inch chest UO is one of the only options.

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urban outfitters lets the employees have input in to what the store carries and pays for them to go to concerts and cultural events. plus they only hire the cool kids.

i might buy a UO shirt and keep in storage, until enough time has past for it to become kitschy and ironic. then i will don it and have my revenge on all kitschy and ironic shirts.

we all need money. if you can make money by ripping off hipster douchbags, more power to you.

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I still like the fact that they stock some parcel bags. I also like the fact that they are moving fashion forward >:3... even though it's at the cost of indie/hipster looks today, it's challenging the truly hip to not be stagnant and move along with new styles.

::start of mini rant:: It's a post-modern world baby, everything's gotta be commodified and adopted/"stolen" by the masses sometime or another. Look at Japan, they wear their shit out of context left and right, from mod to punk to what have you and now they've come up with some of the newest most awesome stuff out there.

I have now grown out of urban outfitters, but I can't discredit them of the part they've played in my growth as a superfuturist. Plus, isn't it nice to feel better than the people who got their shit solely from Urban Outfitters?

  DJ_Flame said:
Ha, I got caught 2 years ago. Was let off with a conselling program.


No way! You're like, superstylish and spend so much money it seems. Oh the shame of being caught at an urban. And underwear??? get thee to superconfessional!

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are you serious? I dont really like urban outfitters but some of u need to take a better look at the WWYWT thread. 90% of what people are wearing in there look like shit Urban Outfitters would sell.

here are a few examples of what im talking bout....





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I disagree, Sphoxxx looks way better than anyone I've seen wearing UO stuff.

Of course you're going to be able to pick and choose a few outfits that look like they might be available at UO, but seriously, it's impossible not to look like that. I mean, UO sells jeans, right? T-shirts even?

Fuck, I must look like I shop at Urban Outfitters.

It's all about the fit.

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  thelion1856 said:
are you serious? I dont really like urban outfitters but some of u need to take a better look at the WWYWT thread. 90% of what people are wearing in there look like shit Urban Outfitters would sell.

here are a few examples of what im talking bout....


Hahaha that's me. I didn't buy that at urban outfitters, although I do love that hoodie. And I haven't been into urban outfitters in a long time so I don't know what they sell. Do they really sell striped hoodies like this? Cause I like the one i'm wearing.

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  ge0ffzilla said:
Hahaha that's me. I didn't buy that at urban outfitters, although I do love that hoodie. And I haven't been into urban outfitters in a long time so I don't know what they sell. Do they really sell striped hoodies like this? Cause I like the one i'm wearing.

i know thats exactly what im trying to say. Im not saying the U.O. style looks bad, its just how can u tell the difference?

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's no reason to get all pissy about the store. I don't like their trends but they sell good staples. Their house brand (BDG) heathered tees are mad soft and handle a ton of washes without losing quality. Also, their sales are great...cheap Levi's E and I got a dope Spiewak from tehre for like $50.

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it's almost like a thrift store for rich kids that are too cool to ever step foot inside a thrift store. here wear this fake vintage tee with these diesel jeans! whoa, thats so cutting edge, thanks uo!

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